Jan 18, 2018
i'll have to specialcase gangbangs entirely tbh, so nothing is a problem; i just don't really think it makes sense for gangbangs to *not* have multiple times the xp gain/mood loss etc

one option would be for gangbangs to cost multiple encounters... but for people = encounter cost gangbangs offer no benefit (except possible mood decrease/hygiene decrease savings), for encounter cost < people you gotta consider balancing. why i think the dev didn't implement gangbangs is because they're harder to describe, you can't just go "he does this" and "he does that" if there's multiple people. also because handling multiple holes being requested/used would be non-trivial

by roll to determine text i mean the current system really. there are 6 different texts, the dice roll chooses one

also it's 1/12 without gangbang slut currently (1/6 with) - i think this should be an ok number, plus these chances are easy to check with a multi dice roll. not that the chance can't be changed ofc

not exactly sure what you mean by refer to people
i mean more like who's doing what. like how to tell who's who esp. if they're all described as, say, "stubby dwarf" with no way to tell them apart. just "x number of the men are doing this, x are doing that"?


Jun 13, 2018
Another glitch I noticed, there's a chance that when you travel you'll get soft locked. when traveling, during the travel text the next button will go blank and you'll be stuck and forced to refresh.
Jan 18, 2018
kekasaurus btw arena of audacia has waaaaaay more files (they're shorter, but still, point is it's not a small game) so probs will be backlog for now if at all unless anyone has ideas to improve


Jun 13, 2018
So one thing i've noticed in vanilla is that dwarfs dont have the small perk that their description says they're suppose to have. so that needs to be fixed I guess.

Im still having that money glitch where money stretches into decimals when spending it, im not sure how or why its happening and idk if anyone else can produce it or not.

Im not sure if this is intentional or not but my character gets raped despite setting the safety high when in vanilla with high safety you never get raped, is this intentional?

also, was there any indication what the last 3 unimplemented race were?
Jan 18, 2018
afaict, no we don't know what the last 3 races are. maybe more mixed-race? the existing options do cover most (not-extremely-animal-like) fantasy races after all. possibly lizardmen, kobolds, hobgoblins. who knows

also note that dice display has been fixed in this update; hidden options (jumbo dice and window scaling) are now implemented and enabled.

looks like safety bug was because i miscounted extra dice; that should be fixed as well.

anon707 for the money glitch maybe it's a browser specific issue so if you could tell me your browser i could try that
edit: nvm, didnt round some things. should work now

edit: lmao oops dwarfs also get small perk now. forgot to add that in -_-
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Jun 13, 2018
how we were able to get a hold of the unreleased build (and hwy didn't the original uploader just upload that one instead?)


Jun 20, 2018
About gangbangs (GBs):
In the original game, the only GB-content was part of special scenes, not normal work. And they were essentially unplayable, because of the penalties.

GBs would need to use "dimishing returns"-type scaling for penalties and xp, instead of linear. I mean, right now you can barely "survive" a normal day of work - without rape. Only actual playtesting will tell of course, here's the scalars i'd try first:

1 partner: 80% exp, money, penalties
2 partners: 140% exp, money, penalties. Also 50% chance of removing one additional encounter
3 partners: 190% exp, money, penalties. Always removes one additional encounter

I think that would prolly be quite stable, but again only playtesting will tell.
Jan 18, 2018
anon707 we don't. the only remaining evidence is screenshots + descriptions from the blog

rynak i mean sure but tbh the descriptions is the hard part. also diminishing returns makes sense but 1-3 part doesn't -_- i think its 4-6 or something as it's currently set up, but i did that kinda on a whim so it's fine (read: easy) to change that

note that im a shit writer so if people dont mind helping out with adding the descriptions to the game without making it sound contrived feel free to (read: please do ) help out if character appearance thing is done


Jun 20, 2018
Well, i went for gangbangs with 2-3 partners, because i see no way to do more, without the results essentially ruining the player's mood and hygiene stats. The 80% modifier for normal sex with a single partner is there, because as i said already right now you can barely survive with single partners, so in order to make room for GBs, the penalties for singles need to be lowered a bit. Basic logic.


Jun 13, 2018
Rynak seems to have a better head for this than I do, and I dont have any clue about actual game design or coding. I do have "some" skill in writing, but writing erotica is something I've never done before. I'll think about it and try to practice some scenes to see if I have a hand for erotica, but I'll be a bit busy for the next couple weeks so we'll see.
Jan 18, 2018
rynak could always heavily nerf the mood loss tbh cuz i mean if its GB with 2-3 partners it's not like it's that different from normal encounters (= imo not worth the effort of implementing)

anon707 the "writing" (adding tags) will probs be a "if you see it missing and feel like it would work here find the text and add it in"
Jan 18, 2018
ok since the feature was so in demand (coughs two people coughs) i've added appearance + name settings. no effect on other gameplay yet; however there is a new appearance button on the status page. note that they haven't been tested very thoroughly so feel free to play around with those.

now that i think about it, i think i could easily add a button in debug mode to go back to appearance selection; the only downside is it would clutter debug mode tab (and take up another key). so... question is, should i do it? again, feel free to react to vote

apologies for doing this before gangbangs, but... well the mockup screen on the blog had most of the details i needed whereas gb is a big mechanic which will be a pain to figure out how to generate text for + balance

also. other than nerfing stats an option could be to add a consumable that restores mood (candy??? who knows) and or more scrolls; or to reduce the price/change the overall price scaling of soap (and the mood consumable if that's added in)
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Jun 13, 2018
i dont see a problem with adding appearance to the debug mode, especially for testing purposes.

I would say try not to get overwhelmed with it all. Idk if you have a priority list with this, but if you dont then might I suggest you do? Just my personal input but I was say if there was a list of priorities, I would make it:

1. Knock out anymore vanilla and possible port bugs out before adding more on top of it all, I'll do my best with trying to find any bugs.

2. Implementing and following up on what the original dev was going for or at least close to it. Basically just plugging up the holes that were left.

3. Expand the existing content and flesh it out.

4. Adding in new content that (at least we know of) wasn't planned for or at least publicly made known by the original dev.

I think right now we're already got our priorities straight so thats good. Doing this was probably a better idea than doing gang bangs first so the tags can be put in before having to them after putting in gangbangs

On the topic of character customization, if the premise is you play as female character, im surprised they didn't include parts of the female anatomy, like breast and butt size, or anything to do with the vagina. Not sure how they forgot something like that, but then again it was all still in development so who knows what happened. But so far you went above and beyond what the dev did and added hair length and texture which was pretty neat.

Also, I think there's a chance we can get some buzz around this. This thread is probably being ignored because of the abandoned label so people are skipping over it and I dont blame them. But there is still some sort of interest with this game, and there's still quite the demand for text based games in general. Maybe posting a thread somewhere else on the site (maybe the mod section) would be a start. Would be a good would to get more play testers, coders, and writers on this and make this a community effort instead of shoving it all on your shoulders.


Jun 13, 2018
So a couple of stuff to report.

For some reason, when the player is raped or has anal sex their health goes up instead of down.

There's text overlap with the character status on the top right. Numbers and names are overlapping each other.

Im still encountering the soft lock, but now instead of it being from travel (that seems to be fixed) its happening with the daily prostitution.

I should have suggested this from the start, but character creation should have a back button if possible. Its annoying to click through the intro just to accidentally skip a part or 2 of the character creation and having to reload the game
Jan 18, 2018
planning to use a small button rather than a round back button so that there's still never more than one round button at a time so ctrl to skip still works. thoughts?


Jun 13, 2018
planning to use a small button rather than a round back button so that there's still never more than one round button at a time so ctrl to skip still works. thoughts?
Sure, try it out.

Also, I dont have access to that thread for some reason.