I do not believe so. But I've had her in my "Ready to tag" folder for a while now. Part of the issue with her is that there are 3200+ images in that folder. So the naming tool step will take a while.
I'll have to put her behind a couple of others that are in progress, but I'll get to her sooner rather than later with this request.
If I may ask, how do you usually handle that step? First pack I tried my hand it, did it all at once, and it took multiple hours. Now, if I'm making one that has a lot of images, I set like a quota and just do 100-200 a day/session until I eventually get through them all, but would love to get another opinion esp from someone who has made so many packs.
Not really sure there is any other way for that stage than just running them through the tagging tool. I do several other passes first to eliminate as many pics as possible through other means.
I'll note that I use what I refer to as a "top-down" style of pack building. That means that I mass download for the character, and then do steps to chip away at the mass. Eventually a pack emerges.
The other style, which IMHO is easier for new pack makers to use, I refer to as "bottom-up". You start with targeted searches of the R34 sites, to try to collect only those pics that you expect to actually use. From a combination of these searches, a pack emerges.
But in both cases one of the latter steps is the tagging tool. And while the tool is miles better than manual tagging, you still have to handle the pics one by one. That's the stage where the indespensible human judgement comes into play for how each pic should be tagged.
For anime-girls, one more thing to consider while using the "top-down" approach is to cleverly make use of the tags from your sources such as gelbooru.com
If you're using Grabber to download the images, you can easily keep all the crowdsourced tags that are relevant to Brothel King intact in the filename, instead of having to redo all that work.
You do that by adding <"tag_name" > to the filename. The brackets simply mean "add this part to the filename if you can find the tag, but skip it otherwise".
Below is an example of my Grabber filename settings, which attempts to keep lots of tags. I've also made some modifications to the Tagging Tool to automatically convert some results to BK's naming scheme (eg: gelbooru uses "cum_on_body", my tagging tool automatically turns that into BK's "on-body")
You'll find that after the first step of collecting images, 50% + of the tagging tends to be done for you already. It's far from perfect, but it still saves you lots of time.
In general to change things in the current save you need to do things in the Ren'py command line. Shift-O to get in there. Be careful, as you can totally fuck things up quite easily playing around with the game's current variable state.
Yeah, but i'm not a coder, i can only change some value Is there any easier way? P.S. i'm tried delete cach and all .rpyc files, renpy creates new, but nothing changes in loaded save
Yeah, but i'm not a coder, i can only change some value Is there any easier way? P.S. i'm tried delete cach and all .rpyc files, renpy creates new, but nothing changes in loaded save
If it's really a bother to start a new game, let us know what changes you made and maybe we can make them into console commands. Some changes may be too complex for this, like pre-loaded events. (Console is Shift-o on most screens.)
If it's really a bother to start a new game, let us know what changes you made and maybe we can make them into console commands. Some changes may be too complex for this, like pre-loaded events. (Console is Shift-o on most screens.)
I change some value of effects from items and spells. I dont know how many changes eventually I want to make, so I don't want to start a new game every time or asking for console commands here. is there really no simple save update algorithm for renpy?
I change some value of effects from items and spells. I dont know how many changes eventually I want to make, so I don't want to start a new game every time or asking for console commands here. is there really no simple save update algorithm for renpy?
Certain parts of the code are only accessed right as you start the new game. For example, you may have noticed that the spells are listed under a label called "label init_spells():"
Through the console you can force the game to re-load this part of the code (and thus add your modified spells) by typing "call init_spells". In this case that should work. Just keep in mind that you're poking the game in ways it wasn't designed for; don't go blindly console-calling every label you can find in the code
Items/furniture is under "call init_items". Try it at your own peril.
No, because it's not Ren'Py's business, it's the developer's. And some things you might not want to update (like setting MC stats to starting values), while others need updating a lot (all instances items with dynamically-generated templates in a save). There's nothing 'easy' about it all.
I change some value of effects from items and spells. I dont know how many changes eventually I want to make, so I don't want to start a new game every time or asking for console commands here. is there really no simple save update algorithm for renpy?
So I'm trying to get more into this game since I can tell it's got crazy potential, but can anyone tell me if there is a relatively consolidated mod list anywhere?
I apologize if i'm missing something but it looks like the job mod doesn't have a download link, the only link in that thread is zippyshare, it says the file has expired and is no longer on the server.
Do i need to sign in to see it or something? the only thing i see is a mega link to his girls packs and nothing else. I'm not trying to be difficult i just genuinely see nothing.
Edit: Made an account myself to confirm, yes you do have to be signed in to see any attachments, thank you for your assistance.