Ranting Old Man

Oct 24, 2019
Okay here I go again.....

sex scene
alfa route:maude 3 sex, tracy 0 sex, sunny 0 sex, liza 1 sex, emma 1 sex, karla 2 sex, sophie 0 sex.

ntr route: maude 1 sex, tracy 1 sex, sunny 2 sex, liza 2 sex, emma 1 sex karla 0 sex,
sophie 4 sex.

impartial I doubt it
Keep this comment in mind please.

Dev confirmed he is building up Alpha route MC to bang Sunny & Tracy (Mom & sis).
MC already had sex with Maude, Karla, & Liza (Aunt)
This isn't a brain washing game where MC can just do all family members fast. He has to make it believable.
I would guess MC will get to bang Sunny or Tracy after 2 more updates. Again i'm just guessing here.
Ah, but it is. Brainwashing game, brainwashing from the NTR content through cock cconversion into whore. This isn't a valid argument because the Marcus does basically Brainwash people into completely different personalities without consequences. All he has to do is a little sweet talk and give them the D. I can appreciate the need for a longer build up for a jump to incest. But the build up for NTR route wasn't nearly long enough. It's actually immersion breaking. One of my main issues with it.

Based on the comments, I take it this is an ntr game with an avoidable alpha route? Is there counter opinions to this?

Can I get a heads up on how much is done from both routes and how often he develops the routes?
See the top quote. NTR is vastly more content. However I think King is going to turn that around. I'm willing to bet near the end of the game NTR content will start to get less and less while the Non-NTR content will increase more and more. I think the build up will have a much bigger/better pay off. At least if it doesn't trust will be close none existent from a good chunk for future projects and to be honest, I just don't see it turning out that way.

Two paths, NTR and non-NTR. (We can quibble over whether the latter is an "alpha" path or not: The MC certainly doesn't start out as one, but has a chance to grow and pursue multiple relationships.) The two paths are roughly equally weighted in content, but the incestuous relationships (Mum, Sister) progress slowly on the non-NTR path.
That paths currently are far from equal, they Aren't equal in the amount of sex scense nor the type of scenes.

The number of scenes are listed somewhere in this thread, it may be almost the same with a major focus on the NTR. The incest in the "alpha" route is non existant with the two main girls, mom and sis, while they were fucked like sluts in the NTR route, mom was pretty easy and was very fast to succumb to NTR.

Now the number may be somewhat the same, but the content it's not. The sex scenes in the NTR route are all well cared for, pretty kinky by what people say about them, with dialogue, many angles, etc. While in the "alpha" route you have plenty of BJ and the few sex with penetration that exist are pretty simple, with not too many angles, not too kinky, not too hot and ends pretty fast, aka not many renders, like they were done fast just to end them and proceed to say to the player on that route, there you have it a sex scene, don't complain now.

Now having in an update two sex scenes for the two routes, but in the NTR one there it's a threesome and a full fucking scene, while in the "alpha" there are BJ, would mean that both got the same number of sex scenes, but the content isn't even near the same.

The dev cares too much for the NTR route and people say he do a pretty good job with it, I hope I could say the same about the "alpha" route, but I can't.
Okay so I'm going to defend King a little here. I personally disagree with the "realism" he's aiming for because he's NTR content is generic NTR stereotypes like Cock conversations. However he is clearly trying to be realistic in many ways, like incest requiring a longer build up and a FUCKING VIRGIN or recently lost virginity MC isn't going to be super fucking kinky and know all the best sex moves. Vs Marcus has been a fucking sex deviant for years. So MC lacking variety currently makes sense. But as I said earlier in this post I do believe that King is achieving for a form of realism. Therefore the closer to the end , the more I think we will get some kinky shit from MC, he just currently lacks experience and expertise.
I also believe that a form of realism will come to NTR route. Woman Aren't so simple as they would all be willing to share a single guy that lacks a loving, caring or trusting attitude or that there wouldn't be consequences for his actions.

How is it "stalling" on Alpha route when MC already had sex with Maude, Karla, & Liza (Aunt)? like i just said.
Just because a MC does not sleep with a family member does not mean game is not progressing. Many people have an incest fetish (myself included). MC has moved to Hawaii (time game began) for not even 6 months. Again this is not a mind control game & game updates are not every month.

As a patron i am content on how dev is going about this, i would like updates faster but then again who doesn't & dev has RL obligations too (i'm guessing as he is human. lol).

1 of the reasons why so many devs abandon games is because people keep on talking crap & these are mostly people that don't even support game & all they can say is negative things.
Please, if you don't have anything positive or constructive to say than its better left unsaid.

I mean if you talk crap about Gumdrops then i will definitely join you. lol
This is a form for discussion about the games thread. People have the right to not like what is being produced and comment about it. If a Dev abandons a game because of hateful comments he wouldn't survive on any platform as a Dev. Also King isn't sensitive and ignores these comments and has also made it very clear he has a designed path and won't devate from it no matter what.

I for one cant wait to see Tracy having NTR sex for real not just a dream

it's not like that the NTR have it all and the guys are getting all the girls story-wise Tracy didn't do anything yet big with the MC friend or the boss ....having those scene in dreams not as HOT as knowing they are real.

so even though for the NTR fans we still want more you dun see them in this thread always crying for more or when this will happen most of the NTR players just enjoy the game and wait for the next update
I think the discrepancy between the types of content plays a huge roll in people's dissatisfaction. Look at it this way. There is more Sex NTR route, I mean actual sex, not sexual acts. And every one is kinkier. Although I personally believe that this will change with time as "Aphla" MC gains experience. That still doesn't make the game equal in foot (although it was never promised to be) but how would you now feel if my predictions (wild guesses more accurately) start to become true? What if NTR path Sexual Divants start having shit blow up in their face and the NTR path starts getting significantly less content while the "Alpha" path starts getting more content? Are you certain that NTR fans won't complain? Because I know they will, these comments are going to be like, "Dev finally broke and caved into NTR hate, this always happens. Dev gave in. " <---That's exactly how they will respond EVEN if it as Dev has ALWAYS said. He's got a story and a path and he isn't changing it for ANYONE.

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
See the top quote. NTR is vastly more content. However I think King is going to turn that around. I'm willing to bet near the end of the game NTR content will start to get less and less while the Non-NTR content will increase more and more. I think the build up will have a much bigger/better pay off. At least if it doesn't trust will be close none existent from a good chunk for future projects and to be honest, I just don't see it turning out that way.
That may be a real possibility. Once you have a pic of every woman with the MC in the overview instead of with others or "you have no information" then the other males have no one left to fuck. It's more or less like the final confrontation in Battle of the Bulges: "The contest is over and I managed to fuck a total of 0 girls. Take that, loser!" :D

However, that's for the Alpha path, where we already do not see what the other males do with their lovers. The Beta path is a whole different story.
Oct 15, 2020
However he is clearly trying to be realistic in many ways, like incest requiring a longer build up and a FUCKING VIRGIN or recently lost virginity MC isn't going to be super fucking kinky and know all the best sex moves. Vs Marcus has been a fucking sex deviant for years.
I also believe that a form of realism will come to NTR route. Woman Aren't so simple as they would all be willing to share a single guy that lacks a loving, caring or trusting attitude or that there wouldn't be consequences for his actions.
I only see a flaw with your way of thinking, if incest require "longer build up" why it isn't the same with the aunt? Because as far as I know an aunt is a fmily member too, and this aunt had no problem at all to be sexual with her nephew. And don't say it's because the aunt is a slut, because according to the aunt the mom was the same, and all the family members are pretty easy and slutty in the NTR path, so yeah, the "realism" don't work much when it's applied randomly.

The MC may be inexperience, but the womans he is fucking with, sure are not, again with proofs of that in the NTR path, so when you are having sex, if one has little experienced but the partner has more, she/he can guide the other, so again, not really realistic.

About realimst going in the NTR path, I pretty much doubt it, first King loves NTR, second every girl there is pretty slutty and dumb, third so far no one, even the sister, has had a problem with Marcus fucking other girls after knowing he has a GF, so yeah I don't see this having consecuences and also I don't see the content slowing, again, mostly because the devs love that content, so I think it will get even more and more content and more kinkier content, while the non-NTR path will try, TRY to be a bit better, but based on the work done so far, I pretty much doubt we will get a nice and satisfying non-ntr path, while people playing the NTR path will keep getting more and more satisfying updates until the end.

Ranting Old Man

Oct 24, 2019
I only see a flaw with your way of thinking, if incest require "longer build up" why it isn't the same with the aunt? Because as far as I know an aunt is a fmily member too, and this aunt had no problem at all to be sexual with her nephew. And don't say it's because the aunt is a slut, because according to the aunt the mom was the same, and all the family members are pretty easy and slutty in the NTR path, so yeah, the "realism" don't work much when it's applied randomly.

The MC may be inexperience, but the womans he is fucking with, sure are not, again with proofs of that in the NTR path, so when you are having sex, if one has little experienced but the partner has more, she/he can guide the other, so again, not really realistic.

About realimst going in the NTR path, I pretty much doubt it, first King loves NTR, second every girl there is pretty slutty and dumb, third so far no one, even the sister, has had a problem with Marcus fucking other girls after knowing he has a GF, so yeah I don't see this having consecuences and also I don't see the content slowing, again, mostly because the devs love that content, so I think it will get even more and more content and more kinkier content, while the non-NTR path will try, TRY to be a bit better, but based on the work done so far, I pretty much doubt we will get a nice and satisfying non-ntr path, while people playing the NTR path will keep getting more and more satisfying updates until the end.
See, I don't think so, they know he has a girlfriend but they are still hoping to be the one. The whole cheating life don't pay off. I'm sorry but unless he's got fuck you and shut up money, which he doesn't, they aren't that wealthy. Eventually it's going to catch up to him. Also spoilers for the next update suggest more alpha content, if that is accurate you might already start to see down.

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Also spoilers for the next update suggest more alpha content, if that is accurate you might already start to see down.
Hm, I'm not so sure about that. They said the Alpha teasers were just posted first and I think I remember King saying the next released will be more Beta focused again.

Ranting Old Man

Oct 24, 2019
Hm, I'm not so sure about that. They said the Alpha teasers were just posted first and I think I remember King saying the next released will be more Beta focused again.
Well I'm just speculating. Maybe you guys right, it's Kings game only thing I know about King for sure is, it don't matter what his fans want, his supports want, NTR fans want or Non-NTR fans want. He's sworn that the game will follow only his design so how it ends ia how he wanted it to end and will likely impact his future work if he continues making games at all. Say your right and NTR stays the main focus and never catches up nor feels satisfying. He will likely loose some of the support of those who followed none NTR paths. However given that those who like NTR really enjoy his NTR content he will likely gain more NTR fans as followers or supporters. How the game ends will ultimately define where it sits from here. At the end of the day is called a visual novel, not porno generater. The writing ability and story telling is what will place this title in the future and as most writers suggest, a book is only as good as it's ending. If he writes a very good ending, it really won't matter what the content is.
I have faith that since King has declared that his game will only be his vision that the ending will have surprises that toss everyone for a loop and brings an actual satisfactory conclusion for the story as a whole. I really don't believe that the "Beta" route is going to have any happy endings for anyone, including the antagonist and protagonist. I believe that everyone will get a bitter ending. Everyone says King likes NTR so much l, but I've never actually seen him say he prefers one path over the other, thats always been speculation coming from people based on the amount of content coming from the different paths, but the more I play the game on either path the more I see things differently. I don't think he favors NTR at all, Nor do I think he favors Non-NTR path. I think there is a story going on during both paths that he hasn't foreshadowed too much yet that will likely have an affect on both paths. I think King favors his story and since everyone is more focused on who's banging who we are probably missing some big foreshadowing going on in the background.

Anyways, I'm just offering alternative views to the NTR gets everything and we get nothing view because I really don't believe that's how this is going to end. I think the pay offs are going to be very different yet equally satisfying from a end of story perspective.
Oct 15, 2020
Everyone says King likes NTR so much l, but I've never actually seen him say he prefers one path over the other...
I don't remember right now if he has stated that he loves NTR in this thread, but you only have to see his old comments in other threads to see he loves NTR, that to him "a game with NTR adds spicy to the game", that "a game where only the MC is the one fucking is boring and without NTR the games are ruined", or he asking for "how to get the NTR content in other games?", that "every game needs an antagonist and NTR to be realistic", etc.

There's more, but yeah, it pretty much shows his preference and that the non-NTR path was an after-thought to get more income, but since he loves NTR, it has shown in the game, in the scenes, in the "spicy" content being in one route, hell the "alpha" path needed more than a year(1'5 years or so?) and many many updates to have any kind of "sexual" content, other than stopping the antagonist's attempts to fuck the girls again and again, while the NTR path to that point had many scenes, so yeah, it isn't hard when looking at the scenes of one route and the other to see where his focus is, he can say many things about only doing his story and all that, but he also said that they were going to do Sunny right in both paths because " hooking tracy with lucas on the first date was our big mistake" so they didn't want to make another one, but I'm still not seeing that they did right Sunny in both paths for example, beta she is fucking like a pornstar, "alpha" is doing nothing, or that we would be able to " cuck the rivals by getting there girlfriends and family members " (a comment from 2018), yet still nothing of that kind in "alpha".

So I'm not really trusting much of what is said by the devs, even less after said dev has said more than once that the scenes in "alpha" are the same if not more than in beta path, and that the content is 50/50, when in the same update "alpha" gets top a BJ with 1 angle, while beta gets a threesome with multiple angles, you will say same number of "sex scenes" yeah, but they aren't the same at all and when pointed to him he just ignores it and keeps saying his speach of having roughtly the same content, same sex scenes and all and that the only thing missing in alpha is sunny and tracy, so yeah hard to believ it will get to a point where the "alpha" would be kinky and satisfying, and where the beta will get "realistic" and the girls would start using their brains and stop fucking the typical NTR guy after having no problem fucking him all the time, yeah I doub it will ever happen.


Devoted Member
Mar 28, 2017
Well I'm just speculating. Maybe you guys right, it's Kings game only thing I know about King for sure is, it don't matter what his fans want, his supports want, NTR fans want or Non-NTR fans want. He's sworn that the game will follow only his design so how it ends ia how he wanted it to end and will likely impact his future work if he continues making games at all. Say your right and NTR stays the main focus and never catches up nor feels satisfying. He will likely loose some of the support of those who followed none NTR paths. However given that those who like NTR really enjoy his NTR content he will likely gain more NTR fans as followers or supporters. How the game ends will ultimately define where it sits from here. At the end of the day is called a visual novel, not porno generater. The writing ability and story telling is what will place this title in the future and as most writers suggest, a book is only as good as it's ending. If he writes a very good ending, it really won't matter what the content is.
I have faith that since King has declared that his game will only be his vision that the ending will have surprises that toss everyone for a loop and brings an actual satisfactory conclusion for the story as a whole. I really don't believe that the "Beta" route is going to have any happy endings for anyone, including the antagonist and protagonist. I believe that everyone will get a bitter ending. Everyone says King likes NTR so much l, but I've never actually seen him say he prefers one path over the other, thats always been speculation coming from people based on the amount of content coming from the different paths, but the more I play the game on either path the more I see things differently. I don't think he favors NTR at all, Nor do I think he favors Non-NTR path. I think there is a story going on during both paths that he hasn't foreshadowed too much yet that will likely have an affect on both paths. I think King favors his story and since everyone is more focused on who's banging who we are probably missing some big foreshadowing going on in the background.

Anyways, I'm just offering alternative views to the NTR gets everything and we get nothing view because I really don't believe that's how this is going to end. I think the pay offs are going to be very different yet equally satisfying from a end of story perspective.
There was already a change more than 1 year ago.So I am not sure the dev not listening to the fans is truth.

Ranting Old Man

Oct 24, 2019
I mean look, the game is still a 3 1/2 Stars. If it was as bad as everyone thinks it would be 3 stars or less. Obviously King is doing something right. Not perfect but doing it right. I've seen other games with mixed content get rated 2 stars easy, being a NTR game
I don't remember right now if he has stated that he loves NTR in this thread, but you only have to see his old comments in other threads to see he loves NTR, that to him "a game with NTR adds spicy to the game", that "a game where only the MC is the one fucking is boring and without NTR the games are ruined", or he asking for "how to get the NTR content in other games?", that "every game needs an antagonist and NTR to be realistic", etc.

There's more, but yeah, it pretty much shows his preference and that the non-NTR path was an after-thought to get more income, but since he loves NTR, it has shown in the game, in the scenes, in the "spicy" content being in one route, hell the "alpha" path needed more than a year(1'5 years or so?) and many many updates to have any kind of "sexual" content, other than stopping the antagonist's attempts to fuck the girls again and again, while the NTR path to that point had many scenes, so yeah, it isn't hard when looking at the scenes of one route and the other to see where his focus is, he can say many things about only doing his story and all that, but he also said that they were going to do Sunny right in both paths because " hooking tracy with lucas on the first date was our big mistake" so they didn't want to make another one, but I'm still not seeing that they did right Sunny in both paths for example, beta she is fucking like a pornstar, "alpha" is doing nothing, or that we would be able to " cuck the rivals by getting there girlfriends and family members " (a comment from 2018), yet still nothing of that kind in "alpha".

So I'm not really trusting much of what is said by the devs, even less after said dev has said more than once that the scenes in "alpha" are the same if not more than in beta path, and that the content is 50/50, when in the same update "alpha" gets top a BJ with 1 angle, while beta gets a threesome with multiple angles, you will say same number of "sex scenes" yeah, but they aren't the same at all and when pointed to him he just ignores it and keeps saying his speach of having roughtly the same content, same sex scenes and all and that the only thing missing in alpha is sunny and tracy, so yeah hard to believ it will get to a point where the "alpha" would be kinky and satisfying, and where the beta will get "realistic" and the girls would start using their brains and stop fucking the typical NTR guy after having no problem fucking him all the time, yeah I doub it will ever happen.
Then actions have consequences. If king don't please, ignores or only give crumbs to the non-NTR group all the way through the end. He won't be as trusted next time through by many people and he'll likely not recover from it. This game is far from a Seeds of Chaos. He can't make it with NTR fans alone. I'm just not ready to call it until the game is marked as completed. I'll judge the final product, the end of story and I'll wait until then. If nothing changes I'll review the game and the Dev accordingly and I feel that's what everyone should do. Wait and see then review.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean look, the game is still a 3 1/2 Stars. If it was as bad as everyone thinks it would be 3 stars or less. Obviously King is doing something right. Not perfect but doing it right. I've seen other games with mixed content get rated 2 stars easy, being a NTR game

Then actions have consequences. If king don't please, ignores or only give crumbs to the non-NTR group all the way through the end. He won't be as trusted next time through by many people and he'll likely not recover from it. This game is far from a Seeds of Chaos. He can't make it with NTR fans alone. I'm just not ready to call it until the game is marked as completed. I'll judge the final product, the end of story and I'll wait until then. If nothing changes I'll review the game and the Dev accordingly and I feel that's what everyone should do. Wait and see then review.
Bro listen. You will die of old age before this game is complete. We aren't going to see an update this month either from their patreon. I love the game, but let's just be real on this time table:
CS Ch2 .6 - April
CS Ch2 .7 - Aug
CS Ch2 .8 - Dec
CS Ch2 .9 - Mar

Continuing this pace based on recent history - and assuming we will have 5 chapters,
you will age several years. Let's assume in between those years they have a staff change or hiatus...

We can calculate we will enjoy Culture Shock [Final] between 2027-2030 perhaps.

EDIT: If they only have 3 chapters though, which is sad because less content.....but then we might see something like 2024-2026
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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
Okay here I go again.....

Keep this comment in mind please.

Ah, but it is. Brainwashing game, brainwashing from the NTR content through cock cconversion into whore. This isn't a valid argument because the Marcus does basically Brainwash people into completely different personalities without consequences. All he has to do is a little sweet talk and give them the D. I can appreciate the need for a longer build up for a jump to incest. But the build up for NTR route wasn't nearly long enough. It's actually immersion breaking. One of my main issues with it.

See the top quote. NTR is vastly more content. However I think King is going to turn that around. I'm willing to bet near the end of the game NTR content will start to get less and less while the Non-NTR content will increase more and more. I think the build up will have a much bigger/better pay off. At least if it doesn't trust will be close none existent from a good chunk for future projects and to be honest, I just don't see it turning out that way.

That paths currently are far from equal, they Aren't equal in the amount of sex scense nor the type of scenes.

Okay so I'm going to defend King a little here. I personally disagree with the "realism" he's aiming for because he's NTR content is generic NTR stereotypes like Cock conversations. However he is clearly trying to be realistic in many ways, like incest requiring a longer build up and a FUCKING VIRGIN or recently lost virginity MC isn't going to be super fucking kinky and know all the best sex moves. Vs Marcus has been a fucking sex deviant for years. So MC lacking variety currently makes sense. But as I said earlier in this post I do believe that King is achieving for a form of realism. Therefore the closer to the end , the more I think we will get some kinky shit from MC, he just currently lacks experience and expertise.
I also believe that a form of realism will come to NTR route. Woman Aren't so simple as they would all be willing to share a single guy that lacks a loving, caring or trusting attitude or that there wouldn't be consequences for his actions.

This is a form for discussion about the games thread. People have the right to not like what is being produced and comment about it. If a Dev abandons a game because of hateful comments he wouldn't survive on any platform as a Dev. Also King isn't sensitive and ignores these comments and has also made it very clear he has a designed path and won't devate from it no matter what.

I think the discrepancy between the types of content plays a huge roll in people's dissatisfaction. Look at it this way. There is more Sex NTR route, I mean actual sex, not sexual acts. And every one is kinkier. Although I personally believe that this will change with time as "Aphla" MC gains experience. That still doesn't make the game equal in foot (although it was never promised to be) but how would you now feel if my predictions (wild guesses more accurately) start to become true? What if NTR path Sexual Divants start having shit blow up in their face and the NTR path starts getting significantly less content while the "Alpha" path starts getting more content? Are you certain that NTR fans won't complain? Because I know they will, these comments are going to be like, "Dev finally broke and caved into NTR hate, this always happens. Dev gave in. " <---That's exactly how they will respond EVEN if it as Dev has ALWAYS said. He's got a story and a path and he isn't changing it for ANYONE.
I'm sure he's never going to betray his NTR brotherhood. He's one of the popular dev with many appreciations in the NTR community of discord. He actually is a NTR fan too. Thats why his game scored so many marks in beta path. This game thread got 3.5 was because of his loyal NTR fans. NTR fans have less worthy games to enjoy. So, when they see a quality NTR game with hot models and kinky sex from antagonists, they'll put all their money in those games. That's why, although you see NTR games are less and getting less money support, 2 or 3 optional NTR games are doing very well with almost 70-80% patreons from ntr zone, but only 20% from non-ntr fans. One optional ntr got over 900 patreons, with dev admitted 80% fans comes from ntr zone. And another ntr focused optional game got over 1200 patreons, over 70% from ntr zone, as admitted by dev himself.

Non-NTR fans have too many options and many quality games.

And what about non-ntr fans in culture shock game then? Will dev betray non-ntr fans? That's not the point at all.

Because, inorder to betray, at first, he actually have to care for non-ntr fans. But, that's okay, as I said, non-ntr fans have many other tons of games. We are just time wasting here for hoping something impossible.
3.30 star(s) 81 Votes