
May 30, 2020
Every time I see Chloe, the image that comes into my head is that of Bully Maguire in such sarcasm and a smile on her face saying, "Oh no, no! Gonna cry?"... Every 4 scenes, 2 is her crying, I lost interest in her.
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May 7, 2019
Now, I'm going to spin another possible twist the dev's are adding to the game. What is Charli is in fact hired by either the Apes or Wolves to character assassinate the MC so that MC's rep tanks and everyone starts to hate him.

Now, to be honest I don't think this is the case but it might be something twisted the dev's have planned for our MC.
Nothing surprises me after the illogic train wreck this episode was. It may be aliens at this point. And yeah; I don't mind if story brings hell to MC if writers respect the character development we got so far and gives us an option to overcome the issues, but that's not what we got here. Character assassination in the name of plot is a dangerous move and can taint characters to the point players don't want them anymore even if the story changes later. There's a new game called Lucie and it's getting mountains of hate for simple 1 time moves that tainted LIs in the eyes of the players to a point of no return. Writer here tainted and ruined Emily to a not coming back point in a lot of player's eyes. Riley's and Lindsey's image is dangerously getting close. Pretty much the friendship and trust between MC and 3/4 of the girls except Nora and Lauren (and maybe Amber and Penelope) went down the drain and for some reason an MC that can slap some respect in trash talkers can't do a thing about this one, because...reasons.


Aug 4, 2020
and btw the nerve of that woman to give a jealousy speech having a cheating ex GF status. Emily's case is even worse if I'm right, she's supposed to be the one who knows MC better than anyone there.
Yeah I was just like "okay see ya" instead of we can "sill be friends" when she said she didn't want to see you anymore ain't got time for her BS and she'll probably be back anyway out of jealousy. I play it passive aggressive with Emily anyway every time she mentions relationships etc I shut her down but still sleep with her.
Charli is going to be a pain in the ass later on, I could see kicking his ass back firing instead of the usual reputation gain.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2020
for the first few updates i stood up for this game and the dev because i really liked where this was going and thought the dev was getting harsh criticism but after the BS in this update,

from Riley now forgetting she has something with the MC and wanting to fuck all the girls to Emily and whatever absolute shit that was, Lindsay is now completely different and most of the girls turn from the MC to a guy they only just met is moronic,

and the fact i just cant get invested in any of the girls because we spend so little time with them before we are chasing around after a different girl, and all the girls seemingly have BIpolar and completely change from the start of the scene to the end of it,

they only good parts of the update was the driving date with Chloe and being able to ask her out and then have sex with her, and the Mrs Rose sex scene if you on her path


Engaged Member
Aug 29, 2017
It went from "Riley this is Charli a transfer student I met this morning" to Charli bashing Mc the next time we see him. Like ... WTF just happened?
And we don't even have the option to ignore him or tell him to fuck himself and go cheer Nora up. When generally the choices are "do something" or "don't do something."

What infuriating even more is what they did to Riley. I mean on her path, MC and her are together or almost together, and yet most of London's trip she acts nothing like it. Heck in the begin of the game, when MC had a dispute with Ryan, she followed the former to see if he's alright, and now she doesn't even care. And it's not one line of " We're adults, and not gullible" than can change how bad it became.

The same goes for Lindsey. MC helped her with her mother's death and now it's like nothing ever happened. She's holdings hands with a guy she just met less than a week ago and MC can go fuck himself.

I'm not even talking about Emily...

The story became so bad... is it a teenager writing now?
Damn so even Lindsey's character is ruined now because of that holding hands ? I thought that something is going with her and the MC and they even had plan that is yet to happen a couple of previous update

Lord Soth

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
First it was Emily but now what they did with Lindsey was the final straw for me this update. She was so hot for the MC just before the Tournament and now it's a total 360 with her fawning over that walking vagina Charli. It seems that most of the decent looking LI are getting made into complete bitches and for what? some added "Ooh!" drama. Ah well, there's always University of Problems, Frosh Life and College Bound to play.
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Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
yea she seems change the dress after the absurd way she dump MC....wtf...is this all Charly shit??anyway this is the thank for getting her back?? bah
Not sure on Charli, I need to see more of him to form an opinion. I feel like there has to be more going on there, or I'm just too used to stories that make sense.

As far as Emily, as soon as I knew she cheated previously I treated her like I would in real life. I won't go out of my way to be mean, but she's dead to me. I think if you go back with a cheater then you get what you deserve. Gotta learn that lesson eventually.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Not sure on Charli, I need to see more of him to form an opinion. I feel like there has to be more going on there, or I'm just too used to stories that make sense.
Hm..no, i don't need to see more to know that i want punch his face (and give him a kick when he is down), preferably infront of all the girls, than they have at least a reason to complain about the MC.

As far as Emily, as soon as I knew she cheated previously I treated her like I would in real life. I won't go out of my way to be mean, but she's dead to me. I think if you go back with a cheater then you get what you deserve. Gotta learn that lesson eventually.
Yeah that was my first reaction too, but she has the best character model.... so i gave her a chance.
I hoped we get some background info about what happend, like why did it happen, drugs, the alcohol problem of her, forced, their relationship being bad etc and of course some serious effort on her side to make up for the shit she did...something i can work with for a redemption.

But the dev apparently doesn't care to elaborate and after seeing her make a fuss about some dumb post, her alcohol problem and her behaving like a bitch at the hoco...i sayed fuck it and ignore her, but as a ''good'' bro, i gave Ryan greenlight to go after her :whistle:


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I do find it funny how many people here are saying the devs have fucked up yet their patreon numbers are going up.

Even funnier when you consider reviews like LazyPanda telling the dev "better luck next time" when they are bringing in thousands a month and in the top 50 earners.

I know some of you might not like it but the game is a financial success and it is still growing. It's gained over 100 subs in the past 2 days alone.
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Feb 13, 2020
My thoughts exactly. The firsts updates, Riley was totally into the MC. She's happy when she kisses her and she´s totally glad if the MC chooses her for the ball. Now, it seems that she´s full lesbian and barely cares about the MC. First she calls him because she´s afraid of flying. The MC cares about her fears,try to calm her, MC proposes that thing of the "indoors skydiving" like something that could help her with her fears... and instead of answering, she runs after that Charly guy. And when the MC proposes again the skydiving thing, se says "Oh, I forgot about you, I already made plans with Charli". Does the dev purposely wants to piss of players that are following Riley's path? :cautious:

If you play with Riley as a friend, she says to you that she is bi, but if you play as Riley as something more than a friend, the MC has sex with her instead of that confession, so he never knows that she is bi. Well, in this update, she says, in spite the path your are: "you know I´m bi", and the MC says "Yes". How does the MC even knows? And then, she starts asking for advice about the best way to get into Audrey's panties... WTF? Why suddenly, Riley behaves as Audrey and Amber and wants to fuck everybody, girls included, no strings attached? Does the writer confuse the personality of his own characters? :cautious:

Riley was at first a middle ground between sluts like Audrey or Amber and prudes like Lauren or Penelope, and a loyal and reasonable character, not a drama queen like Emily, Nora and Chloe. Now is mostly ruined for me. She's just another of the hoes in this game.

Riley goes from loyal best friend / girlfriend to bi-curious obsessed girl with no apparent reason with almost no loyalty to MC. The scene when MC comfort / scare her about planes is completely fucked up. She's here with her boyfriend and Asshat Charli shows up and "He's really cute" is such an unrealistic reaction from her that I wonder for a moment if it wasn't another nightmare sequence. Cherry on the cake: she met the guy once and makes plan with him when she already has come with MC. Like... WTF.

Get the original writer back people! Or fire the one you have now because he really, really doesn't know what he's doing.
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