
Mar 4, 2018
He said that if the game gets a lot of attention early, and people actually play it and give criticism, he'll work on 2 more stages, with 4 new enemies per each stage. So I believe he will be making more content eventually.
Dec 22, 2017
Loving the game so far, is there a way to get more hearts? and it would be neat to see the clothes do something for you like give you a dmg buff or make it so you take less lewd Dmg.


Mar 4, 2018
Loving the game so far, is there a way to get more hearts? and it would be neat to see the clothes do something for you like give you a dmg buff or make it so you take less lewd Dmg.
that and have the option to change the color of the hair. we just have skin or eye colors


May 24, 2017
So which enemies can impregnate the MC? I'm really curious after seeing the "Times impregnated" graph in the Death hound description.
Also is there any hidden mechanics to enable/expand pregnancy mechanic in this game?


Mar 4, 2018
So which enemies can impregnate the MC? I'm really curious after seeing the "Times impregnated" graph in the Death hound description.
Also is there any hidden mechanics to enable/expand pregnancy mechanic in this game?
the aliens can impreg you, and the flies can do as well. Idk if if theres another but its the main one i saw could stuff living being in you


Apr 26, 2018
So which enemies can impregnate the MC? I'm really curious after seeing the "Times impregnated" graph in the Death hound description.
Also is there any hidden mechanics to enable/expand pregnancy mechanic in this game?
you have to go in the cave or space ship level. in cave there is the fly and maggots, in space station the spider mother and facehumper


Aug 11, 2017
The game is really punishing even with using cheat engine for unlimited money. The maggots in the cave have a hitbox of like 1 pixel and are really hard to spot and are impossible to shake off from the grapple. Randomly stopping to birth some enemies while you are in between rounds is annoying waste of precious prep time. I am 100% sure he has not played trough his own game considering the punishing difficulty and a general lack of balance. The animations are nice but seeing them over and over again when there are too many enemies to take down it gets frustrating to just sit there and wait for the animation to finish as the grapple escape minigame is too taxing on your fingers to keep doing every time an enemy grabs you.
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Mar 17, 2019
I like this game, but it is also in dire need of some balancing issues.

At present, it is almost impossibly tough without cheating, even in the Shack level. The only way I was able to get beyond 13 waves was by escaping being grabbed in the pause menu. And once I got the two biggest machine guns, I was able to pretty much cruise all the way up to wave 50, and by then I just let the MC get caught so I could play a different level.

Turning on the lights in the Cave is WWAAYY too expensive. By the time you've saved enough to turn them on, you have no money left to spend on guns and drugs that you need more, so you're totally damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

At present, I don't know how anyone is supposed to accomplish anything on the Jungle level. The goblins soak up way too much damage, are far too numerous, lay down way too many traps, and provide you with very little money. I would strongly suggest limiting the range the blow-darts can go and limiting the number of traps that can be put out, and have them de-spawn out after a period of time, like how ammo boxes will de-spawn.

If we cannot keep our money and guns earned (which does make sense), we should at least gain something else that allows repeat play throughs to be a little bit easier, so we can achieve those higher waves fairly and without cheating. Starting every level from square one doesn't feel like progress, you're banking every play through on 10% skill and 90% luck.
I recommend making each unlocked outfit piece provide a small buff of some kind. +5% damage, +5% libido resistance, etc. The accumulation of these buffs should also be taken into account by making the harder levels slightly more challenging to maintain a balanced experience the whole time.

Basic quality of life issues:
The pause menu should have an "options/settings" button.
Be able to exit a level without having to mind break or return to the main menu.
Replay Gallery, so you can see all the ways the monsters play with the MC: because it's bad design to force players to lose to get the rewards.

The game breaks on me when the MC gives birth. The MC's animations and edge-grab all shut off, but you gain infinite jump. And the monsters stop pursuing the MC.


Apr 2, 2019
a bug a found with the giant mosquito enemy in the cave, is that when it tries to send you to the nest, some times it stays in place and requires that i have to go to the main menu because he is trying to take me to the nest, but he is stuck, so im just trapped in its sex animation. i would suggest that the mosquito thing just teleport you to the nest rather than moving there on its own.
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Jun 25, 2017
Did 1.04 fix the musca issue, I'm planning on paying the itch if its fixed, want more content for the game and all


Jun 7, 2017
If you using CE then all the three bars (life, lewd, endurance) and the big hearth are float type and between 0 and 100 value. It's easy to give yourself god mode. The only setback here it's resets itself with every map so you need to do the steps if you want to play longer.


New Member
Nov 19, 2020
I don't know why everyone is complaining about the difficulty.
I played this game yesterday without knowing it had any updates and managed to get my own set of fun on v1.0 with Shack wave 15, Cave wave 10, Jungle wave 8, Space station wave 12, and then FER wave 17.
If you ask me, FER is way easier since you can farm in one spot (top right of the map, just stay near the ledge and let them climb for easy headshots, better if you farm for np-40), plus bottom right location is where the Abbys all spawn once opened so if you don't open that door, you can atleast win wave after wave without annoyance.

Good game so far, reminds me of Zombie Kill of the Week on both Android and Steam.
P.S. Sad that the MG32's ammo clip got nerfed from 150 to 50, kinda love only pressing the fire button like it's some kind of point and click adventure game.
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4.30 star(s) 82 Votes