Just got through my first playthrough of what you have so far in the game. Overall, I say it is done very well. I definitely enjoy the more character focus and breeding elements over what BS had in its final days. This might also sound like odd praise to give to a harem game, but I love its sex positivity and approval of polygamist ideas. For the most part, as long as everyone is a consenting adult and respects eachother, they can do whatever they want. I am going to go through my thoughts on improvements here in this post. I tried going through posts to not comment on things that have been talked to at length or are already planned to change, but there is 142 pages of posts here so I probably will be repeating some things.
I'll get the big one out of the way first because I saw a lot of people talking about it, but I still wanted to add my two cents. The Nuran Quest. Personally, the only thing that bothered me about it was how butt hurt the protag was. This game was filled with a lot of comments about open relationship sexuality and how it is viewed as a common and rather positive thing by most people in town. There is also the fact that everything points to the protag being Kalos, and as such I feel his morality would remain unchanged, even if he has lost his memories. From what little we know of Kalos, seems like he was totally into open relationships. It makes no sense how pissed off he gets. I think it would work better if it was more focused on how he is upset Rika does not trust him and is concerned he will view her differently despite all of their previous interactions.
I hope you are planning to add voice acting to non sex scenes. Obviously, it doesn't need voice lines for every piece of dialogue, but it would be nice to have it for the more important ones. As it is now, I found it jarring playing through the game and having a mental idea of what Rika would sound like, only to have it ultimately sound completely different.
The first elf and dragon you get should be the named characters we interacted with in the quest. It just makes them feel a little more special.
For named characters that can partake in breeding, I think it would be great to implement a system when they gain traits as you complete their quests or raise their affinity. It would help to keep them relevant throughout the game. Maybe even give them each a personalized trait that only they can have as the ultimate reward for completing their quests. As of right now, I found Nu to be a completely worthless character due to her only having a tier 1 skill that I already gotten to tier 3 on some of my other monsters.
I would love to see options to ask characters on non-quest important dates. Helps makes them more fleshed out. In the same vain, I would love to see more pairings and options for playing blackjack.
Now I am getting in the nitpick territory. This is a personal pet peeve, but the value of items are not consistent. A fancy bottle of wine is 25 Dani cheaper than a take out meal. And for the price of 25 take out meals you can make long lasting repairs to a rundown lighthouse. In the context of the game play, it makes sense. At that point in the game 2,500 dani is probably still a large amount for you. But, for world building it causes issues.
This one is completely subjective, but I do not care for the 4th wall breaking Narrator jokes. They fall flat every time.