Charlotte's perkiness in Chapter 2 can be summarized as extreme elation since knowing someone in her birth family had been her dream for the longest time. She wanted to know that there was someone who could be considered blood out there and wanted to know that that person loved her, since she was bullied as a kid for being so obviously adopted. "Yo mom don't love you" jokes were easy to become a victim of for her and it's just as easy to fall into that trap, thinking that those jokes may hold weight when you don't see or feel anything that says otherwise for so long.
So she's definitely perky by nature, but I made sure to calm her down by the end of that day when she visited and sort of feel bad about being as clingy as she was. On any other day, she's a far calmer person in general and her energy is more controlled. You just happen to be introduced to her as she's riding quite possibly the biggest and longest high of her 19 year life lol.
You are correct. Also most adopted kids do have issues even if they look all good and well from outside. Psychologically speaking issues like Feelings of rejection,
Loss and grief, Identity issues, self esteem are quite common among adopted/abandoned kids. People take it for granted how much having biological parents can save you from pyscological impact.
Add to that Charolette being bullied and her step sisters behaviour towards her and biggest one being her biological mom on death bed. I think she is doing amazing job in keeping herself together. I think we ignore her perky behaviour (I don't even know what that means but evidently many peope noticed her being perky so
This is the reason why I think this game is about twins more so ever than MC and his love life (sorry team ayana or team lola)
Because the title seems more intented to that.
Am I right Chain?
Anyways looking forward to what relationship dynamics revamp changes. I think Charolette will grow on people as game progresses.
when is next update coming just curious.