*the text is taken from the Russian translator's group from the VKontakte social network*
Unscheduled news, but not good news. I ask you to take the rest of the text without much optimism.
First I want to explain what is "DLC" or "DLS", as many are used to. DLC(Downloadable content) is a separately downloadable content that is released after the release of the game. In general, initially it was a separately downloadable file that added locations, mechanics, plot and the like to the game, but nowadays it is perceived as some kind of addition to the game, which, in general, is true, although initially this term was applied even to very tiny portions of content.
Why is it all? The fact is that the 4th DLC of the second part of Black Souls came out from Chinese fans with the consulting support of the author. They modestly called it a mod, but in reality there is no modification of existing content, but an addition to a separate story with a bunch of its own locations, plot and 11 scenes. This is not about a separate Soul game, but about additional content that is placed on top of the latest version of the game. The plot of this DLC does not intersect with the main one, but is a significant expansion of the story of a witch from a psychiatric hospital, in which the player is given the opportunity to get to know her story better (the plot is written in cooperation with the author of the original), as well as get to know other characters with whom there are also skits.
Why did I ask you to take it without much optimism? Because this DLC is currently only in Chinese, since it was the Chinese who made it. At the same time, there is no news yet that it is going to be translated into other languages. The DLC is called "Journey of Wind and Memory".