ChainZero I just tried this out. Wow, I have to say. I'm really blown away. You have created really FANTASTIC chemistry and writing there. It's all in there. I'm so impressed. I love the dialogues, visuals, all of that meshing together very well.
Also, while one's skin color should not matter, I have to say that, upon learning from your Patreon posting that you are a black dude who grew up in the NYC hood, you really represented them well. I can't imagine how many people were not able to realize their potential because of the circumstances they grew up under and which they almost had no control of. You have shown a real potential as a writer that you were able to show out here. Well done, well done! You make them proud.
I also think it's interesting in same post that you talked about the light skinned kid struggling to find their own identity. I think that's something I can relate to because I had been deaf for nearly all of my life and I grew up in a public school where I had sign language interpreters with me in all classes. Because of my speech therapy (made a bit easier by having a hearing aid device in my ear), I am not only fluent in sign language but also in spoken English. But going to a public school instead of the deaf school has its costs: it meant that I don't have any deaf peers in my classes and I am not really great at lip-reading. I do have contacts with deaf peers today but I don't think my identity is quite settled as I am kind of drifting between deaf and hearing worlds.
Anyway, as a vote of confidence, I have pledged $10. Consider me your new investor!
P.S. Charlotte better have some trimmed pubes. I'm the pubes connoisseur, you remember that.

P.S.2 Nicole can have her pubes trimmed, too, if you so please, but don't you dare shave it all off!