First, a question: is there any way to make something happen regarding the "someone's targeting maids" talk, or is that just dialogue that goes nowhere? I was way more interested in those hints than in the main plot.
Then a too-long review:
Fairly disappointing - the combat sex is really perfunctory, having zero effect on the character (just wait until you can move again, then carry on as before). Certain conditions can lead you to forced orgasms while fighting but it has no effect except upping your orgasm stat - you'd think maybe a a temporary debuff or something would result, but no. Basically, the H is tacked on and barely gets in the way of adventuring and "fighting" - which is hitting "attack" at most 3 times to kill anything but a boss. Super-easy overall, but at the same time with a little clothing damage it's also easy to get raped 20 or 30 times in a dungeon - to which the heroine doesn't react in the slightest. Lost your viginity to a monster? Ehh, whatever.
Meanwhile, all in-town sex is locked to your current level of Sensuality (ranging from 1 to 3) which non-intuitively is capped to how many dungeons you've cleared, giving very little variation in the MC's responses. As others have pointed out, it's wildly inconsistent in what she will do at each level - the thug in the slum is the most obvious problem there. The Sensuality cap is justified as connected to the deterioration and corruption of the city & kingdom, except that there's really no change whatsoever to the atmosphere of the city other than a few "things are scarier now" NPC dialogue changes.
The in-town sex, much of which is nonconsensual in at least some way, also has a weirdly consensual vibe to it, as the game holds the player's hand to make sure nothing happens without you really pushing the MC to give in for no proper character motivation. Think of the (hardly spoilers) bathhouse scenes, or the dancing "among the crowd" scenes ... the heroine knows she'll get molested but can choose to stay for no good reason, even at Sensuality 1. A weird complaint maybe, but to me there's a big difference between "if I have the heroine do this, she'll likely get raped. Muh-ha-ha-haaa" and the heroine thinking "if I do this, I'll get raped. Okeydokey." (Note that in the dancing scenes, supposedly the big money is made on the floor, but no actual money is gained by going down from the stage, so it's a completely unjustified self-sacrifice.)
I don't know, I was pretty impressed for half an hour by some nice tilework in the city, and then grew increasingly frustrated. The story and character work is just so half-assed. H-attacks are ridiculously common and consequence-free. Combat is mostly a joke (bosses less so, but I didn't lose a single boss-fight, having cleared the game once now. And I suck.). Some traps are fun, but other than the dull damaging ones they mostly have no real consequence.
That's sort of the tl;dr take-away for the whole game: nothing really matters. It's just a scene-collecting exercise.