4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
I respect that way of thinking, it similar for me when I write fanfiction and get review of how I should have done things differently
If you are writing for yourself that's one thing - if you are writing for others you need to take the good with the bad. Yes some are overboard and toxic but that's on both sides. Welcome to the planet Earth.


Jun 10, 2020
If you are writing for yourself that's one thing - if you are writing for others you need to take the good with the bad. Yes some are overboard and toxic but that's on both sides. Welcome to the planet Earth.
I fully agree with that, you need the best of good and bad to improve. That why I feel like most people dislike Bones, he just lazy and refuses to do more with his work and like he said he does give a fuck what people think.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
sorry dear f95zone for this remark but look can't we just all stop with the negitave bullshit. there is already to much in this world. the old saying goes if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all. yes i do like bones art work yes i think the dev should take there time. the other thing is your were the one who payed the dev for there work and time so that's all you not the dev.
Sorry about this man but this is kinda unstoppable. The power of being blue balled can only hold on for a certain amount of time, and it has already went past over that line.
I know, I payed him to before. But it took him almost half a year to do an update full of reworks and a boatload of bugs. I was peeved. I was angry on how nigh unplayable it was but I held my tongue and kept it to myself. And it took him another half a year fix those bugs but gave birth to new bugs, I felt like I was being mugged.
To add another point of that, in the middle of that year span, I went to their discord server to kinda take a peek on update on stuff. I saw little to nothing. It was mostly random chatter. So I went there and asked “How is the update going on so far?”. I didn’t ask for when the update was coming out but rather, I asked on the progress. Wanna know what I got? A boot to the face. I was banned.
I know you have a lot of faith in him. I did too once but yeah, the treatment I got was pretty shitty but I held into it for a year to see if things will change. It didn’t so yeah, I don’t like the dev and his shitty ethics.


Jan 6, 2019
Well, I was shocked by the people here... 2 points:

First: if you don't like bones, what are you doing here?

Second: if you believe what you can create a better game, well, go and do it, and see how many players you have.
I'm always say the same for fanfics, games and videos, if you can do something better, what are you doing here?

You can say anything about me by this, but if you have the abilities to do something better, I'm going to be your biggest Patreon if don't, please, stop talking nonsense
On the first point I won't say much, others have already said plenty: we generally like The Manor, which is the game this thread is about. But that doesn't mean we have to like Bones.

As for the second point... well, on top of straying dangerously close to the topic that got me to write my very first post on this site - the "you have to right to criticize something unless you, specifically, have done better-argument - , playing a game and making a game is not the same activity. People often look for games to play to alleviate stress, entertain themselves or (on here in particular) just find something that can pique particular interests. Sure, some of us might try to make games of our own, but those activities are not interchangeable.
It reminds me of a quote from Stephen King on advice for aspiring writers. His recommendation, funnily enough, was not to just sit down and write. It was to read, and read a lot.
Stephen King said:
There’s a magic moment, a really magic moment if you read enough, it will always come to you if you want to be a writer, when you put down some book and say, This really sucks. I can do better than this, and this got published!
The key part of the quote, of course, is: "if you want to be a writer". Similarly, if there are any aspiring developers out there that happen upon this game, realize that Bones is raking in cash on it and know that they can do better, good for them! But just as a reader can dislike a story without the desire or ability to write a better one, a player can dislike a game without the desire or ability to make a better one.
And they can certainly dislike the actions of the developer! Just as fans of World of Warcraft or Call of Duty; I doubt you'll find a lot of those who like Activision-Blizzard. And yes, flawed analogy and all that because that's a corporation and Bones is just one guy... but really, it's the actions of the people in the corporation more than their business policies that people take issue with these days. I mean heck, there are lots of single developer-projects out there where that developer seems like a really nice person, but they do stuff with the game you aren't happy with, and vice versa. Bones just happens to do shifty things and be abrasive at the same time.

And while I'm at it, for any of those aspiring developers who try this game or look at the state of its development and have that magical moment of thinking "I can do better than this," let's have a report on Bones' earnings. Last time:
Today: $3,881/month + $1,166/month = $5,047/month. That's an increase of $41/month over the past 16 hours, for a total increase of $433/month since 0.19.
Today: $3,919/month + $1,196/month = $5,115/month. That's an increase of $68/month since last report, for a total increase of $501/month since 0.19.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
I started writing a lengthy reply... until I realized that I fell for it again. Great work, you.

See? this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm muting the mention notifications too.


Oh... and, when it comes to my personal life and health. I'm sorry to say I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
Good job amigo.

You're just confirmed that your attitude and professionalism are non-existent to your supporters, to this forum that give a lot of presence to your game to get all the money you are Earning in the most absurd way by doing nothing a.k.a scamming for low-key updates.

And most importantly by not being an actual human being by taking criticism and feedback!

You're the Definition of a YandereDev look a like Individual and Boy! Let me tell ya xD you sure live in your Little Safe and personal bubble of anti-criticism and feedback lmao! Imagine making a game in which you're just laying around your Work gaming chair of 3,000$ USD ''brought to you by your fellow honest supporters'' and the only thing you're considering as GAME updates are another remake& revamp of an scene that already been done just because you feel it could be better?!

Do you read books? Do you use your sense of logic?! Clearly ... not! Whoever reads up this non-sense about a game dev thinking this is actual game updates then it's a die-hard fanboy of yours by supporting this kind of illogical mindset of yours LMAO!

Anyways you muted notifications which I give a damn my dude. But for the others reading; it seems very clear that this is one clear example of a wanna be dev playing the stalemate development on a game that got trending and sadly got foolish people throwing at him money for making whatever BS he can come up with lol.

anyways :D good luck with the lung pain ´´yeah right lmao´´ and maybe one day bones realize to actually become human and start accepting feedback of all kinds, because destructive and constructive feedback are wayyyy different and it only takes common sense to realize when someone is throwing real facts over only insults


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2021
I will always find it curious how there are so many developers with so many health problems, it's almost like mangakas who put their manga on hiatus, the excuse is always that they have some health problem, it's something quite curious to be honest
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Mar 22, 2021
For 4 years, do not finish the project on one map. It seems that the author is deliberately stretching, with this project for the sake of donation! It was possible to finish even earlier and work on the second project that he has! So he would have more patrons!
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New Member
Jan 30, 2018
I've loved all of the game I've played through so far. Only problem, and I'm sure this has been reported, but just in case... during the pantry scene in 19.1, I get a crash when slapping Marthas bare ass.


May 4, 2019
I will always find it curious how there are so many developers with so many health problems, it's almost like mangakas who put their manga on hiatus, the excuse is always that they have some health problem, it's something quite curious to be honest
to be fair as a dev there is back pain limbs problems headaches and sometimes unhealthy diet so yeah just because you are setting on your ass all day doesn't mean easy job that alone is a problem in the long run most IT guys i know inclduing myself started that thing in the middle school
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Sep 12, 2020
I now have a new event with cops and velvet, at the end there is a choice of who to give the diamonds to the cops or velvet, is this a spectacle for the ultimate game???


Jan 6, 2019
i under stand how you feel i just wish for that people would stop with the negtive stuff because it make's me sick lol. if every one would just stop and see what it does then mybe i would not wish the world would just blow up lol.
Please don't take this the wrong way because I'm genuinely not trying to be unpleasant, but if people being negative about a game on an online forum is all it takes for you to wish for the world to blow up... well, firstly I would recommend avoiding the Internet in general. Secondly I think you might have some other issues that need to be dealt with instead of projecting onto random faceless people through a computer monitor.

Criticism - positive and negative - is important; it is how we improve. A world without criticism is a stagnant one.


Jul 15, 2020
I started writing a lengthy reply... until I realized that I fell for it again. Great work, you.

See? this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm muting the mention notifications too.


Oh... and, when it comes to my personal life and health. I'm sorry to say I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
That reply was unnecessary, we already know you have a bad personality, are running a scam and don`t care about any of your supporters beside their money. So what was that comment trying to proof? Buy your boat, hire your maid and stop whining about how misunderstood you are.


Nov 8, 2017
I started writing a lengthy reply... until I realized that I fell for it again. Great work, you.

See? this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm muting the mention notifications too.


Oh... and, when it comes to my personal life and health. I'm sorry to say I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
Narrator: He did indeed give a flying fuck


Nov 8, 2017
I will always find it curious how there are so many developers with so many health problems, it's almost like mangakas who put their manga on hiatus, the excuse is always that they have some health problem, it's something quite curious to be honest
The only difference is that mangakas have such a passionate work ethic that I would actually love for them to please work less. Because good lord these people are literally killing themselves (well some of them, we've all seen the stories about how some have gone full blown months without proper rest). If there's any creator I respect it's Mangakas for sure.
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes