Well, considering the next three updates are two days a piece, and will be larger, it'll be a while yet. .12 (Day 27 & 28) will be late March/early April. .13 (Day 29 & 30) won't probably be out until some point during the summer (Late June, early July maybe?) and that'll leave .14 for sometime during the autumn (Oct/Nov)
That's how I see it at least
I think you're being optimistic.
3-3.5 mo is recent updates, but the next one we're told will be both big and late anyway because Cosy had a well earned break over Christmas. To me, that means at least 4 months, from now, so I'd put it mid-Apr.
The 2 after that..well, we don't have any real info, but I doubt the closing of this chapter is going to see a lot of small updates, so again I'd have them taking even getting longer, so let's say 4.5 months (early Sep) and 5 months (early Feb 2026), and I fear that even that is probably a little optimistic. (I fear it wont be much before mid-2026)
Then there will apparently be a timejump with perhaps another update after that that wont be formatted as days passing so much as just a description of how things go between those periods...this could either be scheduled as closing off this chapter or starting up the next (or maybe a little of both). So 'chapter 1' wont really be over for a while after that, depending on how it's handled.
nb. I think we're looking at 3 BIG updates because when you look at it, there is a LOT to fit into them. Sure, Sarah is likely to be collared on Friday, but Hannah & Catherine aren't likely to be left hanging either, and who knows what, if anything, will happen with Rachel. I think Alison and Misaki can be held over (gotta keep things chill while still in school after all), but they'll also need *some* kind of attention to get them to a place where that can be done.
Then add all the FF stuff, including hosting the council, machinations from the other houses, the Sarah stalker plotline, the factions splitting (I think 3 updates will be a bit short for that, but at the same time, I can't see it being put on hold for the multi-month timejump either, so I suppose it'll happen). Is Elizabeth going to return with a plan to destroy her mother? What about Annabelle?
Then of course, we have the relatively day to day 'hanging out' stuff which makes Cosy Cafe so enjoyable. (you do want Lucy, Vicky & Kitten content, don't you?)
There is a LOT to fit into 3 updates...therefore, they'll be BIG, and sadly, that will take time.
Personally, I'm telling myself to just put it aside and leave myself a reminder to check it out next year sometime, but considering I'm still posting here about this stuff, that 'plan' clearly isn't going well.
Yes, I've thought about this a lot...I've been considering writing my own AVN, and one part of that process, for me, is examining the AVN's I like and looking at how they're structured, and how things flow.