I haven't tbh --not used to python.
I did not ask you to
code in Python, or even to
know what Python is.

Merely to change a single value in what's essentially a text file.
...also the game asks you when you meet a non free girl which your attitude will be
And you can break your word with relatively little in the way of repercussions.
However it could be done in a way that in SOME cases of girls with strong personalities, if you make them perform something they told you they dislike or hate with a passion -like the game mentions sometimes- there is a risk of mutiny and they could try to escape every single day, or some that could be almost impossible without serious issues.
A 'realistic' way to depict that would be too much like JONT for Goldo to want to do, I imagine. BK is supposed to be a relatively positive spin on sexual slavery, and all the girls are at least secretly
sluts because of that.
Escaping every day is disallowed by assuming she is watched more closely for the next few days following a runaway attempt, and that she's not terminally stupid.
The mechanics to do what you suggest exist, and I've tweaked them in similar directions myself. I had 'kidnapped' girls who were very keen on escaping, higher chances to escape from the farm, free girls running away if you refused to let them buy out their indenture with their percentage cuts.
I'm not sure any of these made the game better.
And increased chances of getting into a fight if you forced them to do something they disliked, shanking you with any weapons you'd given them in the process. Happens in the vanilla game, too, but not quite as often.
You can try a 'lite' version of that for yourself by e.g. changing BKinteractions.rpy:
label fight_attempt(girl, act=None, intensity=1)
label fight_attempt(girl, act=None, intensity=2)
There will be much more 'Spartacus' going on, quite naturally.
I remain unconvinced that the solutions must be ones bypassing the game's preference system, as they would with special traits or personalities (and there would have to be a lot of traits to satisfy all permutations of tastes). Writing a new personality is a lot of work, too.