4.10 star(s) 168 Votes

Oseo Bones

Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 10, 2017
Every time I see a Oseo Bones
just know he will probably never see it. Unless he lied when he said he no longer visits f95, and if he is deceptive...
Alright... I'll take the bait (against my own good judgment).

I never said I don't visit F95, I actually do it pretty regularly... It is one of the best places to find new games after all.

What I DID say (And I'll take this opportunity to repeat it for those who don't know) is that I don't come to THIS THREAD in particular. And NO, I don't support it officially as I did before...How would I if I don't check it? And...Why would I check it?

After all it was hijacked by a few, but very loud, people that love to bully everyone else that comes here saying anything even remotely positive about me. And if they don't bully people into submission they just love to spread bullshit... like the post I'm replying to.

You do know that if you tag someone, they'll get a notification... Don't you? Even if they turned off the notifications from the thread you are tagging them from...

Anyways... I decided to leave you guys be, and sulk in your own negativity, because I don't need it personally. You guys do you. If that makes you happy.

To everyone else: I'm sorry I don't interact with your posts as before. But you are always welcome to join the discord server or even DM me here. Sadly I'm not a masochist, so, if I were you, I wouldn't keep my hopes up for me returning here any time soon.

Oct 14, 2021
hello i need a little help, I made the story from the share. 2 from officer jules & velvet, no problem. but after tomorrow evening again the officer, esque this normal or not. this the 3rd time that passes and I can do nothing. whether it's the backup of the officer or velvet this the same thing ?


Dec 12, 2017
Alright... I'll take the bait (against my own good judgment).

I never said I don't visit F95, I actually do it pretty regularly... It is one of the best places to find new games after all.

What I DID say (And I'll take this opportunity to repeat it for those who don't know) is that I don't come to THIS THREAD in particular. And NO, I don't support it officially as I did before...How would I if I don't check it? And...Why would I check it?

After all it was hijacked by a few, but very loud, people that love to bully everyone else that comes here saying anything even remotely positive about me. And if they don't bully people into submission they just love to spread bullshit... like the post I'm replying to.

You do know that if you tag someone, they'll get a notification... Don't you? Even if they turned off the notifications from the thread you are tagging them from...

Anyways... I decided to leave you guys be, and sulk in your own negativity, because I don't need it personally. You guys do you. If that makes you happy.

To everyone else: I'm sorry I don't interact with your posts as before. But you are always welcome to join the discord server or even DM me here. Sadly I'm not a masochist, so, if I were you, I wouldn't keep my hopes up for me returning here any time soon.

Huge yandere dev energy


May 10, 2021
What I DID say (And I'll take this opportunity to repeat it for those who don't know) is that I don't come to THIS THREAD in particular. And NO, I don't support it officially as I did before...How would I if I don't check it? And...Why would I check it?
That post you're replying to is not bullshit because even you said that you don't come here or consider this site to be official.
Screenshot 2022-09-19 025913.png
It's like you say one thing and then when people hold you to your own words you back off when you can't execute and blame others.
After all it was hijacked by a few, but very loud, people that love to bully everyone else that comes here saying anything even remotely positive about me. And if they don't bully people into submission they just love to spread bullshit... like the post I'm replying to.
My ass, what the hell type of narcissistic shit is this?
Fuck the update times
Fuck delays
Fuck the excuses
Fuck the blatant word twisting
Fuck the GAME.
The thing that bothers you is the people that aren't positive about you??
Bro there's damn near 8 billion people in this world not everybody is going to like you.
But where you get it wrong is that you seem to miss the REASONS why they don't like you or better yet the THINGS you do.
You put out reworks when half of the game isn't even implemented and for some reason your reworks take longer when the construction is already there.
If that's bullshit then the people can check the changelogs to see for themselves.
The people that defend you say
"He's working by himself."
"You don't know how hard it is to be a dev."
"Just have patience."
Don't even get me started on the people that believe you really had a 3 month kidney stone
Yet you somehow Jokingly say you're going to go out drinking and bang a hooker
Do you know how times we seen people defend your "health condition"
Yet you seem to think that you're excused from valid doubt or criticism from people because of a couple or words on a screen??
C'mon man. That's not how the real world works.

It's like you form this whole narrative that people just bully anything positive in this thread. Yet you say you don't come here.
So what are you even talking about??
Maybe you should actually visit this thread often. And actually hear what people have to say about your game instead of being a shut-in in your cult of a discord that offers no criticism or pushback to the things that you do and say.
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Jan 6, 2019
Huh. That's interesting... I would've never imagined that referring to a user would count as "tagging" someone on here, notifying that user that they have been tagged. I sure am glad that I never -

Oh no...

Jokes aside, while I mostly agree with Bruka's post, I feel that I need to point out that:
It's like you form this whole narrative that people just bully anything positive in this thread.
Those people do exist. I'm not saying they're the majority, nor even necessarily that there are more of them than there are of stalwart defenders of Bones and The Manor, but while a lot of people on here offer fair and legitimate criticisms, there is a strong anti-Bones presence on here.
I am reminded of a short while ago, when I tried to assume a diplomatic stance on the subject when Bones put out the teaser for the reworked Martha scene. I wasn't even overtly positive or defensive, yet had to defend myself until I decided I didn't care anymore as the reactions only got more and more negative. It wasn't even me specifically being targeted, but rather Bones with me as a proxy, but even I felt a little overwhelmed with how fiercely a call for fairness was being resisted. (Watch this post get reacted to negatively now because I'm writing this, even though I generally agree with people's criticisms.)

I still don't think that simply abandoning the people following the game on here was the right choice the same as so heavily enforcing which opinions or questions are posed in the Discord - facilitating the creation of echo-chambers never is - but I guess I see why he would do it. Retreat from somewhere with people who are critical of your work, even if that allows that criticism to fester into antipathy, and hide in a place where you can control who gets to be there and what people are allowed to say.
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Oseo Bones

Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 10, 2017
That post you're replying to is not bullshit because even you said that you don't come here or consider this site to be official.
View attachment 2052082
It's like you say one thing and then when people hold you to your own words you back off when you can't execute and blame others.

My ass, what the hell type of narcissistic shit is this?
Fuck the update times
Fuck delays
Fuck the excuses
Fuck the blatant word twisting
Fuck the GAME.
The thing that bothers you is the people that aren't positive about you??
Bro there's damn near 8 billion people in this world not everybody is going to like you.
But where you get it wrong is that you seem to miss the REASONS why they don't like you or better yet the THINGS you do.
You put out reworks when half of the game isn't even implemented and for some reason your reworks take longer when the construction is already there.
If that's bullshit then the people can check the changelogs to see for themselves.
The people that defend you say
"He's working by himself."
"You don't know how hard it is to be a dev."
"Just have patience."
Don't even get me started on the people that believe you really had a 3 month kidney stone
Yet you somehow Jokingly say you're going to go out drinking and bang a hooker
Do you know how times we seen people defend your "health condition"
Yet you seem to think that you're excused from valid doubt or criticism from people because of a couple or words on a screen??
C'mon man. That's not how the real world works.

It's like you form this whole narrative that people just bully anything positive in this thread. Yet you say you don't come here.
So what are you even talking about??
Maybe you should actually visit this thread often. And actually hear what people have to say about your game instead of being a shut-in in your cult of a discord that offers no criticism or pushback to the things that you do and say.
I started writing a lengthy reply... until I realized that I fell for it again. Great work, you.

See? this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm muting the mention notifications too.


Oh... and, when it comes to my personal life and health. I'm sorry to say I don't give a flying fuck what you think.


Jul 30, 2018
I started writing a lengthy reply... until I realized that I fell for it again. Great work, you.

See? this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm muting the mention notifications too.


Oh... and, when it comes to my personal life and health. I'm sorry to say I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
What an answer...
"See ? you don't agree with me and i'm too lazy to give real arguments so that's why i don't come here anymore"

And let's talk about the Discord server "groupies" that automatically mock the people asking for any news about the update. but Lazy Bones didn't mentioned that when pointing out the thread issues.

I love the game but, man the dev is a douche.
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Jan 6, 2019
I started writing a lengthy reply... until I realized that I fell for it again. Great work, you.

See? this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore. I'm muting the mention notifications too.


Oh... and, when it comes to my personal life and health. I'm sorry to say I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
Ah yes, the ostrich-technique.
(Fun fact: ostriches don't actually hide by sticking their heads in the sand. They essentially bury their eggs in sand and occasionally stick their heads down there to check on them.)
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May 10, 2021
Those people do exist. I'm not saying they're the majority, nor even necessarily that there are more of them than there are of stalwart defenders of Bones and The Manor, but while a lot of people on here offer fair and legitimate criticisms, there is a strong anti-Bones presence on here.
I am reminded of a short while ago, when I tried to assume a diplomatic stance on the subject when Bones put out the teaser for the reworked Martha scene. I wasn't even overtly positive or defensive, yet had to defend myself until I decided I didn't care anymore as the reactions only got more and more negative. It wasn't even me specifically being targeted, but rather Bones with me as a proxy, but even I felt a little overwhelmed with how fiercely a call for fairness was being resisted.
Honestly, I think the anti-Bones presence is mostly just shitposting and the doubt of improvement or progress that people mistake for hate. Best example is the new people that come here and defend Bones but don't read the last 100 pages of the stuff that happened until someone gives context. And I get your point but if we honestly summed up all the pages in this thread it's really the last 200 pages where there was nothing new to talk about where the love for the guy started dwindling.

My opinion would be if he wanted to weed those people out how about instead of going radio silent then hitting everybody with "I got you guys at the end of the month." And throwing shots at this thread in his discord. Just post more. And be more open to other peoples' criticism. Even if you don't like it, most people just want to be heard. It was going well until the last few updates.
Just look at his older posts compared to now He was open to change and improve until recent.

My post was giving reasons why this thread is the way it is but it just get reduced to "Anti-Bones" in his eyes, lumped in the rest that actually just despise the guy.

Even in his last post he did exactly what I said he does in that he just chooses to ignore criticism and scurries off.
First I offered my criticism which I think was valid.
Then, he chooses to believe my post was a "TRAP CARD" that he wasn't gonna get tricked by or whatever.
Then he sums up my post and says "this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore."
Which basically proves my point that valid criticism doesn't matter to this guy only the extremes.
Then he tells me that he doesn't give a fuck what I think so I can't help the guy.

In the end, I think people on both sides should lend an ear and not be so quick to label them and listen to VALID reasons why.
I like both sides I just think the posts that are "Anti-Bones" are just making fun of him like teasing a friend.
And the ones that support him just want more content.
But the "Haters" that dislike the "supporters" when we know we'd be laughing to the bank like Bones if we we're in his shoes.
Or the "supporters" that dislike the "haters" without context as to why they hate Him.
Are the ones I don't agree with.


Jan 6, 2019
Honestly, I think the anti-Bones presence is mostly just shitposting and the doubt of improvement or progress that people mistake for hate. Best example is the new people that come here and defend Bones but don't read the last 100 pages of the stuff that happened until someone gives context. And I get your point but if we honestly summed up all the pages in this thread it's really the last 200 pages where there was nothing new to talk about where the love for the guy started dwindling.

My opinion would be if he wanted to weed those people out how about instead of going radio silent then hitting everybody with "I got you guys at the end of the month." And throwing shots at this thread in his discord. Just post more. And be more open to other peoples' criticism. Even if you don't like it, most people just want to be heard. It was going well until the last few updates.
Just look at his older posts compared to now He was open to change and improve until recent.

My post was giving reasons why this thread is the way it is but it just get reduced to "Anti-Bones" in his eyes, lumped in the rest that actually just despise the guy.

Even in his last post he did exactly what I said he does in that he just chooses to ignore criticism and scurries off.
First I offered my criticism which I think was valid.
Then, he chooses to believe my post was a "TRAP CARD" that he wasn't gonna get tricked by or whatever.
Then he sums up my post and says "this is why I don't hang out with you guys anymore."
Which basically proves my point that valid criticism doesn't matter to this guy only the extremes.
Then he tells me that he doesn't give a fuck what I think so I can't help the guy.

In the end, I think people on both sides should lend an ear and not be so quick to label them and listen to VALID reasons why.
I like both sides I just think the posts that are "Anti-Bones" are just making fun of him like teasing a friend.
And the ones that support him just want more content.
But the "Haters" that dislike the "supporters" when we know we'd be laughing to the bank like Bones if we we're in his shoes.
Or the "supporters" that dislike the "haters" without context as to why they hate Him.
Are the ones I don't agree with.
Yeah, I feel that. As I mentioned before I generally agree with what you said in your previous post, even if I'd probably have tried to express it less aggressively if it had been me. That doesn't make your points invalid, but in my experience it does make people liable to interpret it a certain way.
You'll hear no argument from me defending Bones this time around.

As for "haters" and "supporters"... well, I've talked about that before. Let's leave it at that.
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes