
May 26, 2020
Anyone have advice for how to get to round 20 on F.E.M.? And also how to get into that locked room with the gun in it?

edit: I keep dying after I open the gun locker room and those red fox guys start spawning
Tenelli shotguns. S03 if you have to choose. On NW side of map, stand facing ledge. Maybe once or two a wave, a red fox will run in from your right. Don't freak out; just roll to the right to dodge the punch and its momentum will carry it off the ledge. Then you farm it like all the others.

Timing wise, you can get to the ammo machine by dropping down and can almost get back up the shaft by the time the wave starts. Nothing spawns fast enough to cause you a problem before getting to the ledge though.

Works super well until you want to buy something from the med machine. There's another shaft to ledge farm on the right side of the map, but you better have saved up ammo from the previous round or get lucky with ammo drops on the current wave.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2017
Anyone have advice for how to get to round 20 on F.E.M.? And also how to get into that locked room with the gun in it?

edit: I keep dying after I open the gun locker room and those red fox guys start spawning
If your wave ended just by the drug machine, you can buy drugs and still make it to the gun machine on the opposite side, but not vice versa. Climbing takes too much time.

Bob Grey

New Member
Jul 31, 2018
does anyone have version 1.0.5b? It fixes the weird broken animations that can happen while egg'd
Don't know if it fixes it, but I mostly played on 1.0.5b and never had this bug happen, even when I did the mission where you have to give birth a lot. Maybe it's a problem linked to certain hardware or something like that


Sep 9, 2018
I'm going to skip the Cave stage. Getting face fucked by flies then birth flies glitch my character, can not move. Have to wait for next update to finish the game. Really fck hate this bug.

edit: Fck that, all bug giving birth glitch will froze your your character. Including the one from Space Station
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New Member
Feb 25, 2019
I'm going to skip the Cave stage. Getting face fucked by flies then birth flies glitch my character, can not move. Have to wait for next update to finish the game. Really fck hate this bug.

edit: Fck that, all bug giving birth glitch will froze your your character. Including the one from Space Station
This bug can be avoided by not being impregnated by more than 1 type of monster simultaneously, but that partly depends on your own survival skill and keeping strength high with buffout drugs.
My winning combination for most maps is the Defender smg and the 8-shot Tenelli (longer barrel, doesn't have a clip hanging from it), you can hold off most waves indefinitely switching between them and picking up ammo. Late-game you'll want the Psycho drug to help mow stuff down faster while conserving ammo.


Aug 10, 2017
As fun as this game is I find that the out of the 5 maps that is given to us ONLY one is good and that is the animatronic map. The shack is just to small has nothing to work for ,an example being a wonder weapon, and could've had some sort of underground map expansion. The cave's Hive is just a big room with jack crap to do and doesn't add anything to the map progression (to my knowledge anyway) You get there an' no new enemy type no nothin'. Jungle's "Easter egg" is just RNG. Spaceship isn't a spaceship more of space corridor.

If the game had more interesting maps as well as the H animations then it would be an excellent game but it aint.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
As fun as this game is I find that the out of the 5 maps that is given to us ONLY one is good and that is the animatronic map. The shack is just to small has nothing to work for ,an example being a wonder weapon, and could've had some sort of underground map expansion. The cave's Hive is just a big room with jack crap to do and doesn't add anything to the map progression (to my knowledge anyway) You get there an' no new enemy type no nothin'. Jungle's "Easter egg" is just RNG. Spaceship isn't a spaceship more of space corridor.

If the game had more interesting maps as well as the H animations then it would be an excellent game but it aint.
The game certainly drops off after wave 20 or so when you can afford everything and are just doing the same thing over and over. I wish there were bosses every 10 waves or something. Seems like something fairly easy to add in.

I'd disagree partially with the spaceship though, I like how it forces you to use the weapons on the walls to advance. It probably should have continued that longer. I like the desperate "use whatever you can" feeling to it. Once you unlock the gun vendor it goes downhill for sure.

Makes me think a survival game mode for this where you're forced to use random weapons to survive and can't purchase from vending machines like usual would be pretty cool. Once you know what weapons are best, there's a good chunk of weapons you just ignore at all costs, so it'd be pretty funny if you were forced to use those shitty/lesser weapons in that gamemode.

Some of these achievements are just stupid too. A lot of those "Get fucked a million times but don't mindbreak" types are just money restrictions in disguise, being forced to spend on drugs to stay sane. I wish they were more entertaining like only use a certain weapon till a certain wave or something, or no drugs, etc. I really hate achievements that makes you fail (Intentionally being raped).

Waiting on that fix for the bug eggs too for the hive achievements.

Oh and thank you dev for adding an auto escape method, I'm one of those people with wrist issues and that helps a lot. Only issue is it's probably too strong, the auto is wayyyy better than I could ever do manually.
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Aug 10, 2017
The game certainly drops off after wave 20 or so when you can afford everything and are just doing the same thing over and over. I wish there were bosses every 10 waves or something. Seems like something fairly easy to add in.

I'd disagree partially with the spaceship though, I like how it forces you to use the weapons on the walls to advance. It probably should have continued that longer. I like the desperate "use whatever you can" feeling to it. Once you unlock the gun vendor it goes downhill for sure.

Makes me think a survival game mode for this where you're forced to use random weapons to survive and can't purchase from vending machines like usual would be pretty cool. Once you know what weapons are best, there's a good chunk of weapons you just ignore at all costs, so it'd be pretty funny if you were forced to use those shitty/lesser weapons in that gamemode.

Some of these achievements are just stupid too. A lot of those "Get fucked a million times but don't mindbreak" types are just money restrictions in disguise, being forced to spend on drugs to stay sane. I wish they were more entertaining like only use a certain weapon till a certain wave or something, or no drugs, etc.

Waiting on that fix for the bug eggs too for the hive achievements.
The game does need some sort of boss type enemy on each map either by map progression or by wave level. The animatronic map unlocks more enemies as you open doors and turn on power (I think most maps have some sort of "active this for more enemies gimmick) so if you get to the "end" of the map then a boss should appear 2-3 rounds. Randomized survival sounds good but you could start with an OP gun unless you mean your guns change round to round.

Agreed with the spaceship map needs to be longer either by adding another corridor above/below or just extending it to the control room and not a ending in a bedroom, with gun vendor being towards the end.

Achievements are dumb and need to be revamped and not used to extend a repetitive game boring game. An animation skip needs to be added to help the grind too. Ironic that the bug map has game bugs


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
For anybody having trouble with the goblin strange fluid achievement, you can check which attack the goblins are using by standing a bit away from them. If they're using their lunge attack, they'll stop about a foot away from you, pause, and leap. When they're using the injection, they'll just run into you. So if you see them stop, you can just roll away. They can use the injection multiple times so you can farm a single gob for the achievement. It just has a lot chance of activation (Seems like maybe 10% of their attacks). Glad it can be farmed without the rape part, that got old real fast against the dogs.

Shack and jungle finished~

Wow so the Hypno achievement actually requires you to still through that animation 15 times? It isn't just letting a jelly grab you, unless it requires unique ones for each count, which should really be mentioned. Fuck that achievement. That shit isn't even a challenge or difficult, it's just obnoxious as fuck. No issue with the others on spacestation, I'm leaving that one incomplete though. The "Sit around letting enemies rape you while you chug antiaphrodisiac potions for 10-15 rounds" achievements really suck. Pretty sure I hate all the sex animations for those achievements now because I was forced to sit through them for so long.

I was willing to reset and retry the achievement for avoiding the traps till wave 17 at the Jungle map for hours because it was actually a challenge. That was a good example of what the achievements should be like. It felt difficult and was pretty fun/frustrating in a good way. The rape ones are absolutely dreadful.
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Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
something something shotgun ratings
I find it weird that you rated the Ronigsberg higher than both of the Tenelli shotguns when both Tenelli are a direct upgrade in different ways to the Ronigsberg. Sure the SO3 has a wider spread but it has a lower range that the spread doesn't matter, just about every piece is going to hit the enemy at its required range and even more so is the fact that its a magazine so all 12 shots reload at once. With one or two shots per kill its an absolute blood bath of a weapon. Meanwhile the M5 is just a direct upgrade in every way. Tighter spread, same reload, more damage. That spread alone getting smaller means more heads pierced and popped when used right.

To each their own but personally I'd give the Ronigsberg a 4 and both Tenelli a 5.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I find it weird that you rated the Ronigsberg higher than both of the Tenelli shotguns when both Tenelli are a direct upgrade in different ways to the Ronigsberg. Sure the SO3 has a wider spread but it has a lower range that the spread doesn't matter, just about every piece is going to hit the enemy at its required range and even more so is the fact that its a magazine so all 12 shots reload at once. With one or two shots per kill its an absolute blood bath of a weapon. Meanwhile the M5 is just a direct upgrade in every way. Tighter spread, same reload, more damage. That spread alone getting smaller means more heads pierced and popped when used right.

To each their own but personally I'd give the Ronigsberg a 4 and both Tenelli a 5.
It's based on their pricing. The Ronigsberg is rated so high because it's strong compared to the weapons around its cost. The Tenelli's are stronger, but the smgs/assault rifles around that level improve more. Notice how the Usi also has a 5/5 even though there are clearly better options later on. For example if you have enough for the Tenelli's, you'll probably also have the money for the S&L Defender that's a bit more well rounded as a main weapon, which lowers their scores.

The Ronigsberg is mostly being compared to the CSS446 and NP-40, which both kind of suck/are average. That raises the Ronigsbergs score.

It's basically a guide saying "If you have this much money and need a better weapon, this is what you should buy this wave". Of course the higher price weapons tend to beat the lower ones. A guide that rated weapons as a whole in this type of game wouldn't be super useful, it'd just be "Everything is worse than the 3k weapons", lol.
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Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
A guide that rated weapons as a whole in this type of game wouldn't be super useful, it'd just be "Everything is worse than the 3k weapons", lol.
Isn't that the point of the weapons and their price, though? That's fair enough but I feel as though making a huge part of their rating based on the price of the weapon devalues why the weapon is that expensive in the first place. Anyone new to the game might get the wrong impression that it's not worth buying the Tenelli because the Ronigsberg exists and is cheaper. For example, I could easily make it to wave 30 with just the SO3 alone but absolutely not with the Ronigsberg. The Ronigsberg is a great stepping stone for saving up for either Tenelli guns but that's just the nature of the game as a whole when you're comparing the stats of a weapon rather than the price attached. Although I absolutely agree with the Usi considering that thing can still roll up to wave 25 even if it eats through ammo like no other.


Jul 4, 2019
(This thing should probably be on review but ehh)

Honestly, this is one my favourite game on this site. It has so much potential that I can't say anything(sound funny, I know, but this game really has potential)
I'm no game developer, but in my opinion games with this kind of graphic and movement are as hard to develop as some 3d games, if not harder.
But there is one things I don't like about this game right now. It's that that you can't see your missions(experiments) while you playing. You can see them only in the hub room and I don't like that. They could be placed in pause menu, where you can see them while the is paused. Or you could make the option to enable the window for missions for specific levels(like, in cave you see only missions that are related to the cave. In jungle - related to jungle and etc). Also adding the progress bar for them would pretty nice, cuz sometimes you wonder how many goblins you need to kill/fuck.
I will also say that in its present state this game has a medium amount of bugs and some of them can ruin the play.
Also, this is just my kink but I hope wih all that pregnancy going on in this game there will be bigger belly texture in future versions.
I hope this game won't limit itself with just 5 levels and 20 enemies. Because like I've said, this game has a lot of potential.
I would even compare this game with one(if not favourie) of my favourite which is Anthrophobia. But, no offence, that game is still a level or two higher that this one.
Hope this game will not die and continue evolving into something fantastic.

I rate this game: 8 jannys OUT OF 10 minor goblins

Final statement: Very good N U T

Thank you and goodnight...


Sep 9, 2018
This bug can be avoided by not being impregnated by more than 1 type of monster simultaneously, but that partly depends on your own survival skill and keeping strength high with buffout drugs.
My winning combination for most maps is the Defender smg and the 8-shot Tenelli (longer barrel, doesn't have a clip hanging from it), you can hold off most waves indefinitely switching between them and picking up ammo. Late-game you'll want the Psycho drug to help mow stuff down faster while conserving ammo.
LOL, this is a fck horror sex game with achievements that need the character to fall into undesirable circumstances. What you tell me is just survival, I can do that shit everyday but the endgame always has to achieve all experiments, not the only with kill achievements. The not so fun part is getting impregnated by bugs and the fck thing just glitch on me, making it impossible to finish in 1.0.5


Jul 14, 2017
Ok, now i am trying to get the mind-break achievement, but i have the cheat engine enabled how do i disable the cheat engine and set the game back to its original format. o_O


Jun 16, 2019
This game reminds me Crackle Cradle and it necessarily needs a storyline. It would make it more scarier and interested with scripted scenes.
You just get tired after some time just beating infinite enemy waves..


Oct 3, 2017
fun game , just , 1 problem ... the default resolution of the screen is too big
4.30 star(s) 82 Votes