I take it you never supported projects, such as this one, through kickstarter, patreon etc, only to come to the realization after years that you were being exploited?
I've backed dozens of Kickstarters and have yet to back one that later turned out to be a scam ----granted, some I backed in 2021 have still yet to fulfill the pledge 'but' there has been consistent communication and some items have made their way to backers [ie: PDFs, swag, etc]... there's a lot more checks and balances on Kickstarter to [try to] keep people honest.
Patreon though? That's the wild west in terms of money being exchanged for product, KS you're supporting the project to help it reach fruition whereas Patreon you're paying to sustain the creator in w/e endeavour they're undertaking.
Admittedly, I haven't backed a Patreon before but I imagine where it wildly differs from KS is that KS [is supposed to] end with a product, something to show for your money whereas Patreon is a black hole to throw money into and one day you
may receive something for your patronage but there's no [legal] impetus for the creator to do so.
Just my thoughts since this looked to be the hot topic of the last dozen or so pages, lol.