Please don't take this wrong, my friend... just FYI: MC, being the main character of a given story, is ALWAYS the protagonist aka the hero, heroine or anti-hero, the center of the story. The opposite is the
antagonist aka the "bad guy" or villain, vixen, succubus, incubus, demon, devil, monster, tormentor... or, in this case, the asshole Joker twin sans make up.

I did take a look at mother's love and the other games by the same author, there were quite a few. However, I passed en masse on all of them.
Most other games are just shit to me now. Philly Games have me spoiled. I follow several devs who's work I like but Philly was the first I followed and still the finest dev that I know. There are other devs that I like and follow. But, those are folks that are at least in the same league with Philly's skills. I'm a sucker for great story with choices that matter and make a difference, well rendered characters and smooth animations... Philly has all of that and more. Love Philly Games!

Adventure ever on my friend, Phat