
Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
I vote for Izzie sucking BBC, it can evolve in interesting ways, of course I have posted on Bully and Reparation! but with another account that I am currently not allowed to use, I think the account was "Ugly bastard is the boss"
Gotcha yes. I remember you. Now your suggestions are starting to make sense as you were around with Bully.

i writing on idea that there will be a chapter 3,

Thanks for your suggestions I read through all of it. Yes, this is the balancing act. If there will be 40 chapters then it makes total sense to go at a snails pace. If there are only going to be 2 Chapters then people miss out on things. If there is only 1 Chapter it is a crime against humanity.

Your idea with Trish is interesting. There will definitely be a strange dynamic with Quaylon, his wife, and Trish. Somehow we will have to work it out.

Having Izzie just watch someone sucking BBC... this is interesting. It does make sense to me. But wow it is so slow. I am not normally known for going slow. But it's a good idea.

As for Marlena, is her story even with the family? Other than the brief interaction with her father saying his goodbyes, has she had any interaction with the MC, the mother or the twins? to my recollection she hasnt so i would say her story is with Lamondre.
This is a great example of how the first Chapter was so enormous that it's impossible to remember it all. Go back and just start the game one of the very earliest scenes was Marlena in the kitchen with the Mom talking about going to school that day.

Yes one of the things I intentionally put in was that "It makes some girls territorial" I.e., it makes Candy very protective of Lamondre but perhaps doesn't have this effect on all girls. Cause otherwise they would all be at war constantly.

Your idea of Marlena training Izzie is definitely interesting to me.

For Chapter 2, my ideas regarding the twins are the most fleshed out. In the past days it's definitely the aspect of Chapter 2 which has most of my focus. It's very clear to me where it's going and if Chapter 2 is released people will see it very clearly too.

-I want to see more of Izzie and her gradual transformation
Thanks for your feedback. Ok yes the consensus here definitely is that things should go slow with Izzie. Everyone does seem to be in agreement.

Yes I agree on bestiality I think the story already has too much going on so no need for it.

Gradual outfit changes for Izzie are an interesting one... Given that right now she's really showing nothing. Will have to think about that one. Right now the outfits in the game are at the extreme ends, either total whore or completely conservative.

- Not enough sex scenes between male/female characters for the number of renders. I hope this is just the case for Ch. 1 to tell the background story etc.
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, this piece was very intentional. It's Chapter 1. There is a lot of setup. I really had to restrain myself from taking things further but I think this was one of the best outcomes for Chapter 1. Trying not to rush.

In terms of your other critiques, ya unfortunately much of that isn't going to change. Injections are just part of the story, there is no way to just unwind that and pretend it didn't happen. The twins are definitely a big part of the story, really they are my favorite part about Chapter 2.

So I would say there won't be many drastic course corrections in Chapter 2, it's just more heightening and elevating the direction things are already going in. It would be bizarre to somehow change course on a bunch of these things.

Hopefully you can enjoy the parts you like and skip the parts you don't. Thanks!


Jul 25, 2017
Jobeo I guess it's too early to think about killing any character but that idea that was discussed earlier about killing Karsyn to teach the family a lesson sounds very extreme... I love those extreme ideas for future and more advanced chapters. I wonder what you could do to make Quaylon's wife surprise us, maybe she has an advanced and exaggeratedly bulging pregnancy + tattoos on the body related to "black breeding"? maybe the wife is younger than we think? considering that I enjoyed Bully even the famous "baby" update then I am prepared for anything! but I suppose you should control yourself slightly, I don't want to see another thread completely erased, haha. By the way, I guess in the world of this game white men never make it to retirement, once they do the function of "establishing the stock" they are killed off and that family belongs to a black man assigned by the BNWO, right?
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
that idea that was discussed earlier about killing Karsyn to teach the family a lesson sounds very extreme...
Ya that's the thing. Hopefully this isn't giving away any spoilers cause I thought it was very obvious but Karsyn is in the role of the antagonist. She is running in opposition to the BNWO. She has an injection gun and serum, she seems super powerful.

Let's all think back to Bully. I think it was like Chapter 3, and someone suggested "Hey, why doesn't the game have any antagonist" and I was like wow that's a great idea and so I crowbar'd one into the story. Remember that guy and his pregnant wife and his sister. And then the very next chapter I essentially killed him off, by doing mind control on him. He became an acolyte of the BNWO.

Often I say that I regret things in the games and people probably think certain things, but this is just such a great example of what I regret. Introducing an antagonist and then killing them off the next chapter is ***RUSHING***. It's my classic fault/weakness. What I am attempting with this new game is to try and avoid rushing at all costs. I may or may not be successful at that but I'm at least trying.

Your ideas regarding Quaylon's wife are interesting to me. One person had suggested she should be devout BNWO without being injected. This could make it strange for her to be heavily tattoo'd but perhaps.

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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
Hey Jobeo, long time fan and site lurker. Decided to finally post so it will be LONG.

First some words of encouragement! Thanks for taking your time to develop these games; while some of the content might be controversial, it's just part of the entertainment, nothing to take serious, so cancel the noise of the haters and focus on the good vibes. I'm glad to see you engaged with the community and really hope this project isn't dropped and we get some grand finale.
Wow your first post on this site after being a member for years and it's in my brand new game thread! Great!!

I appreciate your feedback and words of encouragement. Yes, I mainly try and focus on the feedback where people list the things they like. When people say they didn't like something, very often another person will come along and say they did like it. So if I created games where I removed everything someone said they didn't like, the Chapter would have no renders.

It's very interesting to hear the feedback regarding Izzie's outfit. Had I not received all this feedback I would have probably gone in the direction of more extreme outfits. But I see what you guys are coming from and the idea of not going too far too fast.

I'm glad to hear you liked the mind control content. Definitely appreciate your feedback on the father and the camera situation. That piece is probably the most up in the air to me, because I really didn't put any constraints on what he could possibly see. You hit the nail on the head regarding previous footage, I.e., he doesn't always have to be watching live cameras. In theory he could be shown the boxing match where he got his ass whipped, as a form of mental torture. But ya that storyline has a lot of potential.

You mention Izzie's working sessions and that is definitely a good point. What type of domme will Izzie be. What will she do with all the cucks at the school. In my past games I've done a lot of ballbusting. I will need to think more about this one.



Active Member
Sep 30, 2021
Dear Jobeo


we want to raise our daugthers in the BNWO World :love::love:

in chapter 2, we want some cross-over event inside this game, please bring one special character from your previous game making a special hot entry in this game as well, as the great king Mwamba, for example! :love::love:


Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
in chapter 2, we want some cross-over event inside this game, please bring one special character from your previous game making a special hot entry in this game as well, as the great king Mwamba, for example! :love::love:
The thought has crossed my mind. I just don't have any perspective on this. Is it ever done in adult games? Is it considered a dumb thing to do? Are there developers where it is very common? I guess to begin with you need a developer with more than one game which probably cuts the # of possible developers.



Jul 25, 2017
Jobeo YES! Ballbusting must come back! I can really imagine Marlena teaching Izzie to control the school cucks in a brutal way to impress Lamondre, Marlena could lightly touch a cuck with her foot and he ejaculates prematurely, Marlena delivers a strong kick in the balls then a testicle breaks, Izzie is impressed with what she has just seen, Marlena could explain her own personal point of view, maybe Marlena understands that some white "men" are allowed to mate to satiate the stock but deep down she feels disgusting that things work like that, she feels that those cucks are small and weak monsters, the life of any woman of any race or the life of black men takes priority over that of a mere animal (she also saw her father and Benny that way)
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Jul 14, 2018
I agree a bit with the post above this one, but Benny does have a letter he's allowed to raise a family. Dad was left alone to raise a family, more or less until the it's a bit strange that the letter doesn't apply a free pass for all who get the approval. Why isnt it for Benny, but was dad left alone? Is the tattood guy at school crossing a line? shouldnt he be killed by the BNWO? And f.i. create more tension between the girls at school and is Izzy to far gone worshipping blacks by the injections she could not be 'saved' by Benny.

Storywise i wonder what dad would do when he sees the twins on camera trying to run away. Can he also hear them by the way? Do the cameras have sound? Does he help them, or help the black, also seeing his wife being beat up, or even worse?

Watch out not to create to many storylines, i count 5 , 6 or more directions this could go. That could make it complicated for future chapters, especially with hair/no hair, watersports and scat, futa on/of. Loads of work.
Mar 13, 2020
The thought has crossed my mind. I just don't have any perspective on this. Is it ever done in adult games? Is it considered a dumb thing to do? Are there developers where it is very common? I guess to begin with you need a developer with more than one game which probably cuts the # of possible developers.

Well technically you've already done this. There was some guy who was pro reparations for black guys in the BNWO in Bully and then in Reparations, hes the President of the country (I forget his name but hes not seen in either game). Ive seen Devs who reference other games in their games an an homage, for instance in Timestamps (Motkeys) they have referenced Being A Dik (Dr Pinkcake) as a game inside the game. I dont think cross game characters happen often because for a lot of these games, they use the default models available in Daz, like the daughter in DMD is the same character as the younger sister in Man of the House etc.
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Active Member
Jul 14, 2018
Perhaps the daughter of the guy whose brain was melted in reparations (or was it bully)...the one where the vn ended with she on a bed with 5 black guys behind her... could be qualons wife or something like that


Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
So, heading into this weekend......

I am ready to announce that I have started work on Chapter 2. This may have been taken for granted, people just assumed it was happening... but I definitely never indicated that I had started working. I'm ready to say now that I am working on Chapter 2.

In terms of any release date, my thought process right now is that I will announce the release date once we're a month away. Now, does that mean all my fans can just take off and check back in a month? HELL NO! Your job is to stay here and support me and encourage me and offer ideas and feedback.

Many of the ideas brought up in the past week are very good and will likely make it into the game in some form. Remember, even if it's not exactly what anyone suggested, one idea leads to another idea, etc. At least one idea suggested here is likely to manifest in a much larger way than imagined. This proves that sharing ideas and feedback matters!

In terms of how long I think Chapter 2 will take to develop, I'm unsure. I'm not going to rush it. I want to produce a good result. What Chapter 1 proved to me is that taking your time and really thinking things out yields a good result in the end.

From what I can see right now Chapter 2 looks very strong. It's going to have a number of fun elements.

I will try and keep the second post in this thread updated with my progress:



New Member
Apr 25, 2021
Hello Jobeo,

First off thanks for making this game and the ones before.

I'm usually a lurker but wanted to comment on this one since I believe it's your best one so far.

However, I think it's more of a case of it appealing to my kinks more and focusing less on some recurrent themes in your other games.
Things I enjoy here are mostly the females being degraded and being thankful for it. Also the fact that there are fewer black guys and they are not interacting much with each other, which make it easier to identify with them.
I also like a lot the effects the serum has on the girls. The fact that they are fully submissive but still very much themselves in every other aspects.

I'd be really happy if the game kept these things in, but am a bit worried it devolves into pure male humiliation.

As for the exact responses to your questions, such as favorite scenes and hope for the future. Mine pretty much mirror those of sh_li that I quoted here.

Re to Feedback:

- What was your favorite scene
Izzie degrading herself and worshiping Lamondre

- What was your second favorite scene
As a big fan of mind control, I liked every time the girls were injected. Nice detail with the eyes animation.

- What scene did you orgasm to

- What do you want to see more of
Marlena doing drugs, worshiping Lamondre and doing humiliations sessions. Izzie getting corrupted and bringing Bentley down

- What character do you want to see more of
Marlena, Izzie and Bentley

- If the father monitors the security cameras, what should he see?
As he is nostalgic for his family he will see previous footage of Karsyn and Karina and report their relationship. He will be monitoring their scape and be fundamental on their ultimate failure.
His wife new relationship and humiliation
Bentley failure to follow his steps and lose Izzie

- Should Izzie undergo a fast transformation or a slow transformation?

- If you say slow, how slow? She shouldn't have sex at all for 5 chapters? 10 chapters?
I will depend on how long the game will be (I know, just please don't drop it!) I'm thinking she will have an attempt to have sex with Bentley to progress their story, but she having sex with BBC should be the culmination of the first arc of the story.

- Should she show skin at all in the next chapter? How much skin?
She should change her outfit, tighter and shorter, but not yet fully slutty.

- Do you think Chapter 2 should include any kind of bestiality or do you oppose it?
I don't oppose it, but wouldn't like it only to have it as a tag but to serve a purpose to the story.

- Are you OK with characters dying? How many characters would you be OK with dying?
I'm ok with death on this game universe, but not on the primary character. Maybe a side character made to make this possibility something to consider by the main characters?


- Do you want to see Izzie remain fully clothed and not engage in any sex acts?
As mentioned on the feedback, she should start leaving the childish clothes and move into tighter and shorter clothes, but not yet slutty. For chapter 2 only groping and a BJ to Lamondre.
Nude for an attempt to have sex with Bentley (see below) and perhaps to show she is fully submissive to her new God, but not for her working sessions.

- Do you want to see Izzie suck a BBC?

- Do you want to see Izzie degraded?
Hell Yes!!

- Do you want to see Izzie get fucked by a BBC?
Eventually but not yet on chapter 2. See previous feedback.

- Do you want to see Izzie have sex with Benny?
Yes; I would like Izzie to manipulate Bentley into thinking he convinced her to have sex, only for Ward to find out while monitoring and see his son's attempt and to report them, causing their official permission be revoked and Izzie to be sent to get the drugs.
This will make Izzie happy as she is already taking the drugs and avoid Lamondre to do paperwork (he can't really get in trouble) and Bentley think is all his fault while forced to receive reinduction with the help of his mom, sister and Izzie
Once again, thanks a lot!
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2017
Little bit off topic, but why was Reparations abandoned? I mean i can understand why Bully was dropped, but did you really need to start yet another game with identical fetishes and indistinguishable world setting?
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Oct 22, 2021
The way that you, and everyone else who is a fan of the game, can help is by offering the following feedback:

- What was your favorite scene: absolutely when Marlene domme her boyfriend and humiliate him about he is a faggot and all the rest;
- What was your second favorite scene: i'm torn between Izzie watch Lamondre fuck the other girl and get excited (1) or the scene where Izzie exhibits her first signs of domme (2);
- What scene did you orgasm to: again the scene with Marlene humiliates her boyfriend;
- What do you want to see more of: femdom with dirty talk like Marlene's scene (and maybe some sph from Izzie to his boyfriend talking about BBC supremacy) and more BBC characters (sincerely i dont like Lamondre so much)
- What character do you want to see more of: ofc Izzie and maybe Marlene
- If the father monitors the security cameras, what should he see? His wife and daughters fucked and humiliated
- Should Izzie undergo a fast transformation or a slow transformation? Fast, ofc step by step, but fast
- If you say slow, how slow? She shouldn't have sex at all for 5 chapters? 10 chapters?​
- Should she show skin at all in the next chapter? How much skin?​
- Do you think Chapter 2 should include any kind of bestiality or do you oppose it? I dont like bestiality at all
- Do you think Chapter 2 should include gay content? Yes, at least some blowjob from cuckold to BBC while the girlfriend watch and encourage him
- Do you think any character should undergo a sissification transformation. If so, which? I'm not interested in sissification so much
- Are you OK with characters dying? How many characters would you be OK with dying? I don't like violence in general (for example i dont like Quayson (i hope to remember the name exactly) punch the mother. And i don't think characters diying add something to the game. And more, i dont like the white male deportation. I think they need to stay and be humiliated.

Hi Jobeo, first of all congrats for you awesome work! I really like your works.
In red you can see my answers.

PS: i send you a PM.

PPS: i forgot to mention some foot fetish scene in the part "what do you want to see more of". For example cuckold lick gf feet while she is fucked from BBC. ;)


Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
I'd be really happy if the game kept these things in, but am a bit worried it devolves into pure male humiliation.
Your feedback is appreciated and your concerns are valid. And the way I'm reading this is that you're concerned the game will become just females humiliating males.

If you've read through this thread you can see there are folks who violently oppose the idea of the girls being humiliated/degraded. During development of my other games I would often get private messages from folks saying "Why can't the girls be humiliated" and it just wouldn't make sense to me in the story at that time. So I think this game is the first where it actually did make sense.

I will keep an eye out for where I can keep the male domination aspects going. It could definitely be very easy to drift away from that.

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Jul 25, 2017
Jobeo I know you don't like to talk about long-term things but I think that sometimes speaking you can think of ideas that could be interesting, as a short-term idea it could be very interesting that Becka (that was called the head of the BNWO in Bully?) is Quaylon's wife, it would be so cool to see her show up like that again! Maybe you could even make the events of Bully canon and Becka explains to us slightly things that happened 1 or 2 years ago, on the other hand Becka having already been introduced to the game it would be spectacular for her to help capture the twins thanks to her influence on BNWO, in the long-term maybe she could subject them to live with one of her best agents for a while so that they know what a real male is and forget about that lesbian hobby that brings nothing to BNWO, that male would be nothing more and none other than King Mwamba (or a man very similar to him), it should be noted that Karsyn can't use drugs on Karina so we begin to see Karina in her natural state and we discover that in reality she was never a lesbian, it was always the drugs and Karsyn, on the other hand Mwamba is a powerful man and every time Karsyn has mocked the king he has assaulted and subdued her so Karsyn now begins to see him as an authoritarian figure and sleeps next to him with fear, Karina on the other hand was impressed from the moment she saw the king naked, it was almost like love at first sight, she has always been manipulative and submissive, but for the first time in her life she was feeling genuinely sexually attracted to someone... She sleeps next to him with love.

Hey dude, I have always supported you from Bully onwards, I wanted to thank you for being unique and creating such unique content, it is so cool to see a game being politically incorrect and extreme, I have a lot of fun (and masturbation) with your games and I love a lot of the genres in them ;)
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
PPS: i forgot to mention some foot fetish scene in the part "what do you want to see more of". For example cuckold lick gf feet while she is fucked from BBC. ;)
Thanks for all your feedback I read all the comments quoted in red. Regarding the foot fetish stuff, yes from history I definitely know this is popular with folks. Let's see if any makes its way into Chapter 2.

Your other feedback is interesting to me. You've highlighted some things other people haven't mentioned. Especially Marlena humiliating her boyfriend, which I thought was very good content but some folks didn't like. I could have put it behind a "Gay" path deviation so people could avoid it, but I didn't think it was extremely gay.

I did have an idea for some gay content in Chapter 2 but I've second guessed it several times. It would definitely be avoidable, because it really would be gay. Just not sure to include it, I would have to think about it.

Appreciate your words of support!

Hey dude, I have always supported you from Bully onwards, I wanted to thank you for being unique and creating such unique content, it is so cool to see a game being politically incorrect and extreme, I have a lot of fun (and masturbation) with your games and I love a lot of the genres in them ;)
Thanks for the kind words of support and encouragement it is appreciated.

Regarding your other comments, I would say the reaction to Karsyn has probably been the most interesting to me. People have strong feelings about her. Some want her killed, many want her captured, many want the BNWO to snatch her up... which is strange in a way given there have been no scenes where she's actually out of the house. She would be caught before she even leaves!

The thing that has me wondering, do people have so many ideas for the twins because:

1. They oppose the idea that anyone is standing against the BNWO. A strong woman fighting the BNWO is just objectionable.​
2. It's easy. It's just so easy to think of creative things you can do with the content. That's why people have so many ideas for it.​

Personally I've definitely found the Twins storyline to be some of the easiest to write for Chapter 2. It just flowed very naturally. But I also knew where it was going long before I finished working on the first Chapter.

There are other aspects of the Chapter that are much less clear to me. In time, that should work itself out though.

2.30 star(s) 53 Votes