
Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
What you point out is true and one of the reasons the game is a little difficult to make credits at first. The only help you get & I can give is to go to the Captain's Computer and look at the Sector information. It tells what commodities each trading station sells and buys. Its not perfect but it prevents wasting a lot of time losing credits while trading. After you go far enough into the game, you get help from a crew member that solves the trade data issue.

Also, I will once again remind all starting players, if you haven't clicked on the "?" on the control panel and gone through the 4 Captain's Briefing pages, you're missing a lot of clues and how to play and get the most from the game.

Good luck!
Yeah, I went with that info in the end, but (my opinion) it would be better to have the trade data. I realize that part of the reason we don't is because it becomes a feature of Tiffany educating herself and becoming the ships trader. But I would think the data would be available at the trade hubs. Maybe the margins would be much narrower because we don't have someone who knows how to wheel and deal .. Tiffany would widen those margins and make for higher profits.
The main reason I bring it up is that you have no idea if what your transporting is going to be profitable. Often times, export items you pick up in one sector (such as minerals in the orion hub) are actually less or only a couple of credits greater in the sector that imports them.


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Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
I just started and um....is there like a walkthrough.....or something?
Also, I will once again remind all starting players, if you haven't clicked on the "?" button on the control panel and gone through the 4 Captain's Briefing pages, you're missing a lot of clues and how to play and get the most from the game.


Sep 22, 2020
Also, I will once again remind all starting players, if you haven't clicked on the "?" button on the control panel and gone through the 4 Captain's Briefing pages, you're missing a lot of clues and how to play and get the most from the game.
For some reason I don't get the option to head for salvage


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
For some reason I don't get the option to head for salvage

Yes as DaedusWolfe pointed out, you don't get to go salvaging right away. That option and others open up as the game proceeds. At first you have to suffer through some blind trading...but help is soon to arrive. Just keep your eyes on the "Stars" in the overhead view of the ship and if you don't miss one of the Gold stars you can't help but follow through the main story and watch the Callisto Universe Expand...and have adventures.

It is one thing I like about the game is its expanding nature. It starts simple and gets bigger and bigger until it becomes a real Space Saga.

Oh, and you do get a lot of some great looking girls along the way...

I'd like to see your review after you've traveled far and wide and managed to conquer the Krillen Empire....?

PS: don't forget to do the prolog early in the game for good background info...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 27, 2018
For some reason I don't get the option to head for salvage
The answer to this is provided every weekly meeting.
rac talk "To be honest, we are just waiting on you Captain. We have sufficient credits, but need to order the scanner from the computer in your quarters."
The start of the game is a little awkward to get into, I would admit. The mechanics however are something that I want the players to put some effort into. If it's too easy, there is no sense of accomplishment. Additionally, if there is no thought required, it's just mindless clicking and time wasting.

There is information to allow you to trade well from the start, if you pay attention. Those that struggle, tend to put in little to no effort. If you were to trade in the real world, wouldn't you take some time to figure out where items are produced and where they are consumed?
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Sep 17, 2017
Does missing some of the "bypassed" events/quests lock out content, or does it just impact things like the difficulty of the fleet battle? I wasn't aware the last two side quests were locked after diving into the battle, and wasn't sure if I'd actually be missing much without going back to find a save beforehand. A few other minor events were listed as bypassed, and I wasn't certain where/how they got missed (I think the last of the Trading training ones, and a Kitchen(?) event).


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Mar 27, 2018
I would suggest doing the side quests as these will have a significant impact. The location specific quests will not have an impact.
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Nov 4, 2017
Kitchen LT C gets bypassed for me before it ever becomes available after doing Liberation of Dione Part 7, how do i unlock it before it gets bypassed?

Team Thanos

May 3, 2021
I know there is already a lot of Julia what with sick bay and the threesome in their room but... still would love to see an option to invite her to your room at night. Maybe a threesome option with her involved as well?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 27, 2018
Kitchen LT C gets bypassed for me before it ever becomes available after doing Liberation of Dione Part 7, how do i unlock it before it gets bypassed?
Event relates to fooling around with Lia, prior to Dione Part 7. Hence you need to invite Lia to your room before that point.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
Tried to play this game because the premise and visuals look pretty damn good but boy oh boy does this game need a guide of some sort... I just clicked around for about 3 hours and didn't accomplish a damn thing besides 1 scene in the cargo bay followed by a short shower scene (3 HOURS!!) but this aimless wandering is boring as fuck. I went through the captains log or whatever that mess of information is and the screen that shows what events their are but absolutely zero hints or direction given on what to do to proceed or trigger anything. I mean is this all this game is designed to do is wander aimlessly just praying you click on the right spot?

Good luck on your game dev but my patience has reached its limits :mad:
Or, you know, if you don't wander into it accidentally (or with a little intuitive insight) you could read the post 10 spots above yours that tells you exactly how to reach the built-in guide/walkthrough in the game, as well as a trove of other information about how to play. And if that "mess of information" was too much to digest, it really simplifies to this: go on the ship's diagram/map, click stars in the following order to advance the plot/see interesting scenes: gold (plot advancement) silver (repeatables/side information) blue (sexy time.) If there's no stars, advance time. Repeat.


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Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
No need to be cheeky.

Its just incredibly frustrating trying to figure out what to do after a great prologue and then bam your just dropped into a ship with no real clues on where to go or how to even do trading. You say built-in walkthrough but that is not a walkthrough its a massive info dump with no clear road map just raw info that stuff might happen if you click around randomly long enough(Yay!).

If that is simply the design the dev was going for that's great for those that don't mind having zero direction and an abundance of useless clicking more power to you but I'll wander down the road to a game where the dev doesn't just leave it's players twisting in the wind hoping you "just figure it out".

Said my peace and I'm out! Good luck dev!
WOW, Well, no need to get Cheeky right back! As the person who created that "massive info dump" I guess I'll take that as a backhand complement!!

It's clear that you expected this to be a simple 'one click to advance' story game with little to no world building galaxy wide adventuring. Boy, did you miss out!

Obviously you're someone who clearly doesn't WANT to read and understand what a walk through and Playing instructions for the most massive SPACE ADVENTURE SAGA on F95 needs to tell him for him to NOT "wander down the road" "twisting in the wind."


Look, either put some effort into learning the basics or don't let the door hit you on the ass.
If you change your mind and actually want to try, here's what each page of the "Captain's Briefing" tells you.
Page 1 shows you the layout of "Callisto" so you can't get lost.
Page 2 shows you the "Captain's cabin, your starting point, explains the basic idea of the game ("Free roaming and Mission Oriented") and explains the STATUS/CONTROL BAR you use to control the game
Page 3 shows you the three main screens used to TRACK your progress and ADVANCE the game
Page 4 shows you how to MAKE MONEY (Just FOLLOW THE ARROWS!) which is how you start the game and what you need as you progress.
(and if you think this is a data dump, so solly charlie, the GAME IS HUGE!)

But if all this is too much effort, OK, this Adventure Saga is not for you.
Too bad, the Galaxy really needed a hero to save her and get his rewards from lots of beautiful women.
I guess the next Legendary Hero will be that brave guy standing in line right behind you.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
You DID actually read the tags when you found the game, right? You DO actually understand the difference between a VN and a Sandbox game, don't you? Cause you really, really, really seem to be blaming the Dev for somehow tricking you into thinking this is a VN when it isn't. And that's not to say it's wrong to prefer VNs, tbh this is one of only one or two Sandbox games on this site that I actually enjoy, the vast majority I follow are VNs. But if you are so opposed to the Sandbox play style and actually having to put some effort into understanding a game, why would you even download a Sandbox game in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 27, 2018
I saw the massive quest list but knowhere did it explain how to get to certain events like "go to this station to talk to X, or maybe even the dev could I dunno have a squadmate come and inform you of mission X in galaxy X" or shit just a way to set an active quest and an indicator of where said quest is located...

Like how do we know what progress is being made with any interactions on the ship?

I can go to the shower and Tiffany can tell me to go fuck myself again (Great? Maybe im wearing her down? Who the fuck knows...)

Next ill go watch Kara punch that bag again (Cool! Is this leading to different training in the future? Who the fuck knows...)

Or maybe I can wander into the community room and overhear them talking about the captains massive dick again (is this important to getting into these girls panties later? Who the fuck knows...)

Oh I know ill go talk to the nurse and get a handjob/blowjob again (is this leading to better content later? Who the fuck knows...)

Seeing a pattern here?...

But hey I will avoid that door on my way over to other great games where the dev understands not everbody just magically fucking knows exactly what the fuck to do instantly and provides an actual fucking helping hand to new players rather than just throwing them to the wolves with a "good luck your going to need it but dont worry its totally worth it, just trust me!":cool:
header_b_m.png - Press this button at top of the screen and then press gold stars when they appear.

To clarify, the game is a bit of a combination between sandbox and VN. The game progress is relatively trivial, if you paid attention to the brief introduction at the start of the game and noted the map interface button. All significant events are shown by stars on the map interface. The gold stars will drive the story, which will open up other content. To be honest, I am not sure how much easier I could have made it. If I railroad you into a true VN style game, it completely destroys your freedom and inherently changes the nature of the game.

PS: The only other aspect to see all the major content, is that you need to travel to Beehive Station in order to experience the side quests. If you are trading / salvaging, you should already be visiting this location on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 27, 2018
I knew it was a sandbox going in and I do like them and appreciate the time put into all the varying locations I was just looking for a bit more help in locating things to do. Like a hint system or a quest log with a hint about talk to person A at station B or in system C, or theres rumors about D going down at E. Here it appears its just a star hunt and hope your not skipping content with X to help out Y.

Most sandbox games worth there salt will at least walk you through the early stages of the free roam to give a feel of how the dev wants his game to go and the mechanics of it.
The start of the game is a little awkward I would admit. First content in the first game I have created. Once you have met Sam, the game kicks into gear. There are generally hints of what to do next to make the game progress without having to use the hint system. If you happen to forget where you are the hint system will set you in the right direction. Hence if you have to travel somewhere, the hint system will guide you to the bridge and Tanya will indicate where you have to travel.

If you enjoyed the prologue, then the later game should be a delight. It's far more polished than the earlier content (prologue was v0.1 and up to Sam was v0.2).
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
Been awhile for me. I am d/l .82 and haven't played since .51. Going from memory I always spent a lot of time going from glaxy to galaxy to earn money. Have to get back into the flow and use the gui to get my bearings again. If I remember correctly you can get an idea of where to go next by the side quests listed for each member of the crew. Like I said it's been awhile.

Edit: Lost my saves so starting from scratch but the intro is improved and I love the music score. I used the captains computer as my go to especially to find out the best trades to make from and where to go to make the most money after I got my trade specialist. A lot of work to do again. :cool:
Edit 2: Almost forgot about the back stories at the captains console. Need to get my crew going and get some credits.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
Been awhile for me. I am d/l .82 and haven't played since .51. Going from memory I always spent a lot of time going from glaxy to galaxy to earn money. Have to get back into the flow and use the gui to get my bearings again. If I remember correctly you can get an idea of where to go next by the side quests listed for each member of the crew. Like I said it's been awhile.

Edit: Lost my saves so starting from scratch but the intro is improved and I love the music score. I used the captains computer as my go to especially to find out the best trades to make from and where to go to make the most money after I got my trade specialist. A lot of work to do again. :cool:
Edit 2: Almost forgot about the back stories at the captains console. Need to get my crew going and get some credits.
ut1stgear, welcome to Callisto Universe...again. Starting out again and if you've checked the computer, you know the best trade route is agricultural stuff from Pleiades Station to Orion (buy Minerals) to Beehive (Machinery) and back to Pleiades. Just watch that the prices change and maybe do a save before you buy. That will help your credits until you get help with prices.
Then to advance the stories pay attention to the overhead view and look for GOLD Stars. If none, don't hesitate to hit the SILVER stars to learn about your crew.
To HELP further, I STRONGLY suggest you click on the "?" and go through the "Captain's Briefing"
After that save at least once a week and HAVE FUN looking around!
If you haven't been here since 0.51 you're gonna find a lot of adventure awaits...
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4.10 star(s) 121 Votes