Deleted member 1375045

Active Member
Apr 21, 2019
Just some minor thoughts: When I first saw the "Pregnancy" tag, I was very happy... until I realized the mechanic isn't even officially included in the game yet. If the devs manage to implement even some of what they say they're planning from the roadmap and it doesn't end up like Cyberpunk 2077, I will be genuinely happy. That is all. Have a good day.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2018
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Steam update just dropped! Someone will likely crack it and upload it to the thread sometime this evening or tomorrow. (I don't have a copy on Steam, so it can't be me.) Copying update info out of steam is kind of a pain, so I'm just gonna and include the changelog relative to the last steam build:

Edit: the content was added as a bonus update for Patreon just now as well.

Full v0.3.14 Changelog

  • Added Customisation System & UI (Chest Size, Bodyfat, Ethnicity, Bodyshape, & others).
  • Added Draconid Skins "Primeval Scales", "Ocean Scales", "Misty Mountain Scales", "Salamander Scales"
  • Added Draconid Horn Variants "Infernal Horns", "Dunewalker Horns", "Hilldrake Horns"
  • Added Human Hair Variants (numerous)
  • Added Sex Scene - "Stocks Male"
  • Added Sex Scene - "Stocks Female"
  • Added Sex Scene - "Primal Tentacles"
  • Added Various Crafting Items
  • Added Camp System
  • Added Camp Item - "Sturdy Shelter"
  • Added Camp Item - "Escaped Slave's Shelter"
  • Added Camp Item - "Nomad's Pavillion"
  • Added Camp Item - "Desperate Followers"
  • Added Camp Item - "Nomadic Followers"
  • Added Camp Item - "White Marble Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Dark Sandstone Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Red Marble Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Pale Sandstone Obelisk"
  • Added Camp Item - "Sleeping Roll"
  • Added Camp Item - "Simple Mattress"
  • Added "Empty" player camp blockout
  • Added Camp System - "Player Stash"
  • Added Camp System - "Player Bed"
  • Added Camp System - "Weaponsmith"
  • Added Camp System - "Alchemist"
  • Added Crafting System for Weapons & Potions
  • Added Total 30 new Weapons
  • Added Item - "Bronze Longsword"
  • Added Item - "Bronze Daggers"
  • Added Item - "Spade of Deicide"
  • Added Item - "Member of Pure Essence"
  • Added Item - "Cursed Felian Form"
  • Added Items - "Damascus Khopesh", "Damascus Daggers", "Damascus Spear", "Damascus Sword"
  • Added Items - "Refined Damascus Khopesh", "Refined Damascus Daggers", "Refined Damascus Spear", "Refined Damascus Sword"
  • Added Items - "Ornate Damascus Khopesh", "Ornate Damascus Daggers", "Ornate Damascus Spear", "Ornate Damascus Sword"
  • Added Items - "Damascus Ingot", "Damascus Fragments"
  • Added Items - "Bone Khopesh", "Bone Daggers", "Bone Spear", "Bone Sword"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Khopesh", "Ornate Bronze Khopesh"
  • Added Items - "Iron Khopesh", "Refined Iron Khopesh", "Ornate Iron Khopesh"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Daggers", "Ornate Bronze Daggers"
  • Added Items - "Iron Daggers", "Refined Iron Daggers", "Ornate Iron Daggers"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Spear", "Ornate Bronze Spear"
  • Added Items - "Iron Spear", "Refined Iron Spear", "Ornate Iron Spear"
  • Added Items - "Refined Bronze Sword", "Ornate Bronze Sword"
  • Added Items - "Iron Sword", "Refined Iron Sword", "Ornate Iron Sword"
  • Added Items - "Bronze Ingots", "Iron Ingots", "Bronze Fragments", "Iron Fragments"
  • Added Items - "Beast Claw", "Beast Heart", "Beast Entrails", "Beast Pelt"
  • Added Items - "Reptile Pelt", "Reptile Scraps", "Reptile Skull"
  • Added New Exotic NPC (Primal Goo Girl)
  • Added Enemy - "Anubite Jailer"
  • Added Enemy - "Bloodseeker Jailer"
  • Added Enemy - Hippopotamus
  • Added New Enemy - Hidden Curse One
  • Added New Enemy - Tomb Robber
  • Added New Enemy - "Desert Cat"
  • Added New Beast of Sobek (Crocodile Enemy AI) animations and visuals
  • Added Enemy Levels - Color coded based on your level
  • Added new player capture to the Inventory Screen
  • Added Human Male Locomotion Animations
  • Added Human Male SFX
  • Added various objects to the map including new water materials
  • Added new foot IK for enemies
  • Added new SFX for new weapons
  • Added VO for NPC - "Tuvan"
  • Added VO for NPC - "Esi"
  • Added VO for NPC - "Anubite Guard" (Hscene)
  • Added improvements to the save game system
  • Added the ability to slightly pan the player camera (Use Alt + Scroll Wheel)
  • Added new cloth materials
  • Added various drops to NPCs
  • Added the ability to set your camp as your home so you will respawn there after death
  • Added new respawn cinematics for upcoming systems
  • Added Alchemist voice acting
  • Added Content Warnings settings which will allow players to enable/disable scenes with their preferences, this will be expanded in the near future
  • Added mouse sensitivity option and invert Y Axis
  • Added visuals when obtaining items
  • Added combat softlock for players who prefer not to hard target
  • Added combat hard lock (Default: 'Tab' to lock a target)
  • Added hard lock target switching to cycle through potential targets (Default: 'Q' while locked on)
  • Added the ability to zoom in/out the player camera (Default: 'Scroll Wheel')
  • Added Person(s) In Distress location - "Weaponsmith"
  • Added Person(s) In Distress location - "Alchemist"
  • Added Ahmes into the Player Camp - Ready for future content, replay scenes available
  • Added dialogue for sending the Weaponsmith & Alchemist to the Player Camp after rescuing
  • Added Anubite Guards (These are friendly until attacked, future content will include imprisonment of the player)
  • Added post-defeat option for Inquisitor of Bast [Primal Kill]
  • Added post-defeat option for Inquisitor of Bast [Kill]
  • Added post-defeat option for Inquisitor of Bast [Enslave]
  • Added key re-binding for "Lock On", "Cycle Target", "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out"
  • Added new quiver visuals
  • Added sound dampening to the player when crouched
  • Added new sound perception to enemies - you can now sneak up on them from behind
  • Added death animations to the player, you no longer ragdoll
  • Added low health warning - visuals and SFX
  • Added a tiny health regen for players when out of combat for a decent chunk of time
  • Added new ambient music tracks
  • Added new overhauled Felian body with works with the new Character Customization system
  • Added new Cursed One SFX
  • Added new foliage
  • Added new areas to the map
  • Added new game difficulty options to the main menu for those players who wish to have an easier time with the combat, or want to make it more difficult, this will scale the damage taken in combat
  • Added new voice acting for the Weaponsmith and the weaponsmith is now male
  • Added multiple new areas to the map

  • Fixed a bug with the cosmetic system not applying when saving/loading without opening the inventory
  • Fixed various problems with roaming NPC's which caused them to occasionally spike
  • Fixed a problem with consumable jars not disappearing
  • Fixed collision issues throughout the world
  • Fixed multiple game thread problems improving performance
  • Fixed a bug with cock tints
  • Fixed underwater foliage not spawning
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to sell items intended to be un-sellable
  • Fixed multiple spelling errors within the game
  • Fixed issue with the world map flickering popups occasionally
  • Fixed a bug where rolling into water could cause you to not register as swimming
  • Fixed a bug where the Void Spirit's hscene would appear before she has been spawned
  • Fixed an issue with swapping to human male form
  • Fixed issue with the vendor allowing the player to run around during conversation
  • Fixed "With Bells On" choice being available from Nepthys without finishing the quest
  • Fixed an issue with various materials
  • Fixed a bug where the Tomb of Q'Tesh was flooded
  • Fixed an issue where you could just have balls with no cock
  • Fixed an issue with destroyed interactables not being handled properly on save/load
  • Fixed Cosmetic Duplicated Issue
  • Fixed issue with Missionary Scene dialog that explains cock requirements
  • Fixed issue with Void Spirit and Khaba dialog that could result in crashes for some users and some save games
  • Fixed interactables and saves that could affect some users
  • Fixed isues with the bed which caused it to be non-interactable
  • Fixed a bug with Archers accelerating too quickly
  • Fixed issue with the feline NPC's not walking correctly
  • Fixed a bug with the Deset Cat AI from fleeing too much
  • Fixed bug with the Inquisitor of Bast & Tomb Gaurdian being affected by enemy levels
  • Fixed a bug with female unarmed combat using incorrect SFX
  • Fixed a bug with the Cursed One's which caused them to not be a quick on their feet as intended
  • Fixed a bug with the player locomotion lunging the player forward, turning and runing is now smoother
  • Fixed a collision issue with certain tree's
  • Fixed a collision issue with cages
  • Fixed issue with the inventory character not having physics
  • Fixed a bug with softlock triggering when not in combat
  • Fixed an issue causing the combat music to persist after leaving combat
  • Fixed enemy sight radius to be slightly larger, but on a lower peripheral
  • Fixed a bug where you could backstab Anubite Guards
  • Fixed a bug where the credits wouldn't scroll after a certain amount of time
  • Fixed a bug where enemies wern't always updating their maximum speed after leaving combat
  • Fixed hitbox issues with certain attacks from Cursed Ones
  • Fixed a bug where the void spirit wouldn't spawn due to the new map changes
  • Fixed a bug causing Damascus Ingots to have no value
  • Fixed multiple collision issues with rocks and cliffs
  • Fixed a mjaor issue with combat which prevented movement in some circumstances
  • Fixed a major issue with the save/loading of the new Customization system
  • Fixed a major issue with the customization vessels respawning after being destroyed if the game was saved after a certain amount of time
  • Fixed an issue where a number of voice lines could be heard even if the voice section of the menu was turned all the way down
  • Fixed issues with the Customization system related to cocks
  • Fixed issues with the new Customization vessels not working in the map
  • Fixed a bug where you could sell quest items to vendors by dragging the items
  • Fixed Sabuthi Male in the Character Customization system so it had the correct icon
  • Fixed a bug with enemies respawning too quickly, they should now be dead much longer
  • Fixed an issue where cursed ones what hid underground respawned above ground
  • Fixed an issue with the Customization system where some choices did not load the defaults and therefore males did not have cocks in some cicumstances
  • Fixed an issue where the WIP bestary menu can be opened on the controller
  • Fixed an issue where some outfits could be found but not equipped to prevent issues
  • Fixed issues with the Save Game system for Jars that were destroyed but were not handled properly on load
  • Fixed multiple sound files not being included in volume sliders
  • Fixed multiple issues with the game world

  • Changed the Merchant UI
  • Changed textures on multiple objects for better performance
  • Changed underwater post-processing
  • Changed enviromental visuals including changes to our SSGI and new foliage
  • Changed the combat movement speed
  • Changed item stats to include stamina cost per attack
  • Changed Merchant Lines to go along with fix to Merchant interaction which allowed movement during access
  • Changed saving system to prevent auto-save from saving during Dialog
  • Changed Crafting list recipes for Bronze Khopesh
  • Changed the body system in the back end that should resolve some bugs that affect some users and provides a framework for the new body system
  • Changed Crafting lst Recipes for Iron Longsword
  • Changed damage calculations to prevent you from being healed by blocking attacks in some situations
  • Changed Footsteps of the Dragon wall button to avoid issues which some players were experiencing and changed interaction text to Push
  • Optimization pass of Map assets to increase performance
  • Changed Anubite AI into subclass "Anubite Warrior" (Uses Sword & Shield)
  • Changed Anubite AI into subclass "Anubite Brute" (Uses Longsword)
  • Changed Anubite AI into subclass "Anubite Soldier" (Uses Spears)
  • Changed Anubite AI into subclass "Anubite Cutthroat" (Uses Daggers)
  • Changed the Enemy Crocodile name to "Beast of Sobek"
  • Changed the cinematics during "Milk & Honey"
  • Changed the locomotion animations for spears
  • Changed the attack animations for swords
  • Changed default player camera zoom level
  • Changed the lighting levels inside dungeons to be slightly brighter
  • Changed the invisible walls to include a red warning zone
  • Changed the items stocked by Kali
  • Changed the SFX levels of the Skeleton Enemies
  • Changed the player's default walk speed slightly
  • Changed the player's camera position when crouched
  • Changed all footstep SFX
  • Changed all archery SFX
  • Changed multiple SFX for foley sounds around the world
  • Changed SFX for NPC actions
  • Changed Anubite Guards to watch the player when close by
  • Changed Shield Enemies to have more armor
  • Changed SFX for UI including dialogue
  • Changed SFX levels across the board for better balancing
  • Changed dropped bags, they will now destroy automaticlaly after 5 minutes of being on the floor
  • Changed the name of the Equine cock in the new customization menu to horse cock
  • Changed the Q'Tesh Jar and other quest items as quest items to prevent accidental selling
  • Changed the desert cat SFX reducing the volume
  • Changed new game to include the character customization screen
  • Improved dialog with Older Scenes to make it clear that Horse cocks do not work with them
  • Removed Brasskey and added Old Key to fix save/load issues with Milk and Honey
  • Updated the roadmap & news post on the main menu

Can you be a male yet? Or should I ignore this for another 6 months or so and check back?
  • Angry
Reactions: Naiora and Sypheria


Jun 29, 2018
If you're in the latest version of the game (that doesn't have a functional download from this thread), open your inventory, hit W, and use the character customization. If you're using v0.2.8, run to the west along the south bank of the river, past the shrine on the hill and the ruins hidden behind it, and across the bridge to a small settlement where you see a man and woman bound in stocks. There should be a couple of interactible urns lying around nearby. One of those should have equippable balls, and another should have a human male form.
bro help i can't equip the penis at all


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
bro help i can't equip the penis at all
Gonna need more info than that. A penis is equipped by default for male characters, and you have access to the basic human and horse cocks on new game. I just loaded up a new game in the download from this thread and tested, and both cocks worked with both female and male humans. Didn't run around trying to unlock other bodies though.

That said, do not attempt to use an old savegame with the current versions. It will not work, and will be horribly broken with the new systems.


Aug 20, 2017
Ah I thought this was the patreon version, not the steam version. Enchanted Draquine and Ultimatus Manhood are both locked.


Sep 12, 2021
Having issues.. can't find the armors at all that i pick up.
The armors arent properly coded in to fit all the different body shapes (sliders are new) rn so they are temp taken out of the game I believe. Should be back in soon tho if I remember reading correctly.


Sep 12, 2021
anyone know if the Halloween event is in the steam version ive looked cant find the campfire for it to start
It should be, and it only shows up at midnight. If you look at the interactive map on their website it tells you where it is btw.


Mar 10, 2018
Anyone having an issue with 'Fatal Error' on starting new game / loading save? It worked once but anytime after I go back it just crashes on load.

I'm using the version directly from Steam (Not the cracked version) and I started a new save after the update.
4.00 star(s) 88 Votes