It is indeed UE4.btw those anyone know what engine they used, when I was playing it felt like UE4
My two cents are these:
The first release looks impressive as fuck. I really like the look of the world so far, the city is very nice and detailed and the graphics are of very good quality. I dont know how much time they spent on that before the first launch tho so in order to really get a feeling of what sort of production this will be we need to wait a few more months for the coming releases.
The characters are very special but somehow look aesthetic even for someone who isnt really into the whole furry stuff.
As mentioned earlier I couldnt get past the first dialogue as the options werent working so I cant really tell much there other than saying that its very buggy. But thats totally OK for a first release and I think they had a very strong first release. But before I get hyped Ill need to see how this continues.