3.60 star(s) 61 Votes

Morah SDG

Development Consultant & Revision's Supervisor
Game Developer
Feb 10, 2018
Hey guys.

I'm pretty sure we're going to have time and go back, rewrite a lot of the lore, mechanics, tutorials and scenes such as the NTR one so that there's actual choice and proper 2+2=4 logic, and not the current 2+2=You getting cucked regardless of choices logic.

I'm sorry if this is currently a grievance for many of you, and or if the bugs are breaking the game. I'll try my best to help produce some builds with any real big bugs removed. I'm more of the "eye for details" when it comes to bugs and quality of life issues for Team Bieno, but I'll be honest and say: I don't think I myself have had time enough to actually play through Breeding Farm start to "Finish" since maybe the second update or so. It's not that playtesting isn't done on this game, certainly, we have the main coder devs and a handful of select favorites in the discord who help with that for both Team Bieno games. I'm just bad at this game and thus have usually avoided the fine-tooth revisions for some time now. So I'm sure a lot of stuff could be improved that currently isn't, and I want to amend that issue.

I'm going to spend the time I have free to diligently make notes about things we need to improve, because this game is important to me, and you fans of Breeding Farm specifically are important to me, and this game isn't even my baby. So its high time I start producing some results to match that reverence I have for you fine folk.

Like I said, I'm going to start playtesting the current version, and hopefully, we'll have a completely tread through, line by line revised script and game by the end of the year. I'm still currently producing a number of new BGs for Amity Park at the moment as well, so it's all about balance and managing your schedule, but I'm going to give it the old porn-dev try. Hope you guys understand. Anyway, back to playtesting.


Feb 19, 2019
Hey guys.

I'm pretty sure we're going to have time and go back, rewrite a lot of the lore, mechanics, tutorials and scenes such as the NTR one so that there's actual choice and proper 2+2=4 logic, and not the current 2+2=You getting cucked regardless of choices logic.

I'm sorry if this is currently a grievance for many of you, and or if the bugs are breaking the game. I'll try my best to help produce some builds with any real big bugs removed. I'm more of the "eye for details" when it comes to bugs and quality of life issues for Team Bieno, but I'll be honest and say: I don't think I myself have had time enough to actually play through Breeding Farm start to "Finish" since maybe the second update or so. It's not that playtesting isn't done on this game, certainly, we have the main coder devs and a handful of select favorites in the discord who help with that for both Team Bieno games. I'm just bad at this game and thus have usually avoided the fine-tooth revisions for some time now. So I'm sure a lot of stuff could be improved that currently isn't, and I want to amend that issue.

I'm going to spend the time I have free to diligently make notes about things we need to improve, because this game is important to me, and you fans of Breeding Farm specifically are important to me, and this game isn't even my baby. So its high time I start producing some results to match that reverence I have for you fine folk.

Like I said, I'm going to start playtesting the current version, and hopefully, we'll have a completely tread through, line by line revised script and game by the end of the year. I'm still currently producing a number of new BGs for Amity Park at the moment as well, so it's all about balance and managing your schedule, but I'm going to give it the old porn-dev try. Hope you guys understand. Anyway, back to playtesting.
I don't know if this review will be helpful but I hope it will and will be received in the same manner as your post.

The Good:

1) The game has quite the array of interesting characters right from the start such as Talia and the family who rescues you really grab and holds ones interest. As you continue the storylines of Rika and Cece/Cecilia they don't have a dip in quality there is a consistent level of writing.

2) The artwork is rather impressive whether it is the character designs, the background or the animation it is all quite good and rather pleasant to look at.

3) The difficulty for a game that is meant to be played one handed whilst most of your blood is engorging ones lower and for this batch of fellow degenerates primary head never leads to a cock up cascade. Now whilst this game isn't the most difficult and intricate of management sims it doesn't seem to be trying to and knows that it is interactive porn.

4) The variety of monster girls and boys is pretty decent for an effectively bare bones beta and I do appreciate that they have varied appearances rather than the same one for all of the races barring Elves and Dragons.

5) The game hasn't crashed on me and it is pretty small in size in comparison to other games with less content even for 2d games so whoever is working on the code of the game is doing a pretty good job.

The Bad:

1) There are some characters whom we can recruit and shag such as Nu and the Elves that serve no fucking purpose besides some sex scenes. Nu is barren for no reason despite the games narrative stating she would be good for breeding plant girls and the Elves just waist space. The Elves truly are infuriating and make no sense, we are supposed to breed with them since their males are losing their virility yet all we get are females whom do not need to be replaced. We can't sell the females and they aren't that great for being broodmares for good traits. It would make sense for us to be trying to breed virile males for the elven village not just breeding useless broodmares.

2) The gay content is non existent and whilst I don't care about it it does seem rather odd that we can have two males "breed" for training purposes there isn't any sex scenes for them. Again this is the most minor of nit picks for me but I imagine that for some when they see the gay tag and they get blue balled/beaned this might be disappointing for them.

3) The quest line for CeCe/Cecilia is annoying to start as you have no indication to start one until an RNG encounter with her at night in the town. I had completed Rika's mission line up until the point I had to do CeCe/Cecilias quest line to progress Rikas. A note in the quest log with a line such as "I wonder what Cecilia is doing in the town late at night" would be great.

The Ugly:

1) The whole getting cucked despite having an option to be ok with sharing her with beasts was quite the annoying railroad just for a near useless transformation was rather annoying but it was the disregard for choice that stung not some anal scene. And this is the prime example that I can think of of choices having no effect/meaning and is quite the obvious logic fail like the elves and Nu lapses in logic mentioned above.

2) The ghost of Breeding Season and the looming spectre of Star Citizen whilst they are beyond your control they undoubtedly trouble those of us who don't wish to relive those tragedies. Now working on more than one game isn't a problem per se as you guys do release content for both games several times a year at least but the apparent lack of vision is disconcerting. Whilst at the moment there is a quest that cannot not be completed and the game is rather bare bones when you discount the bloat that is inherent in all management sims it is an understandable cause of concern for others. If we were to have a clear and I am loathe to use this term "road map" of what to expect and when to expect it that will hopefully assuage our concerns.

TLDR the game looks and plays great, has promise but the serious lapses in narrative logic and the stench of Breeding Seasons rotting carcass are cause for concern. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


Nov 21, 2018
2) The gay content is non existent and whilst I don't care about it it does seem rather odd that we can have two males "breed" for training purposes there isn't any sex scenes for them. Again this is the most minor of nit picks for me but I imagine that for some when they see the gay tag and they get blue balled/beaned this might be disappointing for them.
This. If they don't want to add gay content that's fine, but then the gay tag is a bit misleading. I think there's a few FxF scenes between Cece and some girl monsters, but no MxM ones. As I saw the gay tag I definitely tried to pair male monsters and was promptly disappointed as you said.
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Sep 10, 2018
it's good even now; polishing the unfinished stuff, and there's a 5-6h game worth of play. What are you talking about?
I'm talking about poor game design and decision making, e.g. multiple unfinished, unpolished, redundant features or the inclusion of unfinished artwork / animations. Also, as mentioned, this is already v0.4.1 and not even the first quest can be completed, resulting in a disappearing protagonist. Now if you tell me this is new since a recent patch it will only get a lot worse.
In what world can this be justified as good?

How is it possible to create more content by just polishing things? I think you are just a troll. No offense here, just what I think about your message. So, let me pass your question back to you: What are you talking about?

I'm pretty sure we're going to have time and go back, rewrite a lot of the lore, mechanics, tutorials and scenes [...].

I'm more of the "eye for details" when it comes to bugs and quality of life issues for Team Bieno, but I'll be honest and say: I don't think I myself have had time enough to actually play through Breeding Farm start to "Finish" [...].

[...] I'm going to start playtesting the current version [...].
I think these quotes speak for themselves.
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Oct 31, 2016
Also, as mentioned, this is already v0.4.1 and not even the first quest can be completed
because the first quest is the main one, and the the entire plot line? Finishing it is finishing the game, basically. There are different types of approaches to the story. Get the bugs out of the side quests - bum = (a typical jav game in terms of content)^2. Tho the elfs line is not done. Whatever. They never said it's finished.
In what world can this be justified as good?
WiP is WiP. Can't criticize it as a final product, yet.
How is it possible to create more content by just polishing things?
There is enough content for a small game, imo. If they want to expand - their choice. If it's a burden to them - finish the animations for MC, the already existing quest and voila. Judge a final product, if you wish. What is the game missing? That's what i didn't understood from your comment. Only thing I understood is: "the game is bad because it's unfinished". And it never was presented as a finished one.
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Oct 31, 2016
I liked the game, ok? And imo it's better, way better than the infamous predecessor, or inspired one, whatever. I took the bitching in it's direction a little more serious that i normally would. But... at least make it constructive criticism.
Nagging the bugs or unfinished plot lines is not criticism, it's just understandable, for the game is WiP. If it was declared finished, then the bugs and plot holes can be shit upon. *cough cough* MG5 *cough cough*
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Morah SDG

Morah SDG

Development Consultant & Revision's Supervisor
Game Developer
Feb 10, 2018
This. If they don't want to add gay content that's fine, but then the gay tag is a bit misleading. I think there's a few FxF scenes between Cece and some girl monsters, but no MxM ones. As I saw the gay tag I definitely tried to pair male monsters and was promptly disappointed as you said.
I'll remove the gay tag for now, I wasn't really one to add it.
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Salt is a Way of Life
May 1, 2018
The Bad:

1) The Elves truly are infuriating and make no sense, we are supposed to breed with them since their males are losing their virility yet all we get are females whom do not need to be replaced.
IMO the Elves shouldn't be "monsters" but more equals of humans and thus a simple and easy way to actually include pregnancy content into this breeding game (breeding season also had this issue). Them being so apprehensive in the plot and their art looking so unassured clashes greatly when you can breed them with a barely anthropomorphic wolf. It'd be nice to have four or five elf girls you meet, they have personalities, and maybe a couple have husbands that you can cuck or something.


Sep 10, 2018
Would you rather nobody have said anything and we just ignore these issues you guys are having?
No, definitely not. It's just great that you are tackling this! I just wanted to point out that your missing/bad plan is making things a lot harder for you than it needs to be. I'm talking about project management here. This is sadly very often the reason why devs of NSFW fail.

Seems like the quotes weren't speaking for themselves. Sorry for the confusion here!
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Morah SDG

Development Consultant & Revision's Supervisor
Game Developer
Feb 10, 2018
No, definitely not. It's just great that you are tackling this! I just wanted to point out that your missing/bad plan is making things a lot harder for you than it needs to be. I'm talking about project management here. This is sadly very often the reason why devs of NSFW fail.

Seems like the quotes weren't speaking for themselves. Sorry for the confusion here!
Yeah, sorry, I guess I didn't get what you referring to. Apologies on my end as well.

I do think you're correct looking back at what you even really said about planning and roadmapping. Amity Park is something where me and GZone sorta have a concrete idea of where and what we're heading toward, and what needs to be implemented in between that, either in the future or retroactively. Now we usually relay that to the fans of AP, and they can usually get a gyst of what we're setting up.

BF is a bit of a different beast in that GZone has more say in the story beats, but a lot of the creativity and world building comes from LR. I usually have just taken what he's done in the script, proofread it, tidy it up, and streamline the ideas he's working with. But where I sorta myself have an idea of what we're all leading towards, I couldn't really ultimately tell you what's going to happen in between, outside of female character updates, similar to one's we've had for Rika and Cece. I do think that should change, and I think you guys should be let in on it too. So I'm adding a roadmap to the list of things we need by the end of the year, even just a couple steps ahead.


Sep 10, 2018
Yeah, sorry, I guess I didn't get what you referring to. Apologies on my end as well.

I do think you're correct looking back at what you even really said about planning and roadmapping. Amity Park is something where me and GZone sorta have a concrete idea of where and what we're heading toward, and what needs to be implemented in between that, either in the future or retroactively. Now we usually relay that to the fans of AP, and they can usually get a gyst of what we're setting up.

BF is a bit of a different beast in that GZone has more say in the story beats, but a lot of the creativity and world building comes from LR. I usually have just taken what he's done in the script, proofread it, tidy it up, and streamline the ideas he's working with. But where I sorta myself have an idea of what we're all leading towards, I couldn't really ultimately tell you what's going to happen in between, outside of female character updates, similar to one's we've had for Rika and Cece. I do think that should change, and I think you guys should be let in on it too. So I'm adding a roadmap to the list of things we need by the end of the year, even just a couple steps ahead.
Thank you for your time and effort! I really appreciate this. It is really nice to have this knowledge now. First and foremost, I wanted you guys to know that the game as it is now is a pretty terrifying experience for a completely new player - or at least it was for me. I just wanted to love it, but simply couldn't enjoy it.

If you're looking for a helping hand anywhere, you might want to check out my thread here: https://f95zone.to/threads/happy-to...keting-project-management-play-testing.99288/
I would be very happy to see you succeed with Breeding Farm and finish the game.
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Some Rogue AI

Mar 19, 2019
But where I sorta myself have an idea of what we're all leading towards, I couldn't really ultimately tell you what's going to happen in between, outside of female character updates, similar to one's we've had for Rika and Cece. I do think that should change, and I think you guys should be let in on it too. So I'm adding a roadmap to the list of things we need by the end of the year, even just a couple steps ahead.
This is the kind of thing people like to see. Someone actually taking some responsibility and trying to improve. Proof is in the pudding though, and the skeptics are gonna need to see the actions to offset the look of the team's current track record with this game. That said, I do sincerely hope you follow through. Always hoping someone will eventually break Breeding Season's curse.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I honestly just can't bring myself to call it "ntr" or "cucking" when it's happening in a world (well, in a town so far) built around the premise of banging anything and everything with a dick, for profit in the case of the farm. This is made more evident by their nonchalant attitude towards sex (church lady notwithstanding), hell, even the queen was getting herself a healthy dose of monster vitamin D until something happened and she threw a temper tantrum that resulted in the whole mess with the church shutting down breeding farms at her behest (if I understood the story correctly).
Rika had allegedly been doing that before our MC popped into existence, so what makes it weird now? Hell, I'd join the wolf that night and sandwich her if that was an option. The way I see it, asking her to stop sneaking off and getting wolfed is like asking a smoker to stop smoking right now. Will they do it? Probably not, they're just more likely to avoid you and smoke when/where you can't see it.

I'm far more miffed about how the choices we're given don't actually affect the outcome of the story. Having me be accepting and supporting her uh, adicktion, only to do a complete 180 and get mad/stomp off on her out of nowhere felt really weird and out of place.

I get why people are calling it ntr and are so up in arms about it, in any other game I would be inclined to agree too. In the context of a breeding game, where the basic premise is that you can/will bang several species for profit/fun, I'm more inclined to just call it Monday.


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2017
This is the kind of thing people like to see. Someone actually taking some responsibility and trying to improve. Proof is in the pudding though, and the skeptics are gonna need to see the actions to offset the look of the team's current track record with this game. That said, I do sincerely hope you follow through. Always hoping someone will eventually break Breeding Season's curse.
I will be complete honest, i have no idea if only him can do anything (he look like is the only one that really care about the game, since look like lostraven are now working more on the other game), this one really look like a plan b to try pick people from that garbage of game that "purple guy" have made. I really hope too that this game become a good game, the breeding games always have this curse, from all those that i have seen appear and get abandoned, so far there is only one and half that still good, at this moment, this one is the half one.

I get why people are calling it ntr and are so up in arms about it, in any other game I would be inclined to agree too. In the context of a breeding game, where the basic premise is that you can/will bang several species for profit/fun, I'm more inclined to just call it Monday.
I say that is ntr/cheating because of the choices, i completely agree if the mc chose "i don't care that you fuck monsters" that they have an open relationship, hell, she can even be a helper at the barn, but those that put "keep you to myself" ended the same way, i don't care if the world where everyone fuck everyone (not too much different that the world where we live) the problem is that i choose to keep her to myself, have a relationship, kids, and not a quick fuck of someone that i will probably never see again, and that don't change anything, if she said "if you want me i will be like this" ok, but she said yes to being only mine and cheated, and the worst if that even if i said that i don't want anything more with her after all that, he still coming back for her for the threesome. I really hope that in the future, choices matter, i know that is kinda ironic saying "hey, he can fuck anything that moves and she don't", but the game have that "choice". I know mostly people don't like when a game have the ntr, but i will always say this, give the player options, this always make any game better, make her a slut that fuck any monster in the barn, a slut on the town, or keep her to be ours only.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 27, 2017
I will be complete honest, i have no idea if only him can do anything (he look like is the only one that really care about the game, since look like lostraven are now working more on the other game), this one really look like a plan b to try pick people from that garbage of game that "purple guy" have made. I really hope too that this game become a good game, the breeding games always have this curse, from all those that i have seen appear and get abandoned, so far there is only one and half that still good, at this moment, this one is the half one.
I still work on the project, but like many this is just a commission based project, and given the long-lengths between updates on both projects, my involvement in minimal.

this one really look like a plan b to try pick people from that garbage of game that "purple guy" have made.
Is this a jab at me or something? :unsure:
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3.60 star(s) 61 Votes