The controls for the game are shit...
It's worse than that, actually. It's the animation handling. From a mechanical standpoint, the controls are triggering an animation, and the animation is dictating an action. That needs to be tossed out the window and either rebuilt from scratch or replaced with something from the market.
What you actually want happening, on a technical level, is for controls to trigger a logical action, and the logical action to dictate what animation to use as relevant. That may sound mostly the same, but the difference is that it handles interruption and unexpected circumstances better. Jump into a wall with a pure jump animation and you just finish the jump animation weirdly. Jump into a wall with a logical controller, and you can transition into an animation where you hit the wall.
A good example of how this is exploitable is the small cooldown on potion drinking right now. If you're stuck in a long, slow animation, you can just drink a potion to end it and do things faster. This is legitimately exploitable in combat right now, too.