It's a waste of time because the story is just a method to give the users more sex scenes beyond the base "pen-yard" ones. It doesn't really matter because at the end of the day it's just a porn game. It's not even that bad you can skip it if you want anyway. I don't get why people care so much let alone argue it passionately
I'm most certainly not, and given their current track record wouldn't highly recommend becoming, a Patron of this team at the moment, but there exists people who pay money to support the development of their games. Those people at the least have a vested interest in how the game turns out. They might understandably care how the devs' implementations of things like the writing affect the game they're paying money for. Despite not having financial stake in the team myself, I honestly used to have hopes for this game and I occasionally like to check threads of games I like[d]. It's been almost a year and a half, but as the "choice" issue spawning the arguments apparently still exists in the game after all this time despite assurances it was getting rewritten long ago, I'll wade back in and give my 2 cents again.
If the plot is throwaway, then why even masquerade it as even remotely meaningful in the first place? If the devs felt like their story meant as little as some people feel it does, they could just take away player choices as a feature altogether. It would lessen the long-term work they'd have to put in to handle the consequences of branching choices and solve the whole issue around railroading people into content they think they could avoid given the dialogue choices they made. For most people I feel the issue is about the choice not doing what it felt like it should, with the fact that the type of content isn't liked by a large number of people only compounding on the problem and muddying the arguments. The content in question here is NTR, but imagine a choice you're given in a game you've liked so far not actually letting you avoid scat, or vore, or guro even though the choice you were allowed to make made it seem like you could. None of the current arguments would even need to be made if the choice actually did what it should. On the other hand, removing the choice and forcing the scenes would suck for people who like the game though not that content, but at least they wouldn't be under the illusion that they could choose to avoid it.
As to the value of the story itself, Morah and Lostraven are still pretty active on the site it seems, and I'm sure they could give some insight into whether their goal is for the story to mean anything more than a simple lead-in to the sex scenes if they ever stop by and feel like sharing. Porn games are still games, and while good art is a driving factor, good gameplay and writing make the experience more pleasing. They give you a reason to play the game instead of just ripping the images or going to your preferred porn site or imageboard for similar content. Being reductive and saying the story is meaningless can be extended to saying the gameplay is also meaningless. Why have a bunch of traits and stats to make breeding more complicated if the main goal as a porn game is just for it to be a lead-in to more porn? Because enough people like that game part of the game in addition to the porn part. Same can be said for some porn games' stories.