I heard: there is no penetration or sex scene or even handjob and there is hell of a grind. So why should i torture myself without DEV fixing theese problems?
Yes there is sex, albeit after a while, but I found that if I just go from room to room I finally get some action. There is sex with Emma and a Titjob, etc, and Blowjob off her daughter Vicky.
The day gives you four or five moves from morning til night and then MC should do some pushups before bed
For the Photo Sessions, when it tells me I cant do that because MC is not knowledgeable enough then MC should just read in his room until he reaches 100%.
If you follow the walkthrough it works like this:
It does not matter what day it is.
MC's first interaction with Vicky is in the Living room in the Morning
MC's first interaction with Emma is in the Living room in the Evening
A "Shortcut" through the walkthrough is:
Look at the walkthrough see what room and when MC has an interaction (e.g Living Room with Emma) and just click wait until she shows up.
By the way I did not know you could cheat