No, the old one wasn't even numbered, I think.
You made 2.0, I
think MonkOne (

) might have made 2.1 in June last year? (And
I made
another 2.1 that's fortunately lost now). Also, I think
you made
a 2.1 around the same time as well? Or someone else other than MO? Thus the versioning is very confusing, and I think some recent reports indicate at least certain version(s) are not supported by the game any longer... Not to mention that the version in the OP is 2.0 and not 2.1.
Edit (not that I didn't edit this before

): AFAICT, the OP has Kite's 2.0 that's about 3 months older than the one
here. I think there might have been another 2.1, but I'm not entirely sure right now.
Edit2: As far as I can tell, MonkOne's 2.1 and Kite80's 2.0 are both somewhat different takes, and 2.1 looks to be the more advanced one. Unfortunately, it appears 2.1 was never properly tested against 2.0, so it has at least the 'max_upkeep' bug and possibly others.

Don't know about Kite80's version, but I
think it hasn't been hit with bug reports?