
Engaged Member
Apr 9, 2018
Gonna probably be a slow build up until the final vacation destination when she's finally had enough of Chris
I think you're still rushing it. Then there's the drama with her dad, who knows what's coming there. Besides can't I enjoy Chloe for a minute before they fight over me? Hehe


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
You know what? I've had it with this game, I just had it. I dont know what happened since the earlier updates, but damn if this one just got literal shit at this point. Its not even the storylines getting destroyed, the characters being dumber and dumber, or in the same scene the MC and other swapping clothes, the billions of useless scenes that make this game be 16gb worth of nothing, the constant bugs... its the sloppyness of it all! Nothing works as it should! And it feels like Steve doesnt care at all.

Seriously, I dont know if Steve roams here on F95 or not, but please, grab this KCT system or whatever it is, and trash it. I mean it, TRASH. IT. Its literally terrible and its making the game even worse to play.

The build up for relationships is god damn awful and buggy because of it. Hell, almost everything its just so sloppy made that this game gets unbearable to play, because I am never ever sure if I am going for the right path that I am aiming or not. I mean why would you be able to room with Chloe if you're not on her path? I've been building my playthrough path with Chloe, went to hoco, had that lewd scene, choose to roommate with her on the trip... and still, because of this retarded system, I still didnt get the freaking scenes! Because of WHAT? Because I'm "Loyal"?! The fuck, that doesnt even make sense! You cant tell what the characters even enjoy! I got shot down by Nora as well! Oh great, the only characters that enjoy lOyAl are the ones I dont give a frick about. HOW FUN, STEVE.

After the last couple updates I decided to give this a go again, but I am just fed up with it at this point. This one's going to the trashbin until its completed and fully fixed because otherwise, its a freaking waste of time, stomping through the spagetthi code and systems to get where you're aiming to. God this is so... unsatisfying to role-playing because everything is so buggy and messy. Games like this make me value devs taking their time to get their heads straight and provide good, functional products. Garbage like this doesnt deserve support... and it breaks me saying it because I did enjoy College Kings in the beginning even tho its was a carbon copy of the "one who shall not be name"... but just forget it, its not worth the hassle.


Dec 29, 2017
How solve plz:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 56, in script
call screen realmode
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "game/screen.rpy", line 144, in execute
screen quick_menu():
File "game/screen.rpy", line 144, in execute
screen quick_menu():
File "game/screen.rpy", line 155, in execute
if fantasy == 1:
File "game/screen.rpy", line 155, in <module>
if fantasy == 1:
NameError: name 'fantasy' is not defined


I, for one, welcome our new android overlords.
Nov 2, 2017
Aye man DarkAssassin idk if its just me but the apk all bugged out, it keeps saying you reach the end of update after making out with lindsey scene, i tried to start a new game and it said the same thing before going swimming with chloe
can you give me the save file?


Jan 19, 2020
Yeah that was my first reaction too, but she has the best character model.... so i gave her a chance.
I hoped we get some background info about what happend, like why did it happen, drugs, the alcohol problem of her, forced, their relationship being bad etc and of course some serious effort on her side to make up for the shit she did...something i can work with for a redemption.
Emily is obviously the dev's little cuck project. First, Benjamin at the doctor's wanted a "dual arrangement" so I told him to fuck off. Later the little bitch Ryan goes after her like a puppy so I told him to off as well and now we have this "new friend" Charli brainwashing her behind my back and I can't seem do anything about it. And the little bitch Ryan is still moping on the airplane. And let's not forget how the dev is giving us tons of opportunities to give "our blessing" to those interested. So yeah, the dev's little cuck project.


Apr 23, 2021
Damn bros, there's been a lotta bad reviews about the game lately. but i can't say i disagree. i don't want to comment on the bugs which are annoying, but nothing is more frustrating than the writing of the characters and the paths.

Riley is a fucking mess. Chloe is always crying as usual. I could go on..

The sex scenes aren't hot.

But while yes it is a new writer...the worst part is that I wish that Steve would stop with the fucking marketing vids like holy fuck, go spend that time rereading the story and making the story better instead of giving us bullshit vids that talk about how good the upcoming update is when we all know it doesn't impress.

I know I said the latest update was decent but I meant decent in terms of the hot garbage Act 2 was.

The dev should feel lucky this game is compared to BAD


Jan 19, 2020
I do find it funny how many people here are saying the devs have fucked up yet their patreon numbers are going up.

Even funnier when you consider reviews like LazyPanda telling the dev "better luck next time" when they are bringing in thousands a month and in the top 50 earners.

I know some of you might not like it but the game is a financial success and it is still growing. It's gained over 100 subs in the past 2 days alone.
Ha, all this because you just happened to find a new friend in Riley tsk, tsk... I wonder why? :unsure:
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
Damn bros, there's been a lotta bad reviews about the game lately. but i can't say i disagree. i don't want to comment on the bugs which are annoying, but nothing is more frustrating than the writing of the characters and the paths.
Because its reaching a point where the game is nearly unplayable. Everything has bugs... and yes, its not over exaggerating. Its supposed to be a role-playing game, but I am anything but immersed... not when I cant even tell whose path I am on and if my "KCT" or whatever the fuck is alligned to what I am aiming at. It simply isnt rewarding to play this at all on the current version.


Apr 23, 2021
Jesus fuck, my dude you need a story editor. Seriously.
I believe the new writer took over from Chapter 9, or should I say 3? cause apparently there's 3 people involved with plot development. now I am a stupid guy but I don't know how you can develop a game with 3 if there's 1 writer 1 editor I'd understand but 3????
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Nov 28, 2020
As I remember there was a game with Malcolm the schizo manipulator who tried to steal a girl from MC, but that game was crafted masterfully.

Every psychological move there was justified, and the MC could actually counteract that manipulator.

Here the devs take that plot device, but seem to implement it pretty horribly.

The MC just plays the role he's given passively, and the dynamics or causes of the girls' changing attitudes remain behind the scenes.

That's disappointing.


Apr 23, 2021
Well, this is what happens when the actual developer goes back to the shadows to outsource the whole thing and trying to make merchandise, while the base game was a blatant ripoff from the get-go.
Yeah it's funny how Steve has gone from developing the game to being the "CEO" delegating work, and all Steve does is hype up this game with his bullshit videos lol
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