So, um, yeah. There are some criticisms. So I'll try to lead with something positive.
Looks good and a cool story hook. Bit of mystery drawing the player into the story. So, there's potential here. Real potential.
But I'm going to go with English not being your first language? Even allowing for that, your writing is, well, not good. Your characters behave bizarrely and without any explanation.
One example: The MC goes to school as their own cousin. Okay, fine. Tries to make friends with some chicks (I'm not sure how to express how dumb the "talk to the boys" option is*). Fine. They straight up inform this apparent complete stranger that they're all secretly exhibitionists and it's time for her to expose herself. In the park. How the hell are these chicks keeping their kink a secret?
I don't understand how someone could think that a close-knit group of secret kinksters open their first conversation with a new acquaintance with, "Hey, we're really kinky. Wanna join in?"
You don't think that maybe the'd want to find out if the person was trustworthy and/or potentially kinky first? A bit of hanging out? Flashing someone in a way that could potentially be played off as a joke if the newbie wasn't into it?
Or another example: The MC wake up for their second day of school as a girl and just goes, "Guess it's time to seduce my teacher for an easy A."
What? Just ... what?
How about developing this storyline a bit? Establish that the MC sucks at the class. You could even connect it to the exhibitionist subplot as the MC is informed by the exhibitionist chicks that the teacher is a massive perv and it's pretty easy for a young lady to use her "assets" to her advantage. You'd also need to establish why the MC cares so much about passing that class. Particularly since the MC is supposed to want to go back to being a guy, at which point any grades he got as a girl are pretty much irrelevant.
And virtually every single interaction in the game is like that. It's like you've never even
met a human being before, let alone attended high school as one.
But I'll try to be constructive now. Two things you could do to improve this game.
First, as I've suggested, things are moving too fast. The MC is supposed to be a heterosexual guy transformed unwillingly into a horny chick. They want to turn back into a dude. Yes, I understand that the whole point of the game is that their raging hormones will turn them into a massive slut and that there's little to no chance of them actually returning to their former life. I'm on board with that; it's why I downloaded.
But the MC isn't. The story needs to provide
reasons for the MC to slowly relinquish their masculinity and embrace her new self.
Secondly, some basic advice on portraying characters. The two most important questions to ask yourself when deciding what a particular character does are:
1. What does this character want?
2. What
won't they do to get it?
The answer to the first question will determine what that character is trying to move towards. The answer to the second will determine what path they take. A really, really common answer to the second question is, "Destroy my entire life." A consideration that no character in your game currently takes into account.
So, it's entirely possible that a teacher dumped by their boyfriend might feel sorry for themselves. I've been dumped. It's how I felt. It is not possible that they would do so by getting drunk in a playground in broad daylight. Particularly if the reason she got dumped is that she's "too uptight". She's drinking beer in a playground and engaging in titplay with one of her students. That's not "uptight".
The basic characters and situations you have assembled are actually pretty good. The basic premise of the game. The "aunt" with mysterious motivations. The pervy shota brother. The secretly kinky clique of schoolgirls. The pervy boss. The easy A. The frustrated spinster. The chikan dude.
This is all gold, my friend. It's great. If you can figure out how to actually connect this raw material in a way that
makes narrative sense, you've got an absolute winner here. So keep at it.
*Protip when pretending to be someone else: don't immediately tell everyone who you really are.