Ah man cloud meadow now that was a disappointment, I loved the pixel animations but that game never updated and when it did there was no content.
Honestly with how breeding season went down I would have been surprised if it had made it all the way to the end.
And as much as I shit talk CoC2. Even if I think it's fumbling at times. At least it's moving somewhere and I can find some stuff to like as it continues.... man now I'm upsetti spaghetti
CoC2 isn't like an awful game or an awful dev cycle. It just has issues. It's at the right level of contentious where it's cathartic to talk about it without being so run down and busted that it starts feeling uncomfortable. For what it's worth, they haven't had another year as monumentally abysmal as 2022 so that also helps. There may be a bit of drama here and there. But, I fully expect CoC2 to make it across the finish line, one way or the other.
I never expected Cloud Meadow to even come close to the finish line.
Edit: Gonna stick this here
Really gotta wonder how the hell people who work in porn games keep fumbling the bag so hard most of the time. Guess people are so desperate to see even a single project succeed that they're willing to throw their money at anything, and once the devs notice that it's easy money, they just start shitting out "updates" that do nothing just to keep milking the cow until the supporters manage to shake off their coomer brain haze and come to their senses, at which point they just abandon the project and make away like bandits.
As a whole I think it's less cynical then that. You're right that people that back a project usually stay backed until the page dies. But, I believe fumbling the bag is less milking being the goal and more it being the last resort. You see all kinds of games die from breaching patreon ToS, insufficient funds, burn out, real life, or all sorts of other scenarios.
I obviously don't approve of some of the actual dead games still coasting by on goodwill for years before they announce their project had been dead for just as long. But, you can kind of understand when you view it from that kind of perspective of a person not wanting to suddenly cut off their livelihood before they get something else going.