Then the game was split into branches to accomodate the people who freaked out about the hair removal, which I can only imagine how much work that added. I mean, I get what that is all about for them, but to me it is just compromising and pandering to a vocal minority that went apeshit over the source material.
Actually, we decided early on that this would have different paths players could choose rather than just a VN. That was exciting for me because there were a lot of things I wanted to include in the original story which I couldn't fit into the plot, and also different directions I wanted the story to go but I had to choose only one. Now I can do it all.
In the case of keeping the pubes, we already had a particular branch planned where this would fit nicely and also add a bit of variety in how Casey looks. It was simply a matter of deciding where that branch could take off from and making a few adjustments. Now that I've got that all figured out, I think it's going to be pretty cool.
As with all things, I like listening to different ideas but I'll only take them on board if I like them, and even then I may only use part of the idea. I wouldn't have done this one if I didn't like it. I know I'll never please everyone, and a big part of why I wrote this story was to fill a particular niche that isn't all that popular, so I know plenty of people wouldn't like it and/or wouldn't be turned on by it. The main factor in this idea wasn't so much about showing her with pubes, but more in what would happen if Casey refused to shave when Mark asked her to do it. Could it be something that would make her whole life turn out differently? Maybe better? Maybe a lot worse?
It is true that the task in front of us is probably at least three times bigger than the original story now. There's a mountain of writing to be done in front of me, and hundreds of extra images we'll need, but I think it'll be worth it in the end. No more new paths from here though, but if someone gives me an idea, I might still find a way to work it into something already planned.