Be careful if you're using BOTN Tools though, it's technically out of date and the further I've gotten in game the more issues I've had with it; So far no issues with changing the traits on the breeder or other Nephelym, but I've gotten to where trying to reorder my list of them corrupts the game save. I'm not sure why; I fixed it the first time by deleting the Stoic trait from all my Nephelym, but now it's happening again without it... Also, note that using it will alphabetize the traits of everything but the breeder for some reason, which doesn't look right in the lists.
Actually, does anyone understand what the shortcut launch parameters are doing for it? I'm suddenly wondering if the reason it's corrupting my game save is I changed the shortcut to remove a lot of it and just launch the program.
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C start /B /D .\Core .\Core\BOTNTools.exe