I am happy to see a game progressing so fast and that the dev is NOT being side-tracked by too much feedback and changing the grain idea. its a hard thing to do when faced with a public of opinion so hats off
however, I feel it is my duty to point out the flagrant discrimination being shown by the developer towards certain numbers. I have always respected the numbers 7,8 and 9 and am disgusted that the dev would show such contempt for these persecuted numerals by skipping them altogether and jumping from v0.0.6 to a full v0.1 just to spite them.
obviously some hurtful numerical incident clouds their past and troubles their soul for them to be so openly venomous and I, for one (and 2-9
), will be sending a strongly worded email to the head of F95's mathematical division in protest.
join me brothers and sisters, for we cannot allow developers to abuse our love of updates and show that we all respect our numbered system in solidarity...……..power to the.....erm…..ah crap! the meds have warn off......can someone else grab a soapbox?