
Jun 13, 2018
View attachment 675274
porting the code over has been done for a day or two, gotta slowly implement the GML functions that actually do all the heavy lifting. i'd imagine the text functions and possibly the mouse and keyboard input handling will be a massive pain

also protip, f9 for debug mode. when that is on, you get a fps meter, also press c for cash, p for +1 perk, a to reset your daily actions to 1.
you're the real mvp
Jan 18, 2018
almost done, feel free to test and add me on discord to spam me with bugs, username somebody#0001
you can also open issues on the github source page
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New Member
Apr 11, 2018
almost done, feel free to test and add me on discord to spam me with bugs, username somebody#0001
you can also open issues on the github source page
I'm right now taking a class on Full-stack web development, and I hope one day to be as good as you.

EDIT: First post just to say this.
Jan 18, 2018
note that this isn't full stack, this is just frontend really. fullstack is... complicated in a different way

source: im not a fullstack dev
Jan 18, 2018
ok so i think should be pretty much fully working now, so it'd be great for people to test it... i guess time to fix balance and address the things in this thread? apologies for the spam-ping

kekasaurus i've ported this one, so AoA may be up next. who knows?
ryuzuki2 yea that's all the locations

What's missing is GBs
what even are GBs???

Dude932 we have the reverse-engineered source code now so... yeah. feel free to fork it and do your own thing. note that it's very close to a direct port of GML, so i wouldn't call it good javascript. not terribad either, but don't treat it as like the gold standard for javascript programs. there's quite a bit of hackiness going on here

old spider there are quite a few endings:
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Jan 18, 2018
So... JavaScript then
... yea.

also, psa: taking requests for... whatever really. it might be unfinished but fuck if i know what else it needs that hasn't been mentioned yet. to everyone that mentioned any bugs, i *did* fix a few of them while porting, you guys might wanna try again to see if it's still broken


Jun 13, 2018
at this point now is this game still considered abandoned? Abandoned by the original dev sure, but now it looks like its been adopted.

I think the first thing that should be done (Im not a coding by any means so if anything sounds pretentious or demanding I apologize) cleaning up whats already in the game. scrape up the left over bugs so you have something clean to work with and not whatever mess we have right now.

After that if you can do anymore digging, I wanna know what the 3 locked races are at character creation. They weren't implemented but there might be something in the code that says or suggest what they were? If we can find out it would be cool to finally put them into the game. If not, we can just make it up, its just a generic fantasy world so it wouldn't be hard to come up with something. I certainly have a few idea of my own.

Speaking of making shit up, it seemed like the original dev had some sort of inkling for a story in mind. Obviously its never been finished, or at least not implemented, but maybe we can put our creative brains together to make something of what we got?


Jun 13, 2018
Actually, I never bothered to look at the dev's blog until now. they really had some ideas going on for the game. I would suggesting taking a look at it and gleam from it what we can.
Jan 18, 2018
also guide on new controls:
ctrl (or hold) to press small round buttons. idea stolen from ren'py. useful for, say, skipping intro

f9 to toggle debug mode. shows fps, scrollbar location (for some reason that's in the game. i'm keeping it in bc why not)
a to reset actions to 1. note that this doesn't refresh if you're at main screen so you gotta go somewhere and go back. will fix asap
p for +1 advantage (perk)
l for +10 life
m for +10 mood
h for +10 hygiene
c for +1 gold
f for +1 fame

dev's blog
oh yea i was lookin there... tried to contact author to find out the new endings, no luck. guess the email is dead
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Jun 13, 2018
So I just played through with the version you touched up, i was just clicking through to see what happens. few things I noticed broken: When health was getting lower it was turning blue rather than orange then red. When my character ate after not eating a day because of being too poor, my health dropped dramatically. When I was raped it reset my health, mood, and hygiene back to default values except for hygiene which shot up to 98. And that was all within a week in game.
Jan 18, 2018
health colors: fixed
health dropped: 13-18 is the range it's set to in the normal range, if that's what you mean by dramatically that's expected
raped: this was an issue with all stat changes apparently; should be fixed now. note that github might take a couple minutes to regenerate the site


Jun 13, 2018
so when working in the shady shop, the money earned was not rounded properly and ended up giving me decimals and continued to do so. also, I experienced this in my first play test as well, when a really weird bug happens like reset values or improper money values, the game just has a stroke and dies and goes blank once you begin the day eventually.
Jan 18, 2018
pushed another update... not quite sure about the stroke thing and not rounding properly. spammed the shady shop and its working pretty much fine for me


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
A dynamic sex system like Newlife would be nice, but I guess you were after small ideas not big features so I won't hold my breath
Jan 18, 2018
i mean, i don't have a problem with that, the only problem is... that would drastically alter gameplay wouldn't it? so not 100% sure if it's a good idea (or the direction cotg wanted to take it)
Jan 18, 2018
ok i guess some things about gangbangs.
- how many people? i'd imagine with too many people xp gain would be broken
- is the current roll-once-to-determine-text system fine for gangbangs? (= same amount of text as other encounters)
or do you want slightly more options/slightly more fleshed out encounter than the others
- also how to refer to the people. especially if there a variable number of people
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Jun 13, 2018
Is there no other way to give exp other than the 1 man = 1 exp? cause if not then the system itself is flawed and the concept of gangbangs was always going to throw a wrench into it, which is probably why the dev didnt implement it with the daily prostitution and couldnt figure out a solution. If there's another way to give exp off gangbangs or prostitution in general that should be looked into. Maybe an actual formula, like x men divided by dice roll = x exp. Im just spit ballin, idk if thats possible or not.

Idk if there's an actual cap on gangbangs, right? I know that if you increase your renown and skill more men usually show up. on one playthrough I focused purely on oral and had a really high oral stat, and combined with renown I was pulling in 22-26 men near the end of it. But because man = 1 exp I was able to level pretty fast. Without a cap I think a formula like the one I mentioned before will make it more balanced, the chances of one being asked for should have a much lower chance of being requested than normal request.

roll to determine text seems fine to me, at least in concept. how it does in game remains to be scene. but what the player has setup as options for prostitution should still apply to the scene unless raped like normal.

not exactly sure what you mean by refer to people. as in their race? their profession? how many there are?