Ren'Py Brothel King [v0.2] [Goldo]

4.60 star(s) 44 Votes


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Would it be possible, please, to also post a link to downloadable girl packs that include all of the girls already unpacked from their individual archives? Unzipping dozens (or a couple of hundred when I first installed 0.14) is tedious as heck.


Jun 28, 2017
Would it be possible, please, to also post a link to downloadable girl packs that include all of the girls already unpacked from their individual archives? Unzipping dozens (or a couple of hundred when I first installed 0.14) is tedious as heck.
You should be able to just select the files you want to unpack and do them all in the one go by right clicking in Windows/File Explorer or equivalent and selecting the right option. Depending on your setup and the pack you may need to "unpack here" or "extract each archive to separate folder". Just try a couple in a separate folder to see what happens if you aren't sure.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
You should be able to just select the files you want to unpack and do them all in the one go by right clicking in Windows/File Explorer or equivalent and selecting the right option. Depending on your setup and the pack you may need to "unpack here" or "extract each archive to separate folder". Just try a couple in a separate folder to see what happens if you aren't sure.
Hot damn, that works! So much easier, and way quicker, than unpacking each one using WinRAR. Thanks!!!


New Member
Jun 24, 2018
I finally checked this out and wanted to give my feedback and thanks.

Overall I think it's great and much more enjoyable than Jack o ninetails ever was.
Though I miss some of its features such as piercing/tatttoos, feeding and other rules, and selling at auctions.

I liked the dice roll on events, and quality of the writing is overall pretty good.

The main issue I've had is with balancing.
1 action per speed seems too low.
Negative events sending the brothel into a deathspiral is interesting maybe once..
Gold income seems on the low side but I havnt played around with modifiers yet.

The other issue is overall quality of girlpacks.. but thats more my own personal problem. I just feel likes theres a lot more focus on quantity over quality of pics and it does detract from the experience.
Thankfully I can just replace any images I don't like.

Girl missions could use more flavor text and maybe a prompt to comment on their success or failure.

Havn't looked into adding/modding jobs but hope its possible.

All in all I am impressed and think this game has a lot more content than the v0.14 implies.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
Thanks @Knightshade1111 and welcome :) I can say we're looking for some little changes about the features you mentioned, like having more action points and rebalancing the negative night event (something has been changed with the latest patch, try it if you missed it). About the gold, I can say that rank A girls may earn 800-1000 gold for each client if well trained and with good perks; even gold balance can be improved, but consider that once MC gets more actions per day he can collect more resources and eventually sell them; also good trained girls can be sold at good prices and I can suggest a few strategies for the early stages of the game (especially chapter 1 brothel) which provide a good gold income. I'll do it, promised.

Girl packs are indeed a crucial element of the game and it's true that not every image is good; speaking of which I can say what I usually do when I make a girl pack (which is what many pack creators do): since the game uses a lot of tags, I try to collect as many good pics as I can, I literally search through thousands of pics I could find on the H search sites I know (gelboor, sankaku, rule34 etc.). Many prefer to use softwares which download automatically, I prefer to search manually. Second step is quality control: only the best images are chosen. Then I go looking on other sources to find images I still need for tags I haven't found yet (usually those images are profile, bestiality, some jobs).
I don't bother you on the details of the next steps: look for clones, size conversion, tagging.
The final result is at maker's choice: one can make a 50+ pics pack with high quality pics only, but lacking some tags, or add some more not so good pics for covering every tag BK uses, or even (like I do) make a 200+ pics pack for having more variety when the game shows the girl's pics. All these are good ways to do a girl pack imho, all these ways require at least a couple hours of work. The best thing would be having artists who create every single pic for the girls, with all tags covered and all pics in high quality, but BK has no fund collecting (and Goldo never asked it so far)...

Adding jobs requires a modification of the main code of the game, so it's better ask Goldo and propose some ideas, I agree that the girls may do a few more jobs, even if for now I don't see the need to make this change. For sure, many people would like the ponygirl job :-D
Modding is possible since BK is open source and rpy files are not decrypted: if you know renpy enough you can even modify some features at your likes! I did it for actions per day and now my MC gets 3 ap for each speed point!

About the content: be sure that there will be a lot of content for every game chapter! There will be more and more npcs, intrigues, challenges and a lot of things, the best is yet to come.
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Jun 28, 2017
I don't have any issues with speed or gold but I am probably further along than most. I am currently in chapter 5 I think. I can have X girls and 32 girls in my brothel. Don't know why I kept going but I just wanted to see how far I could go. I haven't used any mods or cheats so far.

My main issue is with negative events. I can have maybe half or more of my brothel injured at once. So many that it fills the screen when you scroll through. If it weren't for that I would have no problems with gold. On bad nights I'm losing 25,000 gold. To counteract it I have to build up a really big buffer so when I hit a really bad month I can just take the hits.

Another issue I have is with the amount of text that comes up sometimes on the results screen. There is so much text that it goes below the bottom of the screen and you can't scroll down.


Dec 31, 2017
I don't have any issues with speed or gold but I am probably further along than most. I am currently in chapter 5 I think. I can have X girls and 32 girls in my brothel. Don't know why I kept going but I just wanted to see how far I could go. I haven't used any mods or cheats so far.

My main issue is with negative events. I can have maybe half or more of my brothel injured at once. So many that it fills the screen when you scroll through. If it weren't for that I would have no problems with gold. On bad nights I'm losing 25,000 gold. To counteract it I have to build up a really big buffer so when I hit a really bad month I can just take the hits.

Another issue I have is with the amount of text that comes up sometimes on the results screen. There is so much text that it goes below the bottom of the screen and you can't scroll down.
One thing I have always done is keep the brothel security bar at max all the time when possible, can really help with injury prevention. That, and whenever a self-defense weapon shows up in the store I grab it, upgrading the girl's personal defenses wherever possible. I agree that at the later chapters money becomes far less an issue, once I hit the point that I can get girls to A rank I generally stop having money issues (mainly because I always max out the Slut perk path that allows the girls to work half shifts of normal jobs and whoring, really helps the gold flow). The thing that really makes my eye twitch at times is how my C and B rank girls, when they get propositioned, default to flipping the customer off as they somersault out of the room regardless of what their skill levels are (I've had B rank girls with max obedience, libido, sensitivity, and all sex skills (also every sex act unlocked and checked) telling customers to go fuck themselves far more often than seeing them accept propositions), which really makes ranking girls up get irritating, as half the points of reputation they earn through working or job posts get wrecked by them refusing customers.


Jun 28, 2017
One thing I have always done is keep the brothel security bar at max all the time when possible, can really help with injury prevention. That, and whenever a self-defense weapon shows up in the store I grab it, upgrading the girl's personal defenses wherever possible. I agree that at the later chapters money becomes far less an issue, once I hit the point that I can get girls to A rank I generally stop having money issues (mainly because I always max out the Slut perk path that allows the girls to work half shifts of normal jobs and whoring, really helps the gold flow). The thing that really makes my eye twitch at times is how my C and B rank girls, when they get propositioned, default to flipping the customer off as they somersault out of the room regardless of what their skill levels are (I've had B rank girls with max obedience, libido, sensitivity, and all sex skills (also every sex act unlocked and checked) telling customers to go fuck themselves far more often than seeing them accept propositions), which really makes ranking girls up get irritating, as half the points of reputation they earn through working or job posts get wrecked by them refusing customers.
I always have my security at max and a lot of my girls have weapons. I think it's more that I have furniture that adds to craziness. If it's also a crazy month things go very bad.

I generally have my lower level girls just train or do jobs all the time. They hardly ever do their regular jobs at least until they are higher level. I also found that I had to just dump some of my C level girls. They just couldn't get their rep up to level.


New Member
Oct 18, 2016
Hey @Kite80 I can't get the Trainer menu to work, although the Shop Reset does. I tried changing the keybinding and editing the code but wasn't successful. Also I'm trying it on a post 0.14 patch game save. Not sure what the problem could be @_@

On a different note I made packs for the more popular ATLA & LoK girls if anyone is interested in those.
VVV link in signature VVV​


Jul 14, 2017
I've been playing a while and I'm pretty late game, but the game gets so much more laggy as I progressively play the game. It makes the game really hard to enjoy when it's so delayed. Is there any solution to this? Its not nearly as laggy on a new game.


Jul 31, 2017
I think that's inevitable since it's accessing so many images? I think to maintain a smoother experience you need to limit your amount of girl packs probably. Though I'm one to talk I think there's like 300 in my folder, whoops.


Dec 31, 2017
I've been playing a while and I'm pretty late game, but the game gets so much more laggy as I progressively play the game. It makes the game really hard to enjoy when it's so delayed. Is there any solution to this? Its not nearly as laggy on a new game.
Only real solution would be to upgrade your hardware, and even then you will likely still get some slowdown: I'm now running on a SSD, and even I notice occasional hiccups where the game needs to take some extra time (mainly sundays as the free girls shift and the markets and job board rotate to new inventory, and when I load/save). I doubt it will really be fixable any other way, just due to the nature of the game itself: the sheer volume of variables and data points it has to track climbs pretty fast- as an example, in chapter 1 you have a max of 6 girls owned (4 in brothel and 2 in farm), only the slums unlocked so a maximum of 18 free girls running around (likely closer to 12-14), girls cannot be any rank other than C (which limits level, stat, and perk variables- perks especially, as each girl will have a maximum of 4 perks picked), and you have 4 sub areas to deal with: the three farm shops (beasts, monsters, and machines), and the thieve's guild. By chapter 4, however, you have a maximum of 24 girls owned, 5 areas of free girls for a max of 90 (more likely around 60-70) free girls prancing about town, 12 sub areas, and the girls can range from rank C to rank A (which means the maximum number of perks potentially unlocked is now up to 13 [would be 14 but even if you only pump the two starting trees, you run out of unlocks in those trees at the 12th perk point so point 13 has to unlock a new tree]). The sheer volume of data causes some slowdown no matter what, but the better your hardware the less noticeable it will be.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
You all got the hot points! Let me say again that such game issues are under analysis, like brothel craziness and bad events (as I said before, some bad events already got a cut in their chances of happening), I'm sure Goldo will rebalance those game aspects and make BK more enjoyable.

The lag... well, it's the #1 enemy of every ren'py game as far as I know, I played many games renpy based and no one was immune to lag when a lot of stuff was loading. In my opinion we have two possible solutions: first one is hoping for a ren'py update which contains a better memory resource management; second one is Goldo would make the code slightly lighter, so that BK would consume less memory. Everything can be improved after all!

Once again, speaking for Goldo too, we thank you for playing BK and leaving your feedback ;-)


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
Just wanted to inform you that my first complete and personalized girl pack is now available! Hinata Hyuga rejoins the party with her personal story finally completed, with MC choices which determine her fate. Be good with her and she will love you forever, or be cruel and she will fear and obey you. Watch out: there's a bad ending where you can lose her forever! Link for download:


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
For the fans of overwatch: user Nebrowski on HHS forum released a Pharah girl pack, including a BK.ini for personalization. Here's the link for his packs folder:
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May 15, 2017
I want to start playing this game again.
I really loved the main stroy, but it seems that in this case there isn't much new.

Could you advice me what girl packs are incredible good and/or add some new stories/events to the game?
I will definitely try your Hinata Hyuga pack.
Can I add your Nami pack even there is already a nami in the game before without problems?

€: When I download and unzip the game I get an warning that there are more data there. Anyone else also has this problem?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
@FroKe88 thanks for your interest in my packs :) I really appreciate you like them!
Actually the only girl packs with extra content I know are Boa Hancock (by Goldo) and Hinata (which is my fault :-D ), I want to encourage anyone who wants to try and make one, if you need some guidance I'm here for anything in my capabilites (I'd really like to see more and more girl packs like those mentioned above).

Incredible good girl packs? Honestly I don't know, it depends on personal tastes. I'd look for characters who may have top quality pics because they already are part of something with godd art, like videogames (Overwatch girls) or recent animes; on the other hand, very famous characters get the attention of many good artists. I suggest you to start with those chars you like most, try and see if someone already made a girl pack for them and see if you like it. Consider that no one forbids you to add and delete pics and if you make a better pack after having changed a lot of stuff, feel free to share it with the community. Or just ask if someone wishes to make a good girl pack for your favorite character. BK gives a lot of freedom in this field.

Nami pack in my collection is the same of the basic girl pack, maybe I already deleted it from my mega folder, so the one you already got is enough. Maybe some day I'll make a better Nami pack, she's a cute girl after all...

After the installation be sure that there is only one folder for each girl, and none of them should be in "game", the right path is "game/girls". The error you mentioned suggests me that you may have one more boa hancock folder in "game", if so just delete it.

More content is coming, even before the 2nd chapter main storyline; i'm writing a lot of events involving the posting girl, trying to do my best in the short free time I can get; also 0.14 bug test and Hinata pack revision slowed me down a lot, but I can say that the first couple events are ready and will be published soon, when Goldo will get enough stuff for the next release. I'll do my best to make everything as fast as possible but not too fast, quality is more important!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
Stonesilence on HHS forum is making amazing girl packs, give them a look here:

The latest ones with good art are:

Kashima - Kantai Collection
Atago - Azur Lane
Nero Cladius - Fate series

Mistrun's huge collection's here:

there are more than 190 girls!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
A new girl pack in my collection, this time a small one (only 140 pics): say hello to Seras Victoria from Hellsing!

I've been very strict this time while selecting the pics: I was expecting a lot more about her, unfortunately most of the stuff on the web is crap or cosplayer photos; don't expect every tag is covered then, but I did my best to tag the good pics as much as possible. What to expect then? Not the usual variety of my former packs, but still a good quality and functionality. I hope you will enjoy it.

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4.60 star(s) 44 Votes