Let me get this over with, Grimm, prayer master and teaparty alice fight the first red queen,then grimm and teaparty alice fall in love with grimm.prayer master envy and sold them to mary sue. Grimm got recreated and he met red hood, miranda and others. Escape from the lost empire by breaking bahamut out(or other canon ending).
Alice nya invade the broken lost empire, caught grimm and mary sue. Throw them to wonderland, Alice nya make a deal with white queen Node , teaparty alice turn into prickett, white queen node secretly help red hood to invade wonderland.
Mabel stays neutral and hide in chaos dungeon, Miranda hide herself, (hansen the one that is in the trainstaion) got manipulated and become a hardworker.
Grimm force Alice Nya out from her alice role, allowing alice lidwell to escape and follow lewis caroll soul. Am i correct?