HTML Completed Corrupting the Country [v1.4] [Mister XxX]

3.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Apr 20, 2017
Well this is extremely buggy.
This is the screen of any settlement starting a new game:
This is what you can build, in Dunwich for example but every place in a new game:
Change Laws is in French for some reason, not English when I started that as a new game and softlocks you because there are not options to select:
I got this option for Telis, even though I don't think I've seen her.
Which gives me this:

Dev, you did actually play test this before releasing it, right?

Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
Well this is extremely buggy.
This is the screen of any settlement starting a new game:
View attachment 2583764
This is what you can build, in Dunwich for example but every place in a new game:
View attachment 2583769
Change Laws is in French for some reason, not English when I started that as a new game and softlocks you because there are not options to select:
View attachment 2583770
I got this option for Telis, even though I don't think I've seen her.
View attachment 2583771
Which gives me this:
View attachment 2583772

Dev, you did actually play test this before releasing it, right?

Yes, in French, my lazy mind tend to forget the english as it means to test the game two times.

I will go an extra testbug session. Expect the bugfix to come in the next 24h.

EDIT : I actually simplified the code presentation for settlement (simplify for me), wich seems to mess very badly with it.

Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
The previously bugs have been cleaned (hopefully), the bugfix is uploaded so it will be more playable now.

I continue to look for bugs.


May 5, 2020
The previously bugs have been cleaned (hopefully), the bugfix is uploaded so it will be more playable now.

I continue to look for bugs.
I downloaded few minutes ago (mega link not working so used pixeldrain link) and the error emssages that someone posted screenshots of above from early in game are still there (well for me anyway) and Iam english so natrually chose english version
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Jan 16, 2020
I am playing in french, the online version and it still buggy.
For example :
- after the fist conquest, go to Dunwich and try to build a stone quarry and Bam! "Error: <<if>>: <<else>> must be the final clause"
- also if you click ask to change low, you become stuck

As an improvement, it would be nice to have a better way to follow turns (days or week ?), because the game seems resources/turn based.

All in all this may become fun, need more illustrations (like a map), but it can become very interesting
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New Member
Jul 8, 2017
A lot of the mechanics in the game are currently broken because the default values for active laws and to detect if buildings are constructed are never defined at game start. EDIT - Added the values to unlock 3 other cities which were also never initialized. To make those cities work, 'eNorcoast ' (with a space at the end) and remove the space, same for 'eMarshmill ' and 'eRaymount '. There are 2 instances of all 3 words.
Add this at the end of line 126 to fix it:
&lt;&lt;set $lesbiandunwich to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $mendunwich to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianstanlow to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menstanlow to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbiankinallen to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menkinallen to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianpunnet to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menpunnet to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianorsier to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menorsier to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianvickburg to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menvickburg to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianbenbarn to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menbenbarn to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianmarshmill to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menmarshmill to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbianraymount to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $menraymount to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbiannorcoast to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $mennorcoast to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lesbiandanghelion to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $mendanghelion to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallenmine to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallenfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallenwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallenstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallentemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallenwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallentavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $kinallenbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowtemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowtavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $stanlowbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichtemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichtavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $dunwichbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnetfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnetwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnetstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnettemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnetwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnettavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $punnetbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsierfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsierwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsierstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsiertemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsierwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsiertavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $orsierbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgmine to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgtemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgtavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $vickburgbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarnfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarnwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarnstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarntemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarnwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarntavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $benbarnbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindonfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindonwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindonstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindontemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindonwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindontavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $lindonbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoaststone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoastfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoastwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoaststone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoasttemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoastwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoasttavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoastbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymountstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymountfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymountwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymountstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymounttemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymountwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymounttavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymountbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmillstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmillfood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmillwood to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmillstone to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmilltemple to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmillwall to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmilltavern to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmillbarracks to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymounttcontrol to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $raymount to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $marshmill to 0&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;set $norcoast to 0&gt;&gt;
Also, find and replace every instance of 'if$' with 'if $', every instance of 'Until Now.' with 'Until Now.&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;', every instance of 'Jusqu&#39;à maintenant.' with 'Jusqu&#39;à maintenant.&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;', every instance of 'set telis' with 'set $telis'
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Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
Well I have lost all hope in my coding ability but I believe most of the bugs has been fixed by now.

You will have to restart a new game however.

Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
As an improvement, it would be nice to have a better way to follow turns (days or week ?), because the game seems resources/turn based.

All in all this may become fun, need more illustrations (like a map), but it can become very interesting
Your first suggestion has been done, the map will be the complete version.
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Jan 19, 2019
Hello, I keep having the bad ending for Farnielle's arc, can you give me a hint of how to get the good ending please ?

Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
Hello, I keep having the bad ending for Farnielle's arc, can you give me a hint of how to get the good ending please ?
Well at least I am glad it's working. The clue was in the intro of the arc :

One does not frequent demons with impunity without leaving a part of one's morality there, not without protection, but no one will be able to grant one in this situation. However, it will be advisable not to act too ostentatiously because if she does not know that she has spotted, she could quickly realize it.

« -Mistress ?
-Gather the troops within the fortress, we are going to hold a big banquet this week. »


Jan 19, 2019
That's the thing, I did three celebrations, then 2, then 1, nothing seems to work, I lose Farnielle every time.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2017
Well at least I am glad it's working. The clue was in the intro of the arc :
Same issue here as the others. The process looks for a value called $celebrate with a value of 0 but that variable is never initiated, so it skips the "if" section and goes directly to the "else". Also, the first time it runs correctly, it sets $celebrate to 1... so it will always skip the "if" statement the next time you run it. Better to get rid of the celebrate variable entirely. It serves absolutely no purpose as the value of $telis is already checked to see what variables to modify.

run " = 0" in your browser's console when the event starts for it to register correctly when you use the "Celebrate" action

For the coder, instead of doing so many "if x is 0" which will fail if x isn't defined, try to do "if x < 1". Any undefined variable has a null value, which is less than 1.

On a different note, in both Lindon and Benbark, the "if benback is 1 and lindon is 1" happens before the "set <city name> to 1", so aurora never comes.
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Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
That's the thing, I did three celebrations, then 2, then 1, nothing seems to work, I lose Farnielle every time.

On a different note, in both Lindon and Benbark, the "if benback is 1 and lindon is 1" happens before the "set <city name> to 1", so aurora never comes.
It was a tricky one to find, it only happens when you take Lindon after Benbarn in the french version.

Better to get rid of the celebrate variable entirely. It serves absolutely no purpose as the value of $telis is already checked to see what variables to modify.
The purpose of this variable is to force the player to make the corruption of Telis less obvious. If Xeona spend all of her time to organize orgies, Telis will understand the plan, if it's only one by week she can view it as normal for demons worshippers.


[Industry News] Weird behavior (c)
Game Developer
Dec 16, 2019
So, the main fetish in this game is girls in medievil armor? I didn't joking or trying to be negative, just curious.


Jan 19, 2019
Okay, I have taken Linborn and Benbarn in that order in the french version, I received the rapport about the big army that is coming, waited 2 weeks, but the army doesn't appear.

Mister XxX

Game Developer
Apr 5, 2018
Okay, I have taken Linborn and Benbarn in that order in the french version, I received the rapport about the big army that is coming, waited 2 weeks, but the army doesn't appear.
She is supposed to appear after three weeks (thought two will be too short but didn't correct the text), can you still send me your save to check ?


Jan 19, 2019
She is supposed to appear after three weeks (thought two will be too short but didn't correct the text), can you still send me your save to check ?
Here are two saves : before I take the two towns and after the three weeks after I receive the report.
3.70 star(s) 3 Votes