There are a few different artists I've used. However artists don't always stick around and it's quite difficult to develop a lasting working relationship for a project like this. I've tried to use the same artist for the same area of the game and keep the artists at least close enough in visual style to keep the characters recognizable. I've gotten to the point now where there shouldn't be any more artists being involved with the project. I've narrowed it down to two artists one working on sfw content and one working on nsfw content and visual novel art.
I'm currently working on the next update however it looks like another delay as I've been targeted by identity fraud. Some shitty teenagers hacked my online banking and went on a spending spree taking out loans in my name so I'm basically skint while they investigate which may take 2 weeks. Still working on the game. But I'm having to do a lot of unofficial cash in hand work on the side so I can afford important stuff like food ..
Still I should be owed all that money back and I should be cleared of responsibility for the loans. So as soon as my bloody bank can get their arse in gear and bring my finances back in order the sooner I can get back to work on the game.
Happy you like my work

If you have any feedback feel free to join my discord server. I'm always up for a chat.