Glad you liked the game so far overall. A few things though. MC and Charlotte are mixed. They do have black genes. Not to make this a racial lesson or anything, but being black isn't exclusive to one specific skin color. We're all adults here, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. I'm a black guy who happens to be fair in complexion. My father and all of his siblings except for 2 was born and raised in Jamaica, and all except for 3 are even lighter than me. His mother, same color, born and raised in Jamaica as well, but her father was Irish which I'm sure is the reason for our skin color.
I don't want to spoil anything, but the MC and Charlotte are very much the same here. It has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks about black people in adult games, trust me, I couldn't care less. The MC and Charlotte are the way they are because it's who
I am. I can understand the blue eyes throwing people off, but you can say that was a personal choice by design. The blue eyes of the MC, Charlotte and Susan just pop out to me more.
Ayana is black as well. Honestly don't really see how you mistook her for a white girl

but it's all good lol. And that's another thing. The N word. I said this on my Patreon but it's behind a paywall with the release of the game and didn't deliver the message here. I'll try to keep it brief. I'm a black guy that grew up in the middle of the hood of New York City. Born and raised by the streets, though I've done my best to surround myself with good influences.
The slang used and the N word are just a natural part of my vocabulary and I understand that will be a turnoff for some people, but believe me when I say I've been
very tame. I create their dialogue based on how I would talk with my friends, but trust me, it's very watered down. If I wrote the dialogue 100% based on how I
truly spoke with my friends, most people would probably be very turned off. "Bro" after every sentence, "N word" after every sentence, a bunch of NYC slang, ya'll not ready for that so I spared ya'll the headache lol. <-- See what I mean?
As a black guy, it's been drilled into me that this word is wrong, but that hasn't stopped me from basically abusing the word around my friends. Not to be spiteful, but it's because you are bred by your environment just as much as your parents. Plus I'm
very easy going, to the point where I've been told I care too little about shit, so the word is just that to me, a word. A word people around me use and a word that's basically abused in the music I listen to.
Same with Ayana. The word is just that to her. A word. I'm sorry you are put off by it, but I'm not gonna stop using that word because it's part of what makes these characters real to me. It's the reality of my upbringing. So just know it's not being used to sound edgy or cool or anything like that. It's used because
I use it. It's used because people I know use it. Daily. Because it's what I consider to be natural speech.
I've already covered this but I'ma just *wink, wink* about the Mom. It's not like it's a big reveal or something important or anything, I just rather let the story tell you naturally. It's far more fun that way. When it comes to my game, understand appearances aren't going to tell you everything about my characters. That's the beauty of it. Hope my novel here cleared up some things though. Again, I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I hope I continue to keep your attention going forward. Also hope the dialogue here doesn't completely steer you away lol.
I said it for you, but I know more people will have the same questions and assumptions, so
I'm kind of hoping that people will direct anyone else with questions/assumptions like these to this post here.