This is the truth for me. If there was a word for it (which I don't know if there is), it's akin to a "Writers Block". Except in my circumstance the problem isn't writing a story, I already know what the story is. The problem is that I don't have the tile set I suppose that I'm satisfied with having for my game to look the way I want. So even if I did make due with the tile sets that I have access to, or even if I bought some tile sets, I still feel as if nothing I made comes even close to looking right or much less as good as what I got envisioned in my head.
For me it's a very huge obstacle to overcome. I can watch all the tutorials that I want but for some reason I still feel like what I attempt just doesn't look right.
I think the problem partially comes from for one, I want it to be a game that even I would play, and two, I would want those who play my game to enjoy it too, it doesn't need to be everybodies favorite cup of tea, but I'd like for those who play and enjoy my game to be able to play and enjoy it even if some who try it don't.