I like this game, same as Power Vaccum i like games where there is an antagonist that tries to get the girls from the MC and the MC fucks them over in the end.
Too many games out there take the vanilla approach where you are the only male capable of fucking anything in a 10 000 mile radius, it's ridiculous and unrealistic especially the more females there are in the game, so it's good when you have some competition. It's also good because usually such scenarios can lead to some very comedic moments.
Anyway good luck to the Dev, hoping for more girls in the future, maybe MC's female friends or your sisters friends or moms friends, cousins, etc... you get the gist...
Anyway good luck with the game, also almost forgot the bad ends shouldn't be like oh you got fucked over and your aunt just put her dick in your sister The End, it should actually be a full on scene of her fucking the girls in detail IMO, all the best.