
Jun 20, 2018
Just curious since I'm only studying code on my own (and barely scratching the surface), but is it at all possible to make something similar to this? I know we can't just continue working on something like this without the source code, but maybe as inspiration we can get something more complete?
Being a dev myself, i can say that this type of game and interface would actually be the EASIEST for someone with moderate programming experience. Everything - from the game-logic, apparent data-structures behind it, and the interface is straight-forwards to code. It also doesn't suffer from feature-bloat: It's a clearly defined game-concept and -scope that is internally consistent - great for programming.

Where's the catch? Well, by "easiest" i mean "easiest to code FROM SCRATCH". 98% of the games on this site aren't coded from scratch, but instead use an existing engine (like RENPY, RPGM, ETC). So, you need a bit more theoretical and fundamental understanding of coding, if you wanna code something from scratch, because all the stuff that's normally a given in engines - like the mainloop, rendering, and so on -you'd be doing all that yourself.

So yeah: If you know how to design a game's foundation yourself, then a game like this one would be easy to do. Question is how many "real programmers" there are left.
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Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Having trouble scrolling the text. Not sure if I am missing something. Can anyone that has played it in the past let me know what I am doing wrong?
There's a real hard-to-see handle at the top of the line dividing the two main panels. Pull that down to scroll down.


New Member
Jul 22, 2017
How does one achieve pregnancy ending?

Edit: Finish the game without purchasing spermacide and going into options and allowing creampies.
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old spider

Apr 14, 2018
What "are" the endings available?, aside from princess and preggo maid, or the other general unlockables, kinda hard to finish a playtrough without banking proper stats or beating around with RNG, . along with the constant running away and trying to keep alive. .
Jan 18, 2018
fwiw, i'm planning to port it from game maker to JS, however i'd need to reimplement all of game maker really, so no guarantees i'll even finish this.
link to current progress here:
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Jan 18, 2018
soap is in docks -> stalls, shady shop -> junk, general store -> search, tea house -> merchant. so pretty much everywhere


Active Member
Nov 27, 2019
So is there some general survival advice? I can last a couple months on average, but eventually they stop paying due to low skills from sickness. I think staying on top of hygine generally helps, but if I spend enough money on soap, I tend to be unable to afford mood boosters. Also, is there an effective way to handle life besides divine healing at the temple? Anal always drains life in large amounts for some reason, so I tend to decline it and lose money cause 1:2 people in this game are strict buttfuckers. Not to mention the temples aren't always a choice.
Jan 18, 2018
im an idiot so i just started with goblin bc goblins best, stayed cuz they get bonuses at low (red = <40) hygiene with the appropriate perks. i guess one important thing is to keep your fame stats high if not near max (get a degree, buy charm scrolls to stock up before moving cities). also move cities in one go. not to mention afaict gear helps whenever you lose health, but not 100% sure on that


Jun 13, 2018
so my best advice if you want to win the game and even get a virgin ending, cheesing it by save scumming it. by save scumming you can stay in a town as long as you like to keep making money. you stay in a town where you can advertise yourself so you can build up renown, value, and allure so you can draw in more customers, get paid more, and be turned down less. Doing this you wont have to worry about mood or hygiene as it wont effect your ability to make money to much aside from getting too much diseases. Even when bounty hunters show up to find you you can still stick around town and make money, bounty hunter catches you? save scum it. they might keep catching you back to back but thats just the rng, keep reloading and keep progressing. keep grinding up those 3 stats and money until you start earning platinum. around 3-4 platinum you can basically win the game from out of the first town. keep traveling until you reach the last city and thats it. for the best ending, keep your virginity (if you get raped and they fuck your pussy just reload) and stay clean by buying soap and wait a few days with no whoring actions to get yourself cleaned up. I went with a tribal orc to better my chances of fighting off rapist and travel hazards like bandits and goblins, but even with advantages like being an orc, having a axe, training at the barracks, etc, its not fool proof so there's a chance still that you will get raped.
Jan 18, 2018
if you do need to resort to save scumming.... assuming i manage to finish this port might as well take suggestions on what needs balancing?


Jun 20, 2018
if you do need to resort to save scumming.... assuming i manage to finish this port might as well take suggestions on what needs balancing?
Rape, certain special events, and anal. The former two take boatloads of stats from you in an instant, and anal is problematic because the perks against its penalties don't work.

I can easily beat the game and even get wealthy, by doing the following:
1. Savescum rape and special events.
2. Disable anal
3. Know which towns sell which goodies, so i can plan my route.

So if the perk-system would actually work, really just rape and special events would be the problem.
Jan 18, 2018
ok so... forgot gml can target js. too bad we don't have the source... makes me kinda sad im kinda wasting my time porting to js
Jan 18, 2018
oh... of course undertalemodtool can edit it. whatever, i'm in too deep to not finish, just putting it out there in case anyone else wants to edit it. might be nice to have an open source gml html5 runner thing anyway
Jan 18, 2018
o yea. maybe im just dumb and im the only one that didnt realize. but u can right click settings (inside, accept, etc to make them go back to previous instead of forward to next).

even better, you can right click fame buttons to un-spend it


Jun 13, 2018
well if you're able to port it you might as well just finish the damn game, lol. But aside from bug fixes this game needs a lot of re balancing.

For one I'd like for the regular jobs to be more viable. For some reason you can only work a regular job once a day, but you have time to whore out to up to 8 different dudes a day? Even if you only draw in one client the entire day ends and that just doesnt make sense. How I think it should work is you should have a number of actions available to you a day and you can increase the number of actions with a perk of something. This way you dont have to sell your body to make it easier to do a virgin run if thats a goal a player has. To balance it out regular jobs should have its own dangers since the only plus side to working one is that there's no danger to you. Perhaps having events that give a serious hit to your mood and health, or even money. Like a bar fight breaking out and getting caught in it, or you broke something and you have to pay to fix it or take a pay cut, or making it easier for bounty hunters to find you, or even a rare chance of being raped. Just to make it so regular jobs are viable dont make whoring obsolete.

Soap should be sold everywhere but each place has different prices, so if you want cheap soap you go to certain places where it would be harder to get soap, because I see no point in being somewhere without soap, but to off set making soap available everywhere soap in general should be more expensive.

Im not sure what mood does, but without having a stockpile of money and taking like a week off to do mood increase events its impossible to keep up. To remedy this I would suggest have a chance for mood increase during whoring events of job events, like maybe on a success roll you get a client that is really nice and gentle and cared about your pleasure and that boosts your mood, or if you're working a regular job a customer gave you a compliment or something that gives mood. Just anything to make it so mood is more viable to upkeep. It would certainly be easier to do with an action point system I mentioned earlier so you can do mood events more than once a day only for it to come crashing down at your first client.

But im speaking as if you were actually able to get the source code and do all this yourself, I dont actually expect anything to come from this, im just throwing ideas out there and hopefully if development continues someone might see this.
Jan 18, 2018
technically i can *already* do it all if i take the easy way out and use undertalemodtool. but im already so far to a js (html5) version that i'd be throwing all my effort out at this rate, y'know?

anyway. re: regular jobs. maybe each regular job is repeatable (and you can either repeat, or stop doing jobs for the day. can't switch) and each one after the first one can take say, 1/3 or 1/4 of the day (i.e. adding a multiplier to number of whoring jobs). note that a ton of daily events do already give serious hits to mood, hygiene or whatever

soap... idk i'll see about that one i guess

mood... imma check that one too. guess i'll see if there are other ways to gain mood. i guess the daily events that give like +1 and you can recover mood at the shrine... maybe there could be another scroll if that works for you

also wondering if anyone would be interested in more info for the rolls. the game shows most d6 rolls but there are a lot of d2/d3/d4 rolls that can't be shown because they're not d6 (= not cube shaped dice)
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Jan 18, 2018
porting the code over has been done for a day or two, gotta slowly implement the GML functions that actually do all the heavy lifting. i'd imagine the text functions and possibly the mouse and keyboard input handling will be a massive pain

also protip, f9 for debug mode. when that is on, you get a fps meter, also press c for cash, p for +1 perk, a to reset your daily actions to 1.