
Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
What a beautiful game! And this was a first effort?
I do have criticisms. I had to play halfway through, to figure out what was going on.
The walkthrough helps with trading & salvage, but a player ends up walking into the Krillen battle
almost blind. I had a feeling that I hadn't done well, so I read the entire forum comments. Ouch!
Xavster, you can ignore 99% of the criticism. That being said, I felt that I was on a railroad for
the last portion of the game. I would set course for wherever, and find out that I was landing on Phoebe.
If you're going to railroad me, just do it - don't pretend that I have any choice. As a courtesy, you could
have warned me that I had no choice.
My 2nd complaint is with the progression; I felt like I'd seen all of the sex scenes by about halfway through
the game. At that point I was just trying to keep the crew happy (and sexually satisfied).
On the positive side ... holy shit!
The story is really, really good - both the relationships and the wars. I like the mix of sandbox and VN
(again, never mind the critics)
The renders are f***ing amazing. I will readily confess that I found Tanya and Julia had great bodies, but Kara
was simply spectacular. You really put a lot of effort into her facial expressions - even when she was in the
background! Just so you know - the 2nd most attractive character was Shari.
I wasn't immediately attracted to most of your other characters, but you went to great lengths to give each
one a distinct and unique personality and history, with considerable depth. That was well done.
Okay, the endings were a bit disappointing. You might have included some new sex scenes as a payoff.
The only one that was satisfying was Kara's.
After all of that ... I would rate this game a solid 12 out of 10.
I look forward to trying out your next effort!
You should be very proud of Callisto.
Zoraster, Thank you for a great review (could put it in the reviews)

Your observations of Callisto's strengths and glitches are very well pointed out.

I personally appreciate your liking the WALKTHROUGH because I spent considerable time creating it. Yes, you're right, I wrote it to get you to the first Krillen Encounter and then left you on your own to sort things out. Hey, you gotta have a little excitement and surprises, don't cha?

Your point about feeling railroaded by being diverted to Phoebe without much warning is well taken as are the points abut the sex scenes and endings...which brings me to the point of my post.

I have some good news for Callisto lovers like yourself. . . . . .

I, the mad ProfessorX10 am busy in my laboratory working on Callisto MOD-1 to . . .

"...add new challenges and expand the story of this Great Interstellar Adventure."

While, like all good works, this may be some time in coming but I have already made progress.

My plan is to offer the MOD to Xavster to allow him to keep you abreast of developments and release it upon completion, should he decide. UNDERSTAND that Xavster is fully engaged in producing his next Adventure...

Stellar Crossroads!

and this MOD project is NOT going to take any of his time away from that project so whatever involvement he will have is still up in the air.

However, work is now proceeding on a MOD that may address many if not all of your concerns and still be the Callisto you enjoyed so much.

So as they say in the newspaper game.... TO BE CONTINUED. . .


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
How many credits for Julia's property for Kara ?

I'm stuck..
18,000 if I remember correctly. Before you buy the retreat... Max out all of your ship upgrades first and make sure you have Tiffany's merchant tool so you can see your best deals at a glance on what to buy and where to buy it from as well as where to sell it off and make merchant runs until you have a cash surplus. Upgrading your ship (computer console in captain's cabin) will allow you to make salvage runs as well. Taking the scanners and the other thing Alice needs first is recommended. Apologies... Can't remember the second item at present. I just upgrade everything once I have made enough to do so through trade. The merchant trading is pretty straight forward. I used a lot of save skimming with the salvaging to ensure we always found the best value for our efforts. Cheating? Maybe... But, I hate grind in games. This game doesn't have a ton of grinding but save skimming when salvaging can save you time and effort. I generally make three or four passes on any given salvage through save/reload/play/repeat until I am happy with our cargo. When I do get something good, I make a save, then go back to the previous save before salvaging to try again unless I am already sure I got the best value for that run. You can save both before choosing the ship to loot and again when presented the option of where to search. When I see Alice pop up on the bridge asking me about salvage, I roll back one screen to before entering the bridge and drop a save there. That way if you get two junk ship options, you can reload and get different choices. That also works if you keep getting another salvage crew there ahead of you that you have to pay off. I enjoy sharing the wealth with MY crew but all others can naff off! Hahaha:devilish:

Follow those guidelines and you will have plenty of credits in rather short order. The 18K comes out of YOUR pocket, not the ship's income and reserve. The upgrades and other ship expenses come out of the ship's funds... I think... the upgrades may come out of captain's income as well. I forget. But, you and Tanya both split the profits you receive from the dance club that you co-own so that is extra loot for you and her. Upgrading the dancers also comes out of your pocket but does pay larger dividends as a result. You can deposit into the ship's account but you cannot make withdrawals. For the weekly review and payday meeting, the game will automatically hold 25,000 in the ship's reserve and divide any remainder in the ship's account equally among all of the living crew as profit. Sorry SAM... You and Jerry don't receive pay... Hahaha:ROFLMAO: It may take a few weeks, even a month to amass enough funds to purchase the retreat through Julia to give Kara a nice respite and recharge. If you are interested in Kara, the retreat is the perfect time to make your move. I was a bit disappointed that we only get to take Kara there once. I was sincerely hoping that the whole crew would get to go at some point, mais non. That does not happen.

Hope this helps you, my friend. Adventure ever on, Phat

PS: The club you and Tanya own is on Gideon. Vera is the first dancer available to hire. You can do so even if it puts you in debt with a negative balance. Hire her as early as you can. That way you have Jool, the only girl left from the previous owner who is clean of drugs, and Vera both earning money for the club. When you visit the bar, see Jill for the dancer roster and stage allocation. There are three stages. Once you have more dancers you can rotate them to give customers a fresh face from time to time. After Vera I hire Felicity next. She is the most expensive of all but well worth the investment to hire. That makes one dancer per stage and will do for a time. Keeping Felicity and Jool up front will net the biggest return. You can add Paige and Chiara later as your funds improve. I make sure to have at least three dancers working before taking Kara to the retreat. That 18,000 takes a big old bite out of your funds and it does take some time to recover but eventually you end up with way more credit than you can spend so it's all relative, really.

Another thing worth mentioning is that you can repeat the event taking Jill and Tanya back to MC's apartment there on Gideon by taking the dialogue option, "How about you and I catch up with Tanya at my apartment?" Sexy good times for all three of you then!:devilish:(y)
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Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
Bruh that's a real insult to the difficulty of a Paradox game and you know it. This ain't even close to that type of difficulty XD. IMO the game isn't that grindy, but like if you're looking for something you can speed through like Midlife Crisis then this probably ain't for you.
I played CK3, EU4, HOI4 and its way less confusing than this.
Yeah, I know it's one year late reply but I just happened to stumble on to this thread again when tying the callisto protocol into the address bar :v
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I played CK3, EU4, HOI4 and its way less confusing than this.
Yeah, I know it's one year late reply but I just happened to stumble on to this thread again when tying the callisto protocol into the address bar :v
I have shared tips, tricks and helpful hints in forum here to help others better understand this game and how to play it. I too needed a hand in a few places because Callisto doesn't hold your hand. It is the most open world experience I have had in a Ren'Py game and thoroughly enjoy playing. I've made over two dozen full plays and still return for more.

So again, if you would like some helpful hints on how best to navigate and enjoy this game, just let me know in a reply here. I'm happy to help in any way I am able.

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
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Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
I have shared tips, tricks and helpful hints in forum here to help others better understand this game and how to play it. I too needed a hand in a few places because Callisto doesn't hold your hand. It is the most open world experience I have had in a Ren'Py game and thoroughly enjoy playing. I've made over two dozen full plays and still return for more.

So again, if you would like some helpful hints on how best to navigate and enjoy this game, just let me know in a reply here. I'm happy to help in any way I am able.

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat;)(y)
Thanks. Just start the game and I do have a few questions
- How do you start main story quest? There is a green trading session B,G,H,I at the beginning of the game, how do I start it? There is no yellow star on the map.
- About making money. How do you know which station sell products at low price and which buy at high so you can make profit?
- Why there is no Salvage Field when I talk to Tanya.
- If I can't make 25k in a week is it a game over?
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
Thanks. Just start the game and I do have a few questions
- How do you start main story quest? There is a green trading session B,G,H,I at the beginning of the game, how do I start it? There is no yellow star on the map.
- About making money. How do you know which station sell products at low price and which buy at high so you can make profit?
- Why there is no Salvage Field when I talk to Tanya.
- If I can't make 25k in a week is it a game over?
I recommend to consult the guide made by professorx10:


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Thanks. Just start the game and I do have a few questions
- How do you start main story quest? There is a green trading session B,G,H,I at the beginning of the game, how do I start it? There is no yellow star on the map.
- About making money. How do you know which station sell products at low price and which buy at high so you can make profit?
- Why there is no Salvage Field when I talk to Tanya.
- If I can't make 25k in a week is it a game over?
Trading Sessions... speak with Tiffany. You start by assigning her as a maid but she eventually becomes your trade/logistics officer.

Hope you found the prologue via the computer in the captain's cabin. That should be step one for everyone first play.

After that familiarize yourself with all of the various button options in the computer and the tool links in the upper right of the main display. The script looking i is the LI screen, click the # for their individual stats. The one on the left attempting to look like a pin in the map is the map icon, the lightbulb icon is the quest/task screen. Check the map and quest/task screen frequently.

You won't make any money at first. No worries. It will come. Follow Tiffany and take all of the chances to speak with her that arise. You need not romance Tiffany to achieve good trade. She is the key to that and will unlock the tool you will need to be successful in trade.

But, Phat... How do I know when I can talk to people? Well, I'm glad you asked that... Check the map frequently, it will show you who's available to speak and how important that conversation is at the time with a system of three stars...

Gold Star: Do these first. They are the mission critical beats to the story. Your first is with Tiffany. You assign her as a maid as I mentioned but just keep pursuing all conversations with her and you will be fine.

Blue Star: Repeatable event. My favorite's are going to see Julia in the medbay for "stress relief" and the nightly visits from one of the LI in your quarters. You start with just Tanya based on your relationship with her from the prologue. You will add more girls as you progress their stories. I already got my first jealousy prank from training with Kara. I can only have sex with Tanya overnight now so Tiffany has been getting seriously jealous of my 9 score with Kara whom I have only kissed a few times but nothing more... besides seeing her naked in the shower... But, Tiffany pranked Kara all the same by "borrowing" one of Julia's sexy costumes leftover from her adult film days and removed all other clothing from Kara's room. Poor Tiff... It backfired on her because Kara was solar flare hot in that "slave girl" outfit and both MC and Julia told her as much. Tiffany was fuming when she agreed to give Kara back all of her regular clothing. Tiff intended to embarrass her rival but instead, made her smile and beam like sunshine on a warm spring day. :) Hahaha:ROFLMAO: Spoiler? Yes, a small one as there are several such events that I will leave you to discover on your own. When one LI reaches a high score of 9+ and her rival falls below 3... well... it's on! Hahaha:devilish: I will say that Kara is tough to prank though... both of the pranks on her backfire on the prankster.

Grey Star: Informational event. If you miss them, they will come available again at some point a few days later. Some of these do repeat as well, like training with Kara is repeatable to improve MC fighting skill and gain affection from Kara yet the training is labeled as a grey star event.

Again, don't be concerned about money at first. Once you get the trading tool from Tiffany, that door will open wide and you will be earning 4-5K credits a week or more. Take some time to get to know your crew first. Play basketball and take the bet. Shower fun after you win... Go for all of the gold stars first and catch the grey stars as you can. The only destination you should travel to initially is Gideon to hire your first dancer.

I followed Tiffany's path and spoke with her when able as usual and noticed the trade tool came available on day 18. We had just arrived on Bumblebee and when I checked the trade tool I readily saw that I could make 30 credits per unit on machinery bought in Bee if sold in Pleiades. So, that is our move. Then likely buying grain at Pleiades to sell in Orion or buying titanium to sell in Bumblebee...

I'm now making the rounds, sold the machinery from beehive (apologies that I keep calling it bumblebee) in Pleiades, bought grain to sell in Orion where I will purchase Titanium to sell in beehive and buy machinery for Pleiades again... making the rounds keeping close watch on the pricing but was able to buy the scanner upgrade needed to salvage and the deflector shields in case of enemy attack.

There is no choice to go to the salvage fields until you are equipped to go there with the scanners. On one of my trips to Pleiades the Admiral, Tiffany's mother, summoned us to request we make way to Planet Dione to help the Helion folks with their Krillen troubles. So, we went to pick up a busted hive spider to blow one of the Krillen ships. Lia is currently repairing that and modifying it for our destructive purposes with explosives that "unofficially" came from Pleiades... ssshhh... it's a secret! Hahaha:ROFLMAO: So, we are making as much trade profit as possible until we go piss off the Krillen by destroying one of their ships. Once you get that far, you will have a feel for how the game is played. I already completed my first side mission and all of this in the span of a couples hours typing this message.

Hope this helps, my friend. Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)

PS: Humble apologies... I thought I had sent this hours ago. I got lost playing the game yet again... I'm embarrassed to say how far I got through the game... We defeated the Krillen and are currently at the ball... Sending this now before I get carried away to the Orion galaxy yet again!:oops:
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
Wait, so the prologue is how you start the story mission? I thought its an optional thing so I never click on it.
Since this is a story driven adventure, that prologue is essential I'd say. It's the setup for a lot of events which will take place later on.
After that, the story unfolds itself so to speak.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Wait, so the prologue is how you start the story mission? I thought its an optional thing so I never click on it.
PBS666 is right. The prologue only becomes optional once you have seen and understand it. The prologue sets up the story for the rest of the game, who are these characters? What is this galaxy? Who are the players and antagonist? It also shows how MC and Tanya get started as both crew and lovers, introduces Lia and her people, sets up how MC and Tanya come to own a major stake in the exotic dance club and their relationship with the manager/bartender, Jill. The prologue is multiple chapters of story that you will not know unless you click on it and see it all... First play, it's a must see. After your first play, you can revisit it if you like to refresh your memory but now after more than two dozen plays... yeah, I often skip it now. But then, I do still revisit it because it is great story telling and has some sexy good times you won't find anywhere else.

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat:devilish:(y)

PS: Update... Commodities pricing will fluctuate and often balance out as you continue trading. Don't chase anything less than 20 credits per unit profit. It isn't worth your time. Instead, purchase the scanner upgrade (computer, middle right option) and start salvaging. Once you purchase the scanner upgrade, you will have the option to have Tanya set course for the salvage fields. Alice, Rachel and Kara will appear on screen with MC on the bridge once you arrive. It happens automatically. Once you see Alice, Rachel and Kara on screen, use the mouse wheel to roll back one screen and drop a save there if you want to cherry pick your choice of salvage. I save skim like that. It is technically cheating but I don't care to waste time on crap runs. So, if I get lame choices for salvage ships, I reload to the save on the screen before seeing my salvage crew and try again.

The Coleoid frigates yield the best weapons and the larger freighters usually yield the best cargo from the hold. It is also possible to get beat to your destination by other salvage crews. If it is a Coleoid frigate, just pay the other captain the 1500 and let him/her be on their way. That is cheap compared to what you will earn from the weapons on board. The rest of the ships including the Coleoid transport are hit and miss. All of the salvage options from ships to cargo and equipment are randomly generated so don't hesitate to reload. I don't see it as cheating, just prudent time and resource management. I will often reload to get a new option when that happens. Never offer to split the profits. That is never a good idea. Just pay off the captain of the other ship that beat you to your salvage or reload. Again, if it is a Coleiod vessel, I usually just pay them off. Even the Coleoid transports have high tech engine parts worth salvaging and can have decent high value cargo in the hold. You can make a save at the choice of where to search in the salvage ship as well and replay from that save until you get the best possible loot. A good way to tell how good the cargo is that you have is to check the looks on Rachel's and Kara's faces when they return. If they look bummed, reload. If they look happy, then save that haul. I sometimes make two or more saves to compare what an item will sell for at the junkyard. Some of the cool tech is 4-5K credits, others can net well over 10K.

Also, once you get the Jeda Junkyard... The proprietor will be rather rude to Lia in a sexually harassing manor. Don't hesitate to knock him on his ass and put him in his place. Lia will be initially shocked but respect that you stood up for her and the trader will gain instant respect for you as well. He even gives you better pricing. Click on each of his offers to see the monetary value then roll back to see the next until you have seen all three options, then you can choose to highest value for your hard work. So, salvage away and make a killing, my friend! :) If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. This is one of my very favorite AVN games ever and I always enjoy discussing the games I love! :)
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Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
The grey star event is optional right? Do I need to do grey star event with Tifanny to unlock Trading Sessions and Salvage Field?
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
The grey star event is optional right? Do I need to do grey star event with Tifanny to unlock Trading Sessions and Salvage Field?
You can pass on the grey stars yet they have a way of coming back around every so many days if you don't just click on them. But, the straight answer is, yes, they are technically optional. :)

The gold star events are the ones you should not miss. However, even those can be skipped as they will appear again in a few days or the next day... Just remember to have fun and you will do fine.

Meant to tell you about side quests too. The first two trigger automatically when visiting Beehive. Some of the others need a little help but they always start in Beehive. So, for example, I make a trading run to Beehive and there's a side quest available in the lightbulb screen but it doesn't trigger. Just hold off on giving Tanya a new destination and hang out in orbit at Beehive. The event should begin when you circle around to land again the next day.

Oh, don't forget to make your way to hire dancers at your club. It's on Gideon. I go there early and hire the first dancer available as soon as possible, even going into the negative to do so. It's the one time you can actually spend money you don't have. You will recoup the funds spent within two in game weeks during which time you will already be earning money for the ship through trade. There is a weekly staff meeting that is mandatory for all crew, including MC which happens automatically when aboard ship. First, Tanya accounts for her's and MC's profits from the club which increase as you add and swap out different dancers, then Lia accounts the engineering expenses, Tiffany reports trades and trade profit and Alice recaps weekly salvage profits, then finally MC has the floor again to recap everything, keeping 25K in reserve for ship's working capital and divides any remaining profit between all crew. You have to build up to that 25K reserve before paying the crew any profits but no worries. Just keep trading and salvaging to maximize your profits and you'll do just fine. Lia lets you know when it's time to head to her home world, Tiffany keeps you apprised of the trade and eventually the political sphere. Much of it happens automatically. Yet, you do need to explore both the locations and dialogues with all the available characters...

Hope that helps :) Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
The grey star event is optional right? Do I need to do grey star event with Tifanny to unlock Trading Sessions and Salvage Field?
Also, the same "hang around in orbit" thing applies to hiring dancers too. They aren't immediately available so you want to return in a day or two to assign them to a stage. The initial dancer I hire her with Jill and just wait because you are still in a holding pattern to trade. For the other three dancers, you can easily make a stop in Gideon en route to Pleiades to trade and stop back by after trading in Pleiades to assign stages. Stop back by every couple weeks in game to reassign the dancers so your clients don't become bored seeing the same girls all of the time. You can also tip the girls while you are there which I recommend because they will dance for you topless until you go to the next one and it seems to boost their moral although there is no tracker for that in game. Eventually, you will get a repeatable sex event with Jill and Tanya at your apartment on Gideon. You will see the option appear in Jill's dialogue after you take the crew to the club for a night out and end up with Jill and Tanya at your apartment. However, during certain times in the war, you cannot repeat that event as you are needed to be aboard Callisto during those times. The option returns once the danger has passed.

Did I mention that I LOVE talking about the games I LOVE?!? Hahaha:ROFLMAO: Go play and enjoy. Phat will STFU now. :)


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
Thanks. So I just hang around the same spot for a while until the event appeared ?
I have one more question. Don't judge me but is the android maid....fuckable?
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Thanks. So I just hang around the same spot for a while until the event appeared ?
I have one more question. Don't judge me but is the android maid....fuckable?
Unfortunately, SAM is not an LI. She does have a cool character arc all the same.

However, the AI in Xavster's latest game, Stellar Crossroads, seems to be developing feels for the new MC there. So, we shall have to wait and see what develops there over time. There are currently two chapters available for the new title but no sexy good times just yet in that title. They will come, I'm certain. The new title is in the same Orion galaxy as Callisto, just 150 years into that future. So, 100% new cast and 100% new story told in the same galactic space... Don't want to spoil any surprises but stay tuned for more. Xavster is a rendering machine and cranking out new material all the time. :)
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Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
Unfortunately, SAM is not an LI. She does have a cool character arc all the same.

However, the AI in Xavster's latest game, Stellar Crossroads, seems to be developing feels for the new MC there. So, we shall have to wait and see what develops there over time. There are currently two chapters available for the new title but no sexy good times just yet in that title. They will come, I'm certain. The new title is in the same Orion galaxy as Callisto, just 150 years into that future. So, 100% new cast and 100% new story told in the same galactic space... Don't want to spoil any surprises but stay tuned for more. Xavster is a rendering machine and cranking out new material all the time. :)
You can't bang EDI? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined :cry:
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 22, 2018
You can't bang EDI? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined :cry:
Sniff....snifff... I smell a joke...!! what's an EDI?

Dear NukaCola, If you're still 'starting the game' although PapaPhat has given you lots of good wordy advice, you will still get a great/better start playing experience by following my WALKTHROUGH available on the first page of this thread. It explains about the Prologue and also how to survive the trading game at first because the Salvage fields are NOT available in the first part of the game until you make enough money by trading...

Never fear, the Walkthrough only takes you into the adventure far enough for you to not 'die from insufficient income' and begin the great series of adventures that await. Just save the game before making any serious decisions after that and you're on your way . . .

And for all you other Callisto fans out there... I'm still slogging my way through creating my MOD which will, and I quote myself, "...add new challenges and sexyness, changes and expands this Great Interstellar Adventure"
Too bad that when you start, you'll have to start alllllll. . .oveerrr Bwuhaaahhaaaa!!!


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
I thank you all for all the help. professorx10 the walkthrough is very helpful indeed.
I think I got the hang of it now. Everything is actually quite simple. Even without the market analysis, opening the sector information will tell you each sector's main imports and exports. You can based on that to buy and sell. I manage to got 40k in 2 weeks and bought the scanner.
Lastly, I want to take back all my previous complaints about the game. I don't know if anyone here remembers but a while ago I made a comment in this thread complaining about the sandbox element of the game and how its more complicated than Paradox strategy games. That was completely wrong and the game is actually quite simple and straight forward. My apologies to the developer.
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Sniff....snifff... I smell a joke...!! what's an EDI?

Dear NukaCola, If you're still 'starting the game' although PapaPhat has given you lots of good wordy advice, you will still get a great/better start playing experience by following my WALKTHROUGH available on the first page of this thread. It explains about the Prologue and also how to survive the trading game at first because the Salvage fields are NOT available in the first part of the game until you make enough money by trading...

Never fear, the Walkthrough only takes you into the adventure far enough for you to not 'die from insufficient income' and begin the great series of adventures that await. Just save the game before making any serious decisions after that and you're on your way . . .

And for all you other Callisto fans out there... I'm still slogging my way through creating my MOD which will, and I quote myself, "...add new challenges and sexyness, changes and expands this Great Interstellar Adventure"
Too bad that when you start, you'll have to start alllllll. . .oveerrr Bwuhaaahhaaaa!!!

Yeah... when you look up "
wall of text" online, you get my avatar staring back at you... little papaphat in teeny tiny letters right beside it... Hahaha:ROFLMAO:
20201125151452_1 (2).jpg papaphat

Never needed a walk through for this game. I figured out most of it myself and got an assist here in forum for a few helpful hints like finding the parts of the amulet quest and how to get Lia's best ending. But, I won't dispute your knowledge of this game, my friend. If the walkthrough were a mod in game, I could see using it myself but alt+tabbing out of game to read a document between each event gets old pretty quick for me.

My intent was to provide a few paragraphs to teach our new friend to fish rather than feeding Nuka every single meal for the entire game. Do I ramble on and on and on? Hell yes! I LOVE this game and LOVE to talk about it. I've been rambling on with NukaCola since I saw the post mentioned below...

Oh... to answer your question, prof... EDI is an Electronic Data Interchange. It is also a common AI name among AI characters, including but not limited to EDI from the Mass Effect game franchise. So, yes. Pretty sure it was a joke or at least told in a joking fashion, sarcasm may have been employed...
Why do I suddenly feel like I am preaching to the choir...:oops::rolleyes::censored:

Lastly, I want to take back all my previous complaints about the game. I don't know if anyone here remembers but a while ago I made a comment in this thread complaining about the sandbox element of the game and how its more complicated than Paradox strategy games. That was completely wrong and the game is actually quite simple and straight forward. My apologies to the developer.
I'm glad you stuck it out and actually took another look at the game, my friend. No apology necessary for expressing your honest opinion. I'm just glad you took the time to ask some questions. Hope my missives weren't too awfully long and dreadfully boring for you.

Adventure ever on my friends, Phat
4.10 star(s) 121 Votes