Look, I understand and respect everyone's points of view here, but I'm not saying that the "Dev" will change many things (yes there can be changes, yes, without compromising the story), what I'm trying to convey here is that this is not yet "official", in this way I won't and don't advise people to play, as it may contain bugs and other problems that will be fixed in the "official" update, in addition everyone has to understand that the game is starting and will go through many "explanations " and other "different" passages to show what goes on with each character in the game (which many other games don't do and go straight into the action and compromise everything and it's bad for not having coherence in the characters' story and ends up not ending the game itself), and we can't say that the game goes in one direction before "the whole game is finished", because it can have a lot of twists and that's what the "Dev" is doing.
Let's give "Dev" a credit and anyone who doesn't like it, and wants it all right away, or thinks the course has changed "suddenly" has the freedom to not play anymore, but don't influence others who are willing to play a good game like this , as it's a VN and will always have twists and it always comes back to context in the next updates (this is a captivating story, not a story that gets straight to the point without delving into the characters, if you want that try another game).