I think this game has better characters than Depraved Awakening but the lewd content is nowhere near as good. There is less variety in terms of girls + less sex scenes in general. Its more story focused which is fine but I think a better balance would have been good
I think I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. DA probably had more early sex scenes, but I felt they were overly gratuitous and had little connection to the story (Carli and Judy in particular needed better setup). Also, most of the early scenes just weren't that good, IMHO. DA only got its lewd scenes firing on all cylinders in the second half.
CoBD has just begun its second half, and I wouldn't be surprised if it follows a similar path in ramping up its lewd content. But overall I'd say I already prefer its selection thanks to a combination of more appealing setup and higher average quality of the scenes. DA's peaks may be a little higher, but I don't think that's a fair comparison until CoBD is finished.