- Jul 15, 2018
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my MD just told me that the do0wnload was a trojan and it happened with the Mega link might want to check your link to make sure it wasn't hijacked and compromisedNah, we can both take a joke, and Bite Me thought it was pretty funny too. We both figure that if the name bug is the worst people are complaining about, and doing it in good humor, then we're off to a solid start with the project.
Should be safe. As far as I know you're the only person who has reported an issue downloading it.
A1 didn't have all the framework in place for infection and death yes. A2 will kill you, along with a set of progression scenes related to Infection so you can see yourself becoming sicker.
This is a very early build of the game, we've actually got a long list of new zombie that we intend to introduce over time. The goal being to increase the difficulty of the game over time so that the game becomes more dangerous as you, and your settlement, progress.
I don't like giving time frames for when something will be done with a project because you never know when something is going to hang up work in a certain area or a priority will shift that requires something else to be done first.
That said, considering we're planning to pirate the pregnancy code from my project Inheritance for this, so it's unlikely to have any significant code issues, and the fact that pregnancy progression is the number three item on my list at present, it is very likely that A3 will include at least some early pregnancy related scenes. I actually hope to do two small scenes per trimester for progression and a birth scene for A3, with the intent to flesh it out more in the build that follows. (Keep in mind, this isn't a promise it will make it for that build, just that it's currently on my list and that lacking any unexpected chaos I plan to be working on that kind of content for the next build.)
Very likely you have reached the end of Akane's content at present. A1 had five scenes for her. A2 adds a sixth scene for her and some supporting content for the character (Had hoped to write a couple more sex scenes for her, but the death and infection content was higher priority at the time and didn't quite get to it.)
A1 has one sex scene. A2 adds a second. You can expect a couple more in A3 as that's the top item on my to-do list at present for the project.
There is not currently any naughty art in the game, but the next time we commission art for the game we intend to commission at least one piece of lewd art.
Early in development, we talked a lot about how we wanted to focus our time, and we decided that we'd each choose one character and keep our attention on that character until their main story arc, and supporting content, was complete. My character is Akane, and her intro story is complete, but I still need to write some extra sex scenes for her, combat content, and pregnancy content for the character. Once I get that far, then I have a short list of characters I plan to offer to supporters in a poll, and then move to whoever people most want to see next. BiteMe has been more focused on the code side of the project so far, and has only written two scenes for a second character Katy at this time. They put together a cheat menu as well as a gallery mode this last build as well as a lot of back end stuff with the code. As the game's framework is completed, you can expect a lot more content from that front as well.
Short version: Two NPCs in the game so far. One with a full story arc, the other with early content. Expect the first to be fleshed out in the next build, and the other to have some new content to continue their story.
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