Currius is it possible to make lapis pregnant in the beginning of the game?
could see a lot of game changing options depending on how a kid from her turned out later in the game xD
No, but maybe in the future, probably closer to the end of the game though.
@FeyRing I've been (very) annoyed by Lightning, which hardly ever strikes on the map... You can't realistically expect players to ever find a thunder crystal, much less being struck by lightning.
You can actually get 2 Thunder Crystals for submitting a [GOOD] Chart to Aria during one of her quests. It's more manageable now that Mimics drop them too. There aren't that many uses for them.
So, random advice of the day: here's a simple script I wrote that you could use.
I will try this out, but keep in mind, this will increase the chance of you getting struck by Lightning and some people have complained about dying to that before.
Many more 'place on map at random' events could use the same treatment.
Other random generation events don't place stuff outside the borders, they keep cycling through tiles until they find an empty one. I just can't do that for Lightning since it will lag the game a lot. With other events it happens once a day on map loading rather than every few seconds.
PS: also, the hotkey binding needs be integrated in the regular, sortable item menu.
That would be nice but I have no idea how to even approach that... at least right now.
PPS: I forgot. I also edited the combo system. It was breaking when the 1st target dies (like, Equilibrium on Slimes). Now combos will search for the next target, if any is still alive:
This is amazingly useful, it has been bothering me that the combos breakoff if a mob is downed too. Thank you!
Some girls can have sex with other males, how to trigger such things?
Donate male Slaves to the Brothel. Or give Saffron a Slave during her Quest when she asks you to impregnate her, then she will always have a Slave in her home and will fuck him at random... you can even join in and spitroast her together where you choose to take fuck her in the mouth or the back.
If you have male Slaves in the Brothel and ignore Saffron for ~2 weeks (not have sex with her), she will start visiting the Brothel and you can sometimes even find her fucking a Slave there.
If Saffron starts visting the Brothel, you can get a special scene with her if you work there yourself when she comes in as your client.
You can forbid her to visit the Brothel but only if your Affection and Relationship is high enough... but she will start doing it again if you don't fuck her for two weeks.
You can't forbid her from fucking her Slave in her home though.
WHY is there this stupid 99 resource limiter when spending in the style of "20 for 1 thing, which will need 20 more next"?
There aren't that many recipes which require such high numbers. Though if there are specific Recipes which you feel are too much, I am open to hearing about them and potentially changing them
WHY can’t you make a quick exit from your house and fast travel
Fast travel is being worked on and will be available in the next major release (Version 0.2.0).
(make a difficult quest for this if you really want everyone to run and roll their eyes at the sight of your cool (FIRST HUNDRED TIMES) screensaver when moving)?
You can turn those sliding pictures off, there is an item called "Extra Options".
WHY are there so many machines with a bunch of INCONVENIENT recipes that you have to jump back and forth from machine to machine? For what?
There are hundreds of Recipes and I rework them from time to time. Some require cross-class crafting. If you think some recipes are too much, then I wouldn't mind hearing some examples, maybe they need a rework.
WHY is it impossible to make normal corners in the house and visible fields for installing machines, after all? And many more "WHY"?
You live in a boulder hut in a Goblin Village, having aquare corners is a luxury. There will be other player houses in the future, some of which will have better corners.
As for visible fields, I haven't come up with a way to make it look right in RPG Maker.
...Seriously, guys, how could you make the most beautiful game with the most awesome music and that's for almost everyone, stylistically already glossy, lovingly polished ... which is SO uncomfortable to play?
It's a work in progress. I have never made any games until now and have no programming knowledge. I'm fixing things up as I go. Unfortunately some things might be impossible to "fix" due to engine limitations. A lot of the QoL changes that exist where submitted by the player base.
I do plan to get my head around Ruby to improve the game through more custome scripts of my own, but it will likely happen closer to game completion when I start to really polish it up.
I only was able to capture 2-3 human beings, they seem to be limited number.
There is no limit, they have a ~30% to spawn once a day on most maps (when you first enter that map that day). They have a lower spawn chance during Rain and don't spawn at Night.
They spawn in random locations on the map, but are more likely to spawn along the Roads.
Is there a way to slow down the in-game clock? and also enable auto-run?
No... though maybe there could be a spell for it in the future. You can toggle Autorun using an Item in your inventory called "Sprint Toggle", you can even bind it to a specific Hotkey of your choice!
Aria has diary about "sex with others", is it implemented?
No. At the moment there is no way as she is kind of Prude. There might be ways to corrupt her in the future, I haven't decided on that yet.
...that damn Student which is the ONLY legit way to learn Agriculture. (Chests don't count)
What about buying the book from the Succubus NPC in the Brothel?
Like, no goblin in history EVER learnt how to pick up apples, much less cut down a tree.
They did mention that their dedicated Farmer eloped with one of the male slaves and left the house empty for you!
And now I realize I'm lacking both Bluebells and Lilies seeds for the new ores...
Bluebells have a set spawn location in a small meadow in Crystal Caverns. Lillies I still need to implement a dedicated spawn location for. But you can technically buy those potions from Aria at High Affection as well.
<- all you need is a script to keep track which seeds weren't unlocked, and a NPC or event...
The Randomness of Forest Plants is intentional, but all plants will also have a dedicated spawn location somewhere in game. I think Lillies and Lavander are the only ones left right now.
Where to find student and pumpkin witch?
Pumpkin Witch was voted to be the next story Heroine after the Hellhound, she is not in game yet.
EDIT: ( More posts came in while I was typing)
Black Garden has good efforts behind it, but setting aside the development speed there's a clear lack of QoL, borderline common sense sometimes.
Work in progress!
- obviously, when you pick a book to read at Aria's, you'd put the book back in the shelf if you've already read it... All the more when you're her assistant/husbando and you're the one taking care of the store on top of that.
I sort of agree on this and sort of don't at the same time. Since other people use her shelves too.
- this should also be obvious to any HM/RF player, and requires only 2 lines in the scripts:
I don't know how to write scripts in Ruby yet. But I wll add this in, thank you!