
Oct 27, 2021
I am feeling monumentally dense at this point but can someone explain like I am five how to start the 'Tempt' path?
Are you asking about clarifying description itself or for advice about actually pulling it off?

If first, then "avoid breaking all Morality and Confidence Vulnerabilities other than T1 Confidence (use of 'begging'). The target must have been hit by Force Orgasm and Broadcast in the past, and then must be brought to 100k PLEA in order to initiate the Tempt defiler action." means exactly it:
1) You cannot break any of consequences-inflicting Morality vulnerabilities at all. Tier 0 break, aka first doubt, (first time reaching level 2 HATE on person that has morality as core vulnerability) is fine, but breaking anything above means that you failed. Remember that morality can be broken not only by "grind", but also by "pummel" if at risk of reaching 10k during current surround. You need to be very careful with these two actions and use them on target only in very beginning of battle.
2) Allowed confidence break is limited to Tier 1, because there is no way to avoid it while using "caress" to break innocence.
3) Target must have Tier 2 breaks of both innocence and dignity and that requires her receiving "force orgasm" and "broadcast" defilers at least once. Don't checked wheither girls with pre-broken vulnerabilities count already, but by logic they probably should.
4) And, finally, she need to have over 100k of PLEA (level 4) curcimstance stacked for tempt action to appear. Decently long "force orgasm" with a couple of EXPO levels on other girl can achieve that.

Pictures below is how girl's corruption progress should look for her to be eligible for tempting.

2022-02-08_062413.png 2022-02-08_062434.png

Problem is that tempt doesn't activate by just reaching the threshold. It is a separate action you need a fresh surround for. And actually getting that fourth surround is another matter entirely...


Jan 19, 2018
To simplify the game without going into number specifics, there are 3 characters, each one has their weaknesses and resistances. The game advances with you dealing a specific type of damage to those weak to it, which will give them "Surround Points", then actually surrounding them when you have enough and attacking the others meanwhile. The exact mechanics of each damage are in the guide.txt file.
To get a good feel of the game you will want to use the first 3 days to know what each chosen is weak to and cause as much damage on them as possible. On day 4 cause disgust damage on the chosen weak to it until you can surround them and do it. While they're surrounded, cause fear damage on the chosen weak to it until you can surround them and do it. On the last one hit their exposition damage (I forgot the name) and repeat what you did on the others.
After a few turns surrounding them (and using the appropriate surround actions to further increase that chosen's chosen damage, and this part might take a few days) you'll probably break a few vulnerabilities and will start understanding how the game works.
This was the only way I played a long time ago and defeated them. I had a really shitty ending and I probably made as few points as possible, but this is how I learned how to play.
i'll be honnest, i don't think this game is for me,
i really tried tho', but i just can't seem to understand anything about it.

i can't surround girls more than like 3 times a fight,
and i can't seem to find how to break their vulnerabilities.
i know there's something to do with the multiplicators, but i just can't do it,
the fights always end before they get high enough for me to do something about it.

I don't even understand the Vulnerabilities system neither,
Is "minor vulnerability" something i should focus on, or should i focus on core/significiant vulnerabilities?

Even "openings" i hardly understand,
To make an "opening" and be able to surround a character.
Do i need to raise a trauma up to a certain level, or are multiples lower lvls is enough?
Let's say a girl need a lvl 3 def opening,
Do i need to raise a Pain-lvl 3, or is having a DIS, PAI, SHA all lvl 1 is enough?

i'm not even sure if i'm meant to focus on doing Trauma-dmgs,
Or if i'm meant to focus on making Circumstances-dmgs.

this is a good-game, and i can definitely understand why peoples like it,
but i think i'm way too dumb to play it


Jul 30, 2020
i can't surround girls more than like 3 times a fight,
That's to be expected early on.

and i can't seem to find how to break their vulnerabilities.
Don't stress it too much. Just play the game a bit more to get a feel for it.

I don't even understand the Vulnerabilities system neither,
Is "minor vulnerability" something i should focus on, or should i focus on core/significiant vulnerabilities?
Core vulnerabilities are more rewarding, but minor vulnerabilities are easier. I would try to break some minor vulnerabilities first when you're learning. You can try going for core vulnerabilities when you have some experience.

Even "openings" i hardly understand,
To make an "opening" and be able to surround a character.
Do i need to raise a trauma up to a certain level, or are multiples lower lvls is enough?
Let's say a girl need a lvl 3 def opening,
Do i need to raise a Pain-lvl 3, or is having a DIS, PAI, SHA all lvl 1 is enough?
All the opening levels get combined, you don't need a single one to be higher than the defence level. However there are some restrictions: Fear doesn't count unless another chosen is surrounded, Disgust is capped at half the defense level rounded down (minimum of 1), Pain doesn't count unless you've raised the level since starting the last surround and Shame doesn't count unless you've already got enough opening levels from the others to at least match her defense level. In your example you would get 1 opening level from Disgust and 1 from Pain, giving you 2. Since that doesn't at least match her defense level Shame doesn't count, so you would have 2 opening levels against 3 defense levels and not be able to surround.

i'm not even sure if i'm meant to focus on doing Trauma-dmgs,
Or if i'm meant to focus on making Circumstances-dmgs.
Both preferably. I would advice you to try to find a chosen with minor vulnerability to Pleasure, surround them for a few turns (either with commander or by doing damage to their other circumstances) and then using caress first and then grind and pummel starting with whatever she's most vulnerable to. That'll probably let you surround her again for longer.
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Oct 27, 2021
I don't even understand the Vulnerabilities system neither,
Is "minor vulnerability" something i should focus on, or should i focus on core/significiant vulnerabilities?
Minor vulnerability is what the girl care about the least, while core is what she treasures the most. Breaking minor before core on same vulnerability will make both girls in question friendlier with each other, while breaking core before minor is a bit harder, but will tense things up between them. Friends will come to the battle faster, while rivals will take their time. Also if relationship switches from friendly to hateful you will get double evil energy for that break.
Though it doesn't really matter until final vulnerabilities - only they will decide whether girls end up as unbreakable friends or bitter enemies. Thats where you shouldn't fuck up.
Friendliness may have some use if both of them are converted to forsakens, but otherwise you will probably want them to loath each other. It will make final showdown a LOT easier.

Significant vulnerabilities are not a part of this system and it doesn't really matter when they are dealt with. Also if core vulnerabilities broken early, they will give bonus evil energy during scheduled public events on days 15 (tier 1), 30 (tier 2, or, possibly, 3?) and 45 (tier 4).

Even "openings" i hardly understand,
To make an "opening" and be able to surround a character.
Do i need to raise a trauma up to a certain level, or are multiples lower lvls is enough?
To make openings you need trauma. Curcimstances, however high, don't count. Multiples of lower level are enough , but keep in mind conditions, under which trauma becomes the opening:

Fear applies only if some other chosen is surrounded or captured.
Disguist always applies, but only half of its total level (rounded up).
Pain also don't have a condition to apply, but after being used in surrounding it stops working until its level is raised.
Shame is a prolongator - it doesn't make openings on its own, but gets added to total number when other three traumas make enough openings to beat target's defense.

Let's say a girl need a lvl 3 def opening,
Do i need to raise a Pain-lvl 3, or is having a DIS, PAI, SHA all lvl 1 is enough?
Pain 3 will work in that example. Disg/Pain/Sham 1 will not, because total sum without sham is less than 3. You will need either fear/disg/pain 1, or disg 3 (remember, half of number) and pain 1, or disg 1 and pain 2 to generate 3 openings.

i'm not even sure if i'm meant to focus on doing Trauma-dmgs,
Or if i'm meant to focus on making Circumstances-dmgs.
You need both. Trauma is the resourse you after, but to make any meaningful amount you will need curcimstance multipliers.
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Jul 30, 2020
How about you start a game, play until you've met all three chosen and have psychic reading, then share a screenshot of each chosen's profile. Then we can give you advice on how to break those specific chosen and you can try to apply the same to the next game you play by yourself.


Jan 19, 2018
Core vulnerabilities are more rewarding, but minor vulnerabilities are easier. I would try to break some minor vulnerabilities first when you're learning. You can try going for core vulnerabilities when you have some experience.
Is breaking vulnerabilities something you reliably do like every battles,
or even latter-on it's something that happens only ocasionnally?
before for now i even say if it's something easy to achieve or if it's normal that i have such a hard-time doing it.

Also what happens when you break a vulnerability?
what's the point and what does it influence?

All the opening levels get combined
okay thank you for the clarification, that's what i thought but i wasn't sure,
Now concerning creating openings, what would you say is the easiest most efficient to do so?

Because i can reliably make it when it's only a single-character,
but once 2 more shows-up i either have to choose to focus on a single character, or surround multiples at the same-time but then i don't have the time to raise any-stats

also most surround-phases i get last a single-turn,
i understand that the more openings have been made, the longer they stay surrounded.
but that means that i either have to choose to raise a circumstance stat-level for a single-turn,
or don't surround them to raise their opening-level but then they might get-away before.

Both preferably. I would advice you to try to find a chosen with minor vulnerability to Pleasure, surround them for a few turns (either with commander or by doing damage to their other circumstances) and then using caress first and then grind and pummel starting with whatever she's most vulnerable to. That'll probably let you surround her again for longer.
from what i understood, PAI and DIS are the easiest stats to create a lvl 2 opening,
the thing is that they also both seem to reduce PLE and INJ to a 1/2 multiplicator

how the hell am i supposed to raise both of theses stats on the first surround if i can only surround them by doing something that negatively impact what i'll do on the surrounding phase?


Jul 30, 2020
Is breaking vulnerabilities something you reliably do like every battles,
or even latter-on it's something that happens only ocasionnally?
before for now i even say if it's something easy to achieve or if it's normal that i have such a hard-time doing it.
Once you get all the upgrades you can quite reliably break tier 1 and 2 vulnerabilities. Tier 3 and 4 always takes a lot of time.

Also what happens when you break a vulnerability?
what's the point and what does it influence?
The game ends with a final battle on day 40. In order to defeat the chosen you need to have broken at least one vulnerability for each to tier 4. Before that breaking vulnerabilities gives you extra evil energy for more upgrades and commanders, and makes the chosen take more damage (both circumstance and trauma).

okay thank you for the clarification, that's what i thought but i wasn't sure,
Now concerning creating openings, what would you say is the easiest most efficient to do so?
That's going to depend on the individual chosen, but generally its best if one surround does enough circumstance damage to enable the next.

also most surround-phases i get last a single-turn,
i understand that the more openings have been made, the longer they stay surrounded.
but that means that i either have to choose to raise a circumstance stat-level for a single-turn,
or don't surround them to raise their opening-level but then they might get-away before.

from what i understood, PAI and DIS are the easiest stats to create a lvl 2 opening,
the thing is that they also both seem to reduce PLE and INJ to a 1/2 multiplicator

how the hell am i supposed to raise both of theses stats on the first surround if i can only surround them by doing something that negatively impact what i'll do on the surrounding phase?
You're entirely correct. And that's why the commander is so strong, you can capture a chosen without doing circumstance damage first, meaning no reduction due to circumstance damage during the first surround.

Usually I don't go for vulnerabilities at all until I've got the upgrades perception, cunning and perseverence (requires the upgrade patience). That allows you to buy a commander for 5 evil energy that can capture for two extra turns (4 total) and has one additional capture.

Then I grab a chosen use grind or pummel, depending on which she's more vulnerable to, then the other one out of grind/pummel, then humiliate. When the second chosen shows up (if she hasn't already) I use the second commander capture on her and use humiliate. The only goal here is to get level 1 exposure for the multiplier, which you should be able to get with that long a capture regardless of her vulnerabilities. This also makes fear count for the original chosen and you should be able to capture her again. Make sure to keep using grind and pummel since you need the multipliers.


Oct 27, 2021
Once you get all the upgrades you can quite reliably break tier 1 and 2 vulnerabilities. Tier 3 and 4 always takes a lot of time.
^Once you get a commander with 5 turn duration and at least two captures. All upgrades will take a bit too much time ;). But, yes, threshold-based tier 3 and 4 vulnerabilities will require a bit of preparations.

The game ends with a final battle on day 40.
Standard game (singular scenario) duration is 50 days. Campaign and hard difficulty might have shorter timespans.


Jan 19, 2018
Once you get all the upgrades you can quite reliably break tier 1 and 2 vulnerabilities.
how do you even get that many EPs? i've played until round 50, which made the game end btw,
and i still would get 6 EP max every off-round (2 for each girls)

Usually I don't go for vulnerabilities at all until I've got the upgrades perception, cunning and perseverence (requires the upgrade patience). That allows you to buy a commander for 5 evil energy that can capture for two extra turns (4 total) and has one additional capture.
i've noticed all the commander-upgrades that rise the number of turns you can disable a chosen,
i know how insanely strong theses upgrades must be,
but i can barely get enough points to afford a commander, and maybe two upgrades to the capture/surround ability.
(let alone spend points on a "Defiler" type suppressor)


Jul 30, 2020
how do you even get that many EPs? i've played until round 50, which made the game end btw,
and i still would get 6 EP max every off-round (2 for each girls)
You get bonus points for breaking vulnerabilites, and if you create enough angst you get 5 per girl per turn.

i've noticed all the commander-upgrades that rise the number of turns you can disable a chosen,
i know how insanely strong theses upgrades must be,
but i can barely get enough points to afford a commander, and maybe two upgrades to the capture/surround ability.
(let alone spend points on a "Defiler" type suppressor)
The commander I outlined costs 5 points, so two turns worth of points. You can go for one that cost 7 or 9 points instead that can capture for 1 or 2 turns longer. That's still 3 or less turns worth of points. You don't need to use a commander every turn, just when you think you can break the vulnerabilities.


Jan 19, 2018
You get bonus points for breaking vulnerabilites, and if you create enough angst you get 5 per girl per turn.

The commander I outlined costs 5 points, so two turns worth of points. You can go for one that cost 7 or 9 points instead that can capture for 1 or 2 turns longer. That's still 3 or less turns worth of points. You don't need to use a commander every turn, just when you think you can break the vulnerabilities.
in 50 turns i could only break a single vulnerability, so i can't even imagine relying on it to get points every battles.

i'm definitely too dumb to play this, it take way too much planning and calculating,
i'm happy there's a game like that for peoples who enjoy it tho'


Oct 27, 2021
i've noticed all the commander-upgrades that rise the number of turns you can disable a chosen,
i know how insanely strong theses upgrades must be,
but i can barely get enough points to afford a commander, and maybe two upgrades to the capture/surround ability.
(let alone spend points on a "Defiler" type suppressor)
You don't deploy special commanders, unless you really know what you are doing. For tier 1-2 vulnerabilities generic one is more than enough.

You get bonus points for breaking vulnerabilites, and if you create enough angst you get 5 per girl per turn.
Pretty much. Also there is special events on days 15, 30 and 45 which reward additional evil energy per broken core vulnerability of tiers 1, 2 and 4 respectively. Breaking higher tier vulnerabilities gives progressively more evil energy. When deploying a commander, the evil energy from broken vulnerabilities should cover most of its cost, if not being a outright gain. When deploying a commander without intention of breaking vulnerabilities try to remain within one-turn evil energy cost.
And whenever you don't focus on breaking vulnerabilities you focus on stacking traumas. Bigger stacks force chosen to cope with it in more agressive and drastic manner, generating more evil energy per turn. 1 point, 2 points, 5 points, 10, then 20 and 50 if I remember correctly. If I understand correctly it trauma stacks that make chosen to go nuts, not angst. Angst is just a damage bonus.

in 50 turns i could only break a single vulnerability, so i can't even imagine relying on it to get points every battles.

i'm definitely too dumb to play this, it take way too much planning and calculating,
i'm happy there's a game like that for peoples who enjoy it tho'
Save and try to replay same day while trying different strategies. After initial generation there is no RNG in the game.
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Jan 19, 2018
You don't deploy special commanders, unless you really know what you are doing. For tier 1-2 vulnerabilities generic one is more than enough.
how the hell do i even deal 10K dmgs in a battle?

Save and try to replay same day while trying different strategies. After initial generation there is no RNG in the game.
do you think it would be worth to make a custom game with easy to break girls to learn a bit?


Mar 20, 2019
how the hell do i even deal 10K dmgs in a battle?

do you think it would be worth to make a custom game with easy to break girls to learn a bit?
If you haven’t already, playing the built in tutorial can help with some of things you’re having trouble with, afterwards you can try a run with cheats enabled which will also help with experimentation and how the stats and upgrades play into each other,
Hope this helps! :D


Jan 28, 2019
I can't do anything :( Spent 8 hours on tutorial and trials and still every day the routine is the same and I don't get anything done... It feels sooo broken that when you don't have excess on openings the capture only lasts half-round so you only waste your turn and achieve nothing.

And I still didn't figure out what the '--|----' bars mean...

3 vs 1 is an overkill and game ends within like ~15 rounds unless you do meaningless captures (that are wasted because you couldn't stack them), why do they even need to have special skills or commanders to block other actions?
Energy is unbalanced and goes down too much.

I just don't get how a whole army can only make one move per turn but they do 3, when you capture someone his turn-timer should be independent/different from the normal rounds-flow...
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