-In the morning when you wake up Lucile and she help Martha with yoga, to find some yoga outfit (yoga pants) for her with Doyles help and helping her from behind standing position to stretch without Martha to see (+1 Trust), for another option make a hole on her pants and begin "stretching" her (0 Trust). All Martha [naive] see there is bro and sis "bonding" and she is proud of them.
-Lets finally find music for Martha in the evening, some classic from '20s or '30s whenever Doyle timeline is, he can help you to find some vinyls in basement or attic, remembering his good times with his mom at night. Of course, when alone some special dance class from Martha (can add +1 Guilt for teaching) . As for "special" scenes , options to "Stop" or "Clumsy trip over her" and thank her for supporting you on her breasts.
-While on dinner , when talk with Vera, you can mention that you read book named "something with horses in it" and making Vera +1. After some time she invite you to help her with animals (options Yes/No).
-There is a lot of options hiding under table , such as Vera start to masturbate thinking of animals with another option to find cucumber under chair and use it as dildo, Lucile find you under and let you do to her what you want (fingering or licking) hiding you with her legs , and Martha fingering herself and option with you and same cucumber you find it there to masturbate her.
-After unlocking Martha State , she buy new pills or you can switch back pills again, and let her be awake at midnight.
-After unlocking Lucile State, new positions unlock in cosplay event.
-After unlocking Vera State, she grabs you in her room at night, or you break in depends on her state how you are with her.
Or when she wake up at night you dont run and tie her up for a bed or run and she have one more option to torture you.
-Merchant start selling some sex toys you can use under table with girls or sexy outfits for Lucile and Martha.
- (Forgot her name) the rebel one come back for bag of diamonds, but of course you start to blackmailing her with nasty stuffs making her to come every night in barn while everybody sleep.
-Mia is "special" but after we know more stories with her , something will come to mind with her too. She is just not yet, as Dr. would put in game "NOT IMPLEMENTED" in my head still 
Sorry for long post, this is in my head for now, hope it will help.