4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


New Member
Jun 5, 2022
The abandoned tag is well deserved, f95 doing the right thing, cause we have alot of devs out there milking and scamming.

Back in january if im correct, he posted a message to someone in the discord saying *he had the update almost complete and maybe he would have 2 days to test it*, few days later day of the supposely release and he comes up with some random bs, saying that he is going to cut the update in 3 parts, without a proper excuse,

if we think a bit wasnt the update almost complete how did it went from almost complete to like 30%, then he sayed each week would release one part, which in the next 2 weeks would conclude 3 parts and we had the full update, then one week after 1st part he releases 2nd part, but then 3rd part has no excuses for taking so long, cause i only find interesting is that this kidney stones story only submerge when we already past 2 months without the 3rd part plus no information on why it taking so long and only after people started to bring heat.

He can indeed have that health problem, it happens, but his development is far one of the worst around, and to people to realize this is his job, dont believe his bs saying this is hobby, cause when he started to recieve 750$ on patreon he went fulltime to work on his projects (even he sayed its was his job), nowdays recieving over 3k$ and says its a hobby and works when he wants.

But he will come out and say *you are not forced to support him, you free to do what you want*, but his next words most likely be *if you dont support i will abandon the game cause i dont have any support to continue*, you have alot of supporters and yet you still barely work on the projects, by now Manor should have had like 1-2 more updates by now and no we still in the 1st one and we almost half of the year of 2022, there is games out there with 1 dev only that already release few updates during your 1 only update.

Soon the Update will drop i can feel it, it has been like that for some time, when F95 places abandoned tag doc comes up with the update super fast.


Apr 26, 2017
Man i am always bummed out when i see another project going the way of the Dodo... no matter the reasons.
Getting decent finished western H-Games is as rare as winning the lottery it seems.

I hope that some people that think about making a game look at these cases and just start with something small that they actually finish... if they can prove to me that they can make a decent game from start to finish, then i'll gladly pay up but i got too often burned by Early Access or lofty promises after three months of developement i never asked for, that they obviously can't fulfill.

Give me something small like the never finished "Magic Shop" from Roninsong and i throw you a kiss in cash form.
Or just develop a decent work ethic, i hear that works too in this world. :poop:

Well let's see if anything happens with the projects of Mr. Bones here, maybe the dude changes up the gears a bit or starts focussing on one project.
I always get itchy when i see a solo dev starting a new project before he even is close to finishing his previous one.
That ALWAYS smells fishy and goes wrong in my experience.

Your thoughts?


Apr 9, 2018
As far as updates go for this game, if you follow their discord, they mentioned this game would be somewhat undefined as to when the next one would be posted. As far as I'm aware, he has a medical condition preventing him from working on the project lately. Again patience is critical with these games, especially "in development" games such as these. You aren't forced to support the person on Patreon, SubscribeStar, or whatever. It wouldn't really speed up the updates either. Frustrating as it may be, we can always focus on other things as we wait for these games to be updated eventually.

EDIT: I realize now after reading for a bit that his "health" issue has been going on for some time. My point was that no matter what happens during development I will always feel bad for the people actually supporting him through money or whatever. I'm just willing to wait on the sidelines like most people until the developers show updates consistently.
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2017
So, I think this is important to post here and I am confused no one brought it up (I think):

View attachment 1851591

That explains why updates have been quite slow and why he couldn't get updates posted. I wouldn't call the game abandoned, but the dev is currently dealing with potential medical issues. If any of the mods assigned to edit this thread can see this, please do take this into account about the tagging.
Damn you actually fell for this. My condolences.


May 8, 2017
So, I think this is important to post here and I am confused no one brought it up (I think):

View attachment 1851591

That explains why updates have been quite slow and why he couldn't get updates posted. I wouldn't call the game abandoned, but the dev is currently dealing with potential medical issues. If any of the mods assigned to edit this thread can see this, please do take this into account about the tagging.

he isa true masochist. he's dealing with those " Kidney Stones" ..what is it now?..4 Months?? yeah something like that..
let me ask you and all the people who still believe him, would you walk around for 4 months with unimaginable pain? and i quote the dev himself, where u cant sit,stand or lay for a longer time. it's bullshit, every normal thinking being would went to a doc and get those thigns removed, disolved, pulverized or what ever...and that within day's or weeks...but no one would keep them for 4 months.. i mean whats the reason not to remove them?? will his kidney be sad to loose its pain bringing babys and he does not want to hurt it's feelings?? those stones could have been gone by now with surgery and the post op wound would have healed already. his followers must be the cream of the crop if they believe his stupid lies. Abandoned tag is more than deserved and i would close this threat until there is a real reason, like an actual update( not 18c..that shit doesnt count) to open it again!!


Oct 29, 2017
Just saw the abandoned tag. I think it should stay if we can safely assume that there will not be any updates in the near future since you can just remove/update the tag once the updates start coming out again.

Once again, the UrbanXLife curse strikes again.


Apr 9, 2018
Not pausing the Patreon because he might need the money for his medical bills? Holy crap, this is a scam and a half.

Patreon is a dumpster fire. Obviously people have been not finishing projects for decades but I've never known a system actively designed to encourage dragging things out as long as humanly possible.
Are there any other systems that genuinely support the development of projects like this? Isn't there that coffee website or whatever? All I really see is Patreon, Subscribestar, or Itcho.

Damn you actually fell for this. My condolences.
We all sucking that copium. :ROFLMAO:


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
So, I think this is important to post here and I am confused no one brought it up (I think):

View attachment 1851591

That explains why updates have been quite slow and why he couldn't get updates posted. I wouldn't call the game abandoned, but the dev is currently dealing with potential medical issues. If any of the mods assigned to edit this thread can see this, please do take this into account about the tagging.
What a joke.. no update in months for a kidney stone! I have had 3 of them.. 2 required surgery and them are pretty much in and out surgeries. week of recovery at best. So this kind of lie to make excuse for no update in months.. don't even make me laugh.


Oct 29, 2017
What a joke.. no update in months for a kidney stone! I have had 3 of them.. 2 required surgery and them are pretty much in and out surgeries. week of recovery at best. So this kind of lie to make excuse for no update in months.. don't even make me laugh.
I would just like to remind everyone that Wootch also had "medical problems" and that's why development stopped for UrbanXLife. Just saying. I don't think Bones is that kind of person to pull a Wootch, but you can't help but see a discernable pattern here that strikes my skeptical nerves something odd.

Hell, something similar even happened to Nergal when he was developing Urban Demons, but at least Nergal ended up finishing the game (even if it is quite sparse in content than I would have liked it to be).
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4.10 star(s) 168 Votes