Hi there Burt, nice to read you again, as usual. Thank you so much for burting in

I knew you were probably the one responsible for the intro. And I could imagine the reason why you changed it; as I wrote in one of my previous comments this week, you resorted to a kind of external narrator that isn't common in Philly's games, and the tone was perhaps a bit grandiose at times (no offence).
If there's something I like about the way in which you and the rest of the team have written CoBD it is how straightforward yet expressive every sentence is. You don't make use of those excessive inner monologues or random thoughts that most devs resort to, but try to convey what the characters (especially the MC) are feeling by different means.
Moreover, rather than narrating, you show; instead of tautologically describing in words what we already see, you let the truth shine through for us to interpret it. I've always loved that.
That being said, you could have envisaged the intro as something separate and unique; a device to introduce and set the tone of a great story, which could then have been absolutely different as far as narrative style is concerned.
Take for example the introductions to certain classical plays (or their acts), in which a narrator often offered a taste of what was going on or what would happen, giving then way to the action where there was obviously only dialogue and no narrator involved.
And this would have been in my opinion too the most appropriate way to go about it.
The intro could have been tweaked and toned down without losing its essence. Now it's short and soulless.